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Citing sources for your

academic writing
Week 5-7
Summarized from different sources by
Nugrahenny T. Zacharias

Your academic writing is a

collaboration between you and your
sources. In other words, it is a
combination of what you say with
what they say

Why citing from sources?

to give credibility to your writing.
Help to ensure that your summary is fair &
Look, Im not just making this up. She
makes this claim and here it is in her exact

Therefore, it is ethical to
acknowledge your sources.
If you dont, you are guilty of


You plagarize when:

Taken from Hacker, D. (2003). A writers reference (5th ed.). New York:
Bedford St.Martins

You fail to cite quotations & borrowed

You fail to enclose borrowed language in
quotation marks; and
You fail to put summaries and
paraphrases in your own words.

Kinds of citations
In text:

End of text : References

Adapted from
As he himself puts it The Art of quoting
in Graff, G. and Birkenstein, C. (2006). They say I say: The
moves that matter in academic writing (pp.39-47). NY: W.W.
Norton & Company, Inc.
Hacker, D. (2003). A writers reference (5th ed.). New York:
Bedford St.Martins

What is a quote?

Using somebody elses exact

words in your writing

What & when to quote

You quote when you could not
summarize/paraphrase an idea without
changing the meaning or giving it a different
definition of terms.

Some examples of
writing a quote

Example 1
The first attempt to challenge the concept
of native speaker was Paikedays (1985).
The native speaker is dead, in which it is
argued that the native speaker exist only
as a figment of linguists imagination
(Paikeday, 1985, p. 12). Paikeday
suggested using the term proficient user of
a language to refer to all speakers who can
successfully use it.

Example 2
Medgyes (1992) attempts to differentiate
between native speaker and non-native
speaker, arguing that non-native speakers
can never achieve a native speakers
competence because they can never be as
creative and original as those whom they
have learnt to copy (pp. 342-343).

Activity 1: Group work

Go through the article by Selvi All
teachers are equal, but some
teachers are more equal than others
and find 3 quotes.
Type the 3 quotation into a word

Class Feedback

Do not quote too little.
Do not overquote.
Quotation does not speak for themselves: you
need to integrate what they say with what
you say.

Presenting a quote
Grammatically coherent with the text.
Avoid dangling quotation. Ideally, a quote needs to
be accompanied with a quotation sandwich (p.42):

top slice: statement introducing why it is worth

quoting & who is speaking;
bottom slice: explains why you consider the
quotation to be important and what you want the
readers to take away from.

Activity 2: Group work

Refer back to the 3 quotes you find
from Selvi and identify the quotation
sandwich for each of them. Underline
the quotation sandwich.
Filename: Quote name.doc

Class Feedback

Templates for quoting

Graff & Birkenstein

pp. 43-44.

When quoting:
introduce quotation with a signal phrase that
includes the last name of the author and year of
publication in brackets.

the material being cited is followed by a page

number in brackets.
At the end of the paper, an alphabetized list of

references gives publication information about the


Presenting a quote

< 40 words
> 40 words

Presenting a quote < 40 words

Conceptual thinking, for Vygotsky (1998), is
a new form of intellectual activity (p.56).
Conceptual thinking is a new form of
intellectual activity (Vygotsky, 1998, p. 56).

Quoting a passage >40 words

In stressing the central role of dialogic mediation in cognitive
development, Lantolf and Thorne (2006) argued that
the relationship of learning to development hinges on
dialogic mediation, on the ways in which socialization
processes involving the inculcation of concepts through
practical-critical activity, mediated by direct adult and/or
peer intervention, provide opportunities for the
construction of psychological tools through which
developing individuals are able to increasingly participate
in and produce culturally organized activity (p. 289).

Condensing a quote
Use the ellipsis mark (three spaced periods) to indicate that
youve omitted words. What remains must be grammatically
The OHP [overhead projector] is where they
come together. With the intermediaire, working
on describing past events, I might announce a
theme, World War II, and ask them to come to

class with any vocabulary they know, in English

or French, and we put it on the OHP. (Freeman
& Johnson, 2005, p.83)

Tenses for
integrating sources

Tenses for integrating sources

APA recommends using the past
tense/present perfect tense to introduce
Davis noted that .
Davis has noted that
Davis notes that

Use present tense for discussing the result of

an experiment or a study:
The results show
or explaining conclusions that are not in
Researches agree that

Homework: Using quote

In pair write a paragraph defining a native
speaker. You need to at least use 4 (four)
File name: QuoteNS name.doc
Deadline: Sunday, Oct 6, 2013 Midnight.


Revised your paragraph

based on your friends


Activity 4: Using quotes

In pair write a paragraph defining a nonnative speaker.
File name: HZNNS name.doc

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