Using Team in Organization

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San Beda College | College of Arts & Science | Department of Business

Management & Entrepreneurship

Using Team in
Ms. Reschelle F. Veran, MBA

San Beda College | College of Arts & Science | Department of Business

Management & Entrepreneurship

Chapter Learning Objectives

Differentiate teams from groups.

Identify and discuss the benefits and costs of
teams in organizations.
Identify and describe various types of teams.

Describe how organizations implement the use

of teams.
Discuss other essential team issues.

San Beda College | College of Arts & Science | Department of Business

Management & Entrepreneurship

Differentiating Teams from Groups

Team Defined
A small number of people with complementary skills who are
committed to:
a common purpose
common performance goals
an approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable
Required skills:
Technical and functional job skills
Problem solving and decision-making skills
Interpersonal skills

San Beda College | College of Arts & Science | Department of Business

Management & Entrepreneurship

Differences Between Teams and Traditional Work


San Beda College | College of Arts & Science | Department of Business

Management & Entrepreneurship

Group versus Team




Reward systems

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Management & Entrepreneurship

San Beda College | College of Arts & Science | Department of Business

Management & Entrepreneurship

Reward Systems
for Teams




San Beda College | College of Arts & Science | Department of Business

Management & Entrepreneurship

Reward System for employees is vital for the long-term of

3 Types of reward systems:
1. Skilled Based Pay require team members to acquire a
set of the core still needed to for their particular team plus
additional special skills, depending on career tracks or team
2.Gain-sharing system- reward all team member for all
teams based on the performance of the organization, division
or plant.
3 Team Bonus Plans similar to gain-sharing system
plans except the unit of performance and pay is the team
rather than a plant, division or entire organization

San Beda College | College of Arts & Science | Department of Business

Management & Entrepreneurship

Benefits of Teams in Organizations

Environment Benefits





San Beda College | College of Arts & Science | Department of Business

Management & Entrepreneurship

Benefits of Teams in Organizations

4 Categories of Benefits
1. Enhanced Performance enables workers to avoid
wasted effort , reduce error and react better to
2. Employees Benefits employees have better work life,
face less stress at work, and make less use of employees
assistance programs.
3. Reduced cost- empowered team reduce scrap, make
fewer worker compensations claims, reduce
absenteeism and turn-over
4. Organizational enhancements- increased in innovation,
creativity, and flexibility.

San Beda College | College of Arts & Science | Department of Business

Management & Entrepreneurship

Costs of Teams in Organizations

Managerial role

Managerial sense of loss

of usefulness

Difficulties in
changing to a

Employee resistance
to role changes

Cumbersome and lengthy

team development process

Losses due to premature

abandonment of the process

San Beda College | College of Arts & Science | Department of Business

Management & Entrepreneurship

Types of Teams



Team Types


Product Development


San Beda College | College of Arts & Science | Department of Business

Management & Entrepreneurship

Types of Teams
1. Quality Circles small groups of employees from the
same work area who are regularly meet to discuss and
recommend solutions to workplace problems.
2. Work teams- include all the people working in an area, are
relatively permanent, and do daily work, making decision
regarding how the work of a team is done.
3. Problem-solving team temporary team established to
attack specific problems in a workplace.
4. Management teams consist of managers from various
areas, they coordinate work team
5. Product Development teams- combination of work
team, problem-solving team that create new designs for
product or services that will satisfy customer needs.
6. Virtual Teams-work together by computer and other
electronic communication utilities.

San Beda College | College of Arts & Science | Department of Business

Management & Entrepreneurship

Implementing Teams in Organizations

Changing to a Team-Based Situation
Planning the Change
Making the decision
Change leaders competencies

Have a strong belief that employees want to be responsible

for their own work
Be able to demonstrate the team philosophy
Articulate a coherent vision of the team environment

Have the creativity/authority to overcome obstacles as they


San Beda College | College of Arts & Science | Department of Business

Management & Entrepreneurship

Planning the Change

Making the decision
Change leaders competencies
Have a strong belief that employees want to be responsible
for their own work
Be able to demonstrate the team philosophy
Articulate a coherent vision of the team environment
Have the creativity/authority to overcome obstacles as they

San Beda College | College of Arts & Science | Department of Business

Management & Entrepreneurship

Change Process
Leader establishes steering committee to explore the
organizations readiness for the team environment and
lead it through the planning and preparation for the
Establish a feasibility study
Make a go or no-go decision

Steps involved in preparing for implementation:

Clarify the mission
Select the site for the first work teams
Prepare the design team
Plan the transfer of authority
Draft the preliminary plan

San Beda College | College of Arts & Science | Department of Business

Management & Entrepreneurship

Implementation Phases
Phase 1 -Start-up
Select and train team members
Identify team boundaries
Adjust preliminary plan to fit
the particular team situations

Phase 2 -Reality and unrest: Managers roles

Provide encouragement
Monitor team performance
Act as intermediaries between teams
Help teams acquire needed resources
Foster the right type of communication
Protect teams from those who want to see them fail

San Beda College | College of Arts & Science | Department of Business

Management & Entrepreneurship

Phase 3 - Leader-centered teams

Encourage strong internal team leaders
Assist each team in development of its
own sense of identity

Phase 4 - Tightly formed teams

Keep communication channels with other teams open
Provide performance feedback
Transfer authority/responsibility to all team members

Phase 5 - Self-managing teams: keeping teams on track

Continue job-team-interpersonal skill training
Improve support systems for facilitation of team
development and productivity
Improve internal customer/supplier relationships

San Beda College | College of Arts & Science | Department of Business

Management & Entrepreneurship

Phases of Team Implementation

San Beda College | College of Arts & Science | Department of Business

Management & Entrepreneurship

Essential Team Issues

Necessities for Team-Based
Organizational Success

Performancebased reasons
for teams

planning of

of strategies

San Beda College | College of Arts & Science | Department of Business

Management & Entrepreneurship

Performance and Implementation of Teams

San Beda College | College of Arts & Science | Department of Business

Management & Entrepreneurship

Thank you!

Griffin, Moorhead, 2012, Human Behavior in Organization,2nd Edition, Singapore: Cengage Learning
Asia Pte Ltd.

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