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Bacterial Signal Transduction

Transduksi Sinyal pada Bakteri

Bacterial Signal Transduction

Bagian dari Cell Communication

Mengapa sel harus berkomunikasi?

Untuk mengkoordinasikan proses kehidupan.
Organisme multiselular memiliki miliaran sel yang
harus berkomunikasi untuk berkembang dan
bertahan hidup. Komunikasi antar sel juga penting
untuk organisme uniseluler.
Ahli biologi telah menemukan beberapa mekanisme
universal regulasi seluler, yang melibatkan
mekanisme sinyal sel (cell-signaling mechanisms).
Sel dapat menerima berbagai sinyal: sinyal kimia,
sinyal elektromagnetik, dan sinyal mekanik.

Komunikasi antar sel

Example: Saccharomyces
cerevisiaethe fungus that
humans have used for
centuries to make bread, wine,
and beer. Use of chemical
signal to find potential
mates. Alpha () and a cells:

Signal Transduction
Signal transduction at the cellular level refers to the
movement of signals from outside the cell to inside.
Bacterial Signal Transduction: Two-Component
Regulatory Systems
In order to respond to changes in environmental
parameters, cells must be able to transmit the
information from the cell surface (site of induction) to the
cytoplasm (site of cellular response).

Definition: the action or process of converting something and especially

energy or a message into another form

Two-Component Sensory Transduction

General Mechanism
These systems consist of two separate proteins. The
first of these, the sensor/initiator [sensor kinase], is
tasked with reading an aspect of the environment and
generating a signal.
The second, the response regulator, must receive
the signal from the first protein and then act upon it in
some way.
Note: Many enzymes are regulated by phosphorylation. A phosphate
group is attached to the enzyme by another enzyme, called a protein
kinase. When the enzyme is phosphorylated it changes its shape and
thus its activity. Phosphorylation activates some enzymes and
inactivates others; by this means one protein kinase can control several

General Mechanism of Signal Transduction

Mekanisme Umum Transduksi Sinyal

Two-Component Systems consists

of two proteins, a sensor histidine
kinase and a response regulator.
Both proteins harbor two functional
important domains: The histidine
kinase detects a specific
environmental stimulus through its
sensor domain (input 1).
This leads to a conformational
change (2), resulting in ATPdependent autophosphorylation of a
invariant His residue (3). His~P
serves as the phosphate donor for
the receiver domain of the cognate
response regulator, resulting in
phosphorylation of a conserved Asp
residue and subsequently its
dimerization (4). This ultimately
leads to an activation of the effector
domain of the response regulator,
mediating the cellular response
(= output 5), usually by mediating
differential expression of specific
target genes (= regulon 6).

Reseptor sinyal: kebanyakan

berupa protein membran plasma
Kebanyakan molekul sinyal adalah molekul larut
dalam air dan ukurannya terlalu besar untuk melewati
membran plasma.
Molekul sinyal mempengaruhi aktivitas sel dengan
mengikat protein reseptor pada membran plasma.
Pengikatan molekul sinyal ini menyebabkan
perubahan bentuk reseptor atau agregasi reseptor.
Hal ini memicu perubahan dalam lingkungan
Tiga jenis utama reseptor adalah reseptor terikat
protein-G, reseptor tirosin kinase, dan reseptor


Binding of
messenger-Chemical messenger
binds to receptor
protein, and the protein
changes shape
change.) The
messenger fits into the
receptor like a key in a
lockit behaves as a

The fully-activated receptor
proteins activate a variety of
specific relay proteins that
bind to specific
phosphorylated tyrosine
One tyrosine-kinase
receptor dimer may
activate ten or more
different intracellular
proteins simultaneously.
These activated relay
proteins trigger many
different transduction
pathways and


Jalur Transduksi Sinyal

Jalur transduksi menyampaikan informasi. Ligan
mengikat ke reseptor pada membran plasma,
menyebabkan perubahan konformasi pada reseptor,
memicu kejadian beruntun (cascade events).
Protein reseptor yang diaktifkan mengaktifkan
serangkaian protein lain yang menyampaikan
informasi tersebut.
Fosforilasi protein merupakan mekanisme utama dari
transduksi sinyal dalam sel.

Protein kinase

Protein phosphotase

Signal Transduction Cascade

When the ligand binds to
the receptor, it triggers
some kind of
conformational change
that induces transduction.
In the diagram, a
phosphate group is being
passed through a
phosphorylation cascade.
Finally, there is some type
of response, usually once
the signal reaches the
nucleus, as it triggers
gene activation or
deactivation. Some
important points to
remember about signal
transduction pathways are
that they allow cell
communication, quick
response, and amplified

Signal Transduction
in Bacterial Chemotaxis

How do bacteria detect a chemical gradient?

Proteins called CheA and CheW are bound to the receptor. The former is the
histidine kinase for this system. Upon activation of the receptor, the CheA's
conserved histidine residue undergoes autophosphorylation. There are two
response regulators called CheB and CheY. There is a transfer of a
phosphoryl group to their conserved aspartate residue from CheA. CheY
subsequently interacts with the flagellar switch protein called FliM. This
induces the switching in flagellar direction from counter-clockwise to clockwise.

Chemotactic Swimming

Chemotactic Swimming

Physiological Functions :
Two-component systems regulate diverse responses including

nutrient acquisition : nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon

energy metabolism : electron transport systems, uptake
and catabolic machinery
adaptation to physical or chemical aspects of the environment
: chemotaxis, pH, osmolarity, light quality
complex developmental pathways : sporulation, fruiting body
development, swarmer cell production
virulence : plasmid transfer (conjugation), degredative secretions, toxin
Quorum sensing

Two-component systems: protein component:

DctB/DctD - dicarboxylate transport in Rhizobium leguminosarum
EnvZ/OmpR osmoregulation in E. coli
NtrB/NtrC - nitrogen assimilation in a variety of bacteria
PhoR/PhoB - phosphate scavenging in E. coli
VirA/VirG - virulence by Agrobacterium tumefaciens
A 125 amino acid peptide segment is "conserved" in one subset of these
gene products: OmpR, PhoB, NtrC, DctD, VirG
A "homologous" segment is present in these regulatory proteins:
Spo0A - sporulation

Spo0F - sporulation
CheY chemotaxis
CheB chemotaxis

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