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Bay Laurus Nobilis

2. The mother name

Laurel is the mother

Analisi morfologikoa:
Laurus nobilis is an aromatic evergreen tree or large shrub with
green, glossy leaves, native to the Mediterranean region. It is one
of the plants used for bay leaf seasoning in cooking. It is known
as bay laurel, sweet bay, bay tree (esp. United Kingdom), true
laurel, Grecian laurel, laurel tree or simply laurel. Laurus
nobilis figures prominently in classical Greek, Roman, and
Biblical culture.

Laurel in Classical authors

-Pedro eta
-Zizeroren heriotzaAurgusturen heriotza
-Hitz aurrea
-Livio Andronikoren

-Homero Odisea IX 186
-Hesodo Teog. XXX; Trab
y das 435 ss
-Pausanias VIII 20,2
-Teofrasto II 1,3; II 5,6; III
7,3; IV 13,7
-Virgilio 45-55
-Ovidio Met. I 452-600
- Dioscrides I,78; I 40
-Plinio XIII 152-157; XV
130,134, 137; XXIV 132
-Suetonio Galba I

Laurels drawing

The mithological history of the laurel:
- A lot of years ago,an arrow has trown
which had two points, the love and the
hate. Apollo twew an arrow,that arrow
had two ways to be trwon, the first one
was the love and the other one was to
hate. He has trown the incorrect one to
Dafne and she hated Apolo and he has
trwon the love way to himself so he felt
in love with Dafne,
- So with a bit of time she transformated
in a tree, but her love, Apollo kissed the
tree and started making a crown with
the laurels leaves.

Uses of the plant

-In the past they used the Laurels leave
to express a victory.
- It has proteins and its good to eat for the
stomach ache.
-Its good to use the leaves when you have
acne in your face.
-They used to make medicines and


- Is good to make medical things.
- Its a pretty plant to put in your house.
- It smells well.
- Its cool to put in your hair to decorate.



-One of the worst parts especially is the root.

Because its not good on the digestion .

The plant is the source of
several herbs and is one
spice used in a wide
variety of recipes.
Most commonly, the
aromatic leaves are
added whole to Italian
pasta sauces.

Lauris nobilis
oil in clear glass vial.
It smells really good,
and you can use it for
the house smell so
good too.

The Laurels leaves are known in three parts of water. That stopes the whine, its
good for the stomachache.
They recomend it to eat the fruit or to use it.
Folia decocta ad tertias partes aquae uvam cohibent gargarizatione, potu alvi dolores
intestinorumque, tenerrima ex is trita in vino papulas pruritusque inlita noctibus.
Las hojas (de laurel) cocidas en tres partes de agua, en grgaras detienen el vino;
en bebida, impiden los dolores de vientre e intestinos, y
sus granos mas tiernos macerados en vino, detiene el prurito, frotados en las noches.
(Plinio, Historia Natural XXIII. 8, (88), 157)

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