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The Nature Of Human Beings

By: Nick Vlodek

What is a Hero?

By definition, a hero
is a man who is
admired for his
achievements and
noble qualities or
one that shows
great courage.

What Was The Holocaust?

The Holocaust was the mass

killing of six million Jews in
Europe during World War II.
Adolf Hitler was in power
and ushered in the
Hitler convinced the German
population that the white
race was superior to other
He said that the German
people were superior to all
others in the world and that
they should rise up into the
power they deserved.

What Does It Mean To Be A

Righteous Person?

The definition of a
righteous person is
someone who acts
in accordance with
virtue; someone
who is without guilt
or sin.

Was Oskar Shindler A Hero?

Oskar Schindler spent most of

his money in order to run a
He hired about 1200 Jewish
workers so they could be pulled
out of the concentration camps.
Schindler was a hero.
He showed great courage for
risking himself to save the Jews
at risk.
He is greatly admired by all of
the Jewish people who he
saved (as shown by the ring he
was given) and many other
people today.

Did He Have A Choice?

Schindler had a choice

to save the Jews, and
that is why he was a
He could have just hired
non-Jewish workers,
but he decided to use
his wealth and influence
to save as many Jews
as he could.

Was He A Moral Person?

The definition of a moral person

is someone who operates or
functions based on ones
conscience or ethical judgment;
someone capable of right and
Schindler was definitely a moral
person because although he
saved many human beings
during the holocaust, he
showed he was capable of
wrong actions as well.
Along with having countless
affairs, he first tried to capitalize
on the Holocaust by opening a
factory where he made
enamelware for the German

Why Do Cultures
Discriminate or Kill Based on

Religion is a very sacred thing

to many people around the
People dont want the most
sacred thing in the world to
them to be disrespected.
Many people will do something
simply because they are given
orders by someone in a position
of power in the religion.
Some people have been
brainwashed to believe that if
you are not a member of their
religion that you are the enemy,
and the enemy must be wiped

Who Would Risk Everything

to Protect Fellow Man?

Someone who is very

caring and different
from most other people
would risk everything to
protect others.
The only explanation of
this would be that they
have a deep
conscience that makes
them feel like they need
to help other people
before thinking of

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