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Kaitan Tanggungjawab
Bangsa Pilihan wujud Kerajaan Tuhan
Kerajaan Tuhan kasih sayang dan kepatuhan
Dinasti Daud warisan Yahudi

Justifikasi Perkataan The Kingdom of

The word Kingdom of God is not found in the
Tanakh but is derived from statements in the
Wiritings and Prophets, for example:
And the Lord shall be King over all the earth
and in that day there shall be one Lord with
one name.
(Zech. 14:9)

Kingdom of God
The Kingdom of God or Reign of God (Greek:
- Basileia tou Theou
translates to the "reign of the God) is a
foundational concept in the three Abrahamic
religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

The Kingdom of God is referred to frequently
in the Tanakh (see 1 Chronicles 1 Chronicles
29:10-12 and Daniel 4:3 for example). It is tied
to Jewish understanding that God will restore
the nation of Israel to the land. The Kingdom
of God was expressly promised to King David,
because he was a man "after God's own
heart" (1 Samuel 13:14).

Tiga Asas Kerajaan Tuhan

Kerajaan Tuhan invisible (tidak boleh dilihat)
The Visible Kingdom berbentuk universal
The Visible Kingdom berbentuk nasional

Hujah/Sandaran Yahudi
The Kingdom of God dari Kitab Shema
Kitab Shema the very Truth (or essence) of
the Torah
Justifikasi pendeta:
l am the Lord your God
l am the Lord
- Merujuk kepada Kerajaan Tuhan

(i)Kerajaan Tuhan invisible

Bentuk spiritual
Pernyataan sikap pemikiran
He who is desious to received upon himself the
yoke of the kingdom of heaven let him first
prepare his body, wash his hands, lay his
Tephilin (Phylacteries), read the Shema, and
say his prayers. (Solomon Schechter)

Memusatkan hati
Memfokuskan pada Tuhan

(ii)The Visible Kingdom universal

2 bentuk universal & nasional
Universal - proses kejadian alam yang dapat
disaksikan & kekuasan Tuhan
Undang-undang kejadian manifestasi Iradat

Penciptaan alam bukti keagungan Tuhan
For l have created him for my glory
l have formed him;yea, l have made him (IS 43:7)
The Lord shall reign for ever and ever (Exod.
The Lord has made everything for himself (prov.

Pelaksanaan Kingship

Selepas manusia diciptakan

Tuhan cipta dunia
Keluarkan Malaikat pada hari kedua
Hari berikutnya menjadikan binatang

(iii)The visible kingdom - nasional

Kaitan dengan pembebasan orang Israel
Usaha membentuk semula pusat ibadat
As long as Israel is united into one league (that is
making bold front against any heresy, denying the
unity or the supremacy of God), the kingdom in
heaven is maintained by them;whilst Israel falling
off from God shakes the throne to its very
foundation in heaven (R. Simon)

Penebusan tribulasi
Konsep Messiah keturunan David,
peperangan akhir,pembentukan kerajaan baru
hegemony Israel, menjadi zaman

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