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Practice Occupational Health

and Safety Standards

Safety refers to the physical or environmental conditions of work

which comply with prescribe Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)
Standards and which allow the workers to perform his or her job
without or within acceptable exposure to hazards. Occupational
safety also refers to practices related to production and work
Health means a sound state of the body and mind of the workers
that enables him or her to perform the job normally.
OSH Standards are mandatory rules and standards set and enforced
to eliminate or reduce occupational safety and health hazards in the


Purpose of OSH Standards

OSH Standard aim to provide at least the

minimum acceptable degree of protection that
must be afforded to every worker in relation to
the working conditions and dangers of injury,
sickness or death that may be arise by reason of
his or her occupation. The provision of OSH
Standards by the State is an exercise of the
police power, with the intention of promoting
the welfare and well-being of workers.


General OSH Standards


All establishment, workplaces and other undertakings

are covered, including agricultural enterprises whether
operating for profit or not, except:
Residential places exclusively devoted to dwelling
Those directly engaged in land, sea and air
transportation, except their dry dockers, garages,
hangers and maintenance, and repair shops and offices;
The activities of a lessee regarding the safety of the
mining claim or lease, including mines safety, mineral
conservation and pollution in establishments or work
places falling under mining industry.

A. Hazard and Risks


Hazard: A potentially dangerous inherent property of a

that may exist in substance and materials .
Hazard Identification: Recognition of the potential of
a substance and materials to cause harm to human
health or the environment.

Risk: Probability that a given exposure to a substance

will cause harm.
is a function of the intrinsic hazard of a
substance and the dose of exposure to that substance.


B. Evaluate Hazard and Risks

Hazard evaluation involves an examination of the chemical, physical,

and biological properties of a substance. A very high pH (alkali), for
example, could indicate that a chemical is corrosive to the skin and
mucous membranes. Properties of flammability or explosivity
indicate the need for special handling and management. Other
properties that may indicate potential environmental harm include a
substances persistence in the environment, its ability to accumulate
in tissues along the food chain, or its potential to cause toxicity.
Inhalation, or exposure through the air
Ingestion, or exposure by eating or accidentally swallowing
Dermal exposure, or exposure on or through the skin


Thats the Intro!

Lets move on.


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