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Yasir Sharif
Waheeb Ahmed

Pollution is the
introduction of
contaminants into an
environment that
causes instability,
disorder, harm or
discomfort to the
Forms of pollution
Air pollution
 Air pollution is the action

of environmental
 contamination with
 man-made waste into the
 These are following gases
that are known as the
"Big Six" air pollutants":
1.Carbon Dioxide
2.Carbon Monoxide
3.Sulfur Oxide
4.Nitrogen Oxide
5.Hydrocarbons (Benzene,
Terpene, etc.)

Effects of Air pollution
 Smog
 Damage to Plants
 Damage to living creatures
 Ozone Depletion
 Global Warming

Water Pollution

 Water pollution is the action of environmental

contamination with man-made waste into
water. The source of this waste could be raw
sewage, chemicals, trash, or fertilizer.
Water pollution has severe human
consequences, since less than 3% of the
Earth contains water that is potable or safe
for drinking.

Effects of Water Pollution
 The food chain is damaged
 Diseases can spread via polluted water.
 Acid rain
 Altered water temperatures (due to human
actions) can kill the marine life.
Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is an
unpleasant and
annoying sound
caused by the
vibration of the
matter. vibration
impinge on the ear
drum of the human
or animal and set up
a nervous
disturbance, which
we call sound.
Effects of Noise Pollution
 Hearing loss
 Cardiovascular effects
 Stress
 Annoyance
 Depression

Land Pollution

Land pollution is the
action of
contamination with
man-made waste on

Effects of land pollution

 Exterminates wild life

 Acid rain kills trees and other plants.
 Vegetation that provides food and shelter is
 It can seriously disrupt the balance of
nature, and, in extreme cases, can cause
human fatalities.

Sources of Air pollution
 Motor vehicles
 Industry
 Smog
 Decomposition of waste
 Deforestation
Sources of Water pollution
 Sewage and waste water
 Industries
 Marine Dumping
 Eutrophication
Sources of Noise pollution
 Trafficnoise
 Low flying military aircrafts
 People living beside railway stations and

Sources of Land pollution
 Demolition and construction
 Domestic and nuclear wastes
 Industrial wastes
Solution For Air Pollution
 Heavy Plantation
 Cars fitted with catalytic converters
 Barriers on industries
 Using Hybrid cars

Solution For Water Pollution
 Reducing Nutrient and Pesticide Pollution
 Prevent further destruction wetlands, and
reestablish them wherever possible
 Improve sewage treatment
 Stopping Deforestation
 Marine dumping should be banned
 Oil spill cleanups

Solution For Noise Pollution
 Building industries, airports and railways
away from the city
 Building thick walls of industries
 lubricate train rails Reduce train derailment
& rail wear
 Using ear plugs
 Less Sound Means More Peace
Solution For Land Pollution
 Reducing the use of non-biodegradable
 Reusing the products in its final form
 Using Recycling methods to utilize the
material in different forms

 Reference:
 Pictures:

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