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A treatment is a break down of your movie story

It is a foundation for a screenplay

It reveals the full story and its structure, and shows
the main and secondary character
For example personalities, relationships and how
they change and develop.

SETUP-A normal family living in a suburban house.

PLOT POINT I-The daughter is kidnapped due to her
father being unable to repay the debt he is in.
DEVELOPMENT-The father tries looking for his
daughter, however he receives body part of her
through his letterbox
PLOT POINT II-The daughter is revealed to be evil
and part of the plan the whole time to torment her
father and make him suffer.
RESOUTION-The daughter replaces her father by
killing her biological one and putting another man in
his place.




-Charlotte. A normal teenage girl who leads a

typical life in a home with her loving family,
which consists of her younger Sister Daniella,
her Mother Carol and her Father. She has
been having many distressful days recently
and although she craves affection and comfort
from her Father, he is always pre-occupied
with work.
-Charlottes birthday is soon coming up. She
has been looking forward to it for a long time,
however all is not what she expected on the
actual day itself. Her Father is in charge of
organizing her presents, however due to him
secretly being in a lot of debt to another man,
things have been very difficult recently.
This leads to Charlotte running out the room
upset as she is not at all pleased with the
effort that has been put in. Her Father
therefore explains to the Mother the serious
debt he has got himself involved in.
-The Father explains due to the debt, he has
been receiving threats that the family will be in
danger if its not paid back soon. The mother
is distraught in hearing the news. Just like the
Father, Carol is extremely unsure as to what
they should do as they have no way of getting
the money and quickly.

Charlotte is alone in the house, she planning

to go out with her friends, she sits there doing
her makeup after it was ruined by her upset,
while Music is playing out loudly.
The door bell rings, she turns the music off.
charlotte assumes its her family coming
home, as she opens the door no one is there,
she finds it very odd and makes her slightly
nervous, but ignores it.
she goes to the kitchen to calm her nerves
and pours herself a drink. Suddenly she hears
rattling coming from the garden, she stares in
despair, wondering what that was. Again the
rattling was much louder, in shock she drops
her drink, smashing all over the floor.
In desperation she grabs a sharp knife.
Breathing heavily, she slowly walks towards
the window, as she draws the curtains, a man
appears and slams his hands against the
glass. She stubbles back and screams
knocking things on her way. While the
masked man continues slamming the widows.
The music begins to play on its own. charlotte
stands frightened towards the door, it
suddenly creaks open, and the masked man
He grabs her and he struggles to break free
from him and get to safety, however his
strength overpowers hers, and he takes her.
When the parents return home the notice a
trail of blood across the matt, they try and find
charlotte but she is gone. the mother screams
with upset but the father suggest its the
people he owes money to and orders they
cant go to the police or they will kill her.

-The father attempt to find his daughter, Carol

goes in a state of depression as she believes
her daughter is dead.
-After no success in finding charlotte, he
begins to receive body He believes that the
only way to get her back is to raise the
money, which there is no way he can do. He
considers phoning the police. After feeling as
if its too late and he has no chance in saving
her. he finds a trace (a letter) to where his
daughter might be held and so he goes
searching for her in that direction, but still fails
to find her.
-Out of nowhere, Charlotte returns home one
day without the masked man. The family are
incredibly happy to see her and try their best
to work out what happened to her. Charlotte
explains everything, and informs them that
she has found her hero who saved her. She
goes to the door and a man is standing there.
-The family are quick to welcome him inside,
feeling very fortunate that this is the person
that saved Charlotte from very intense danger.
They thank him numerous times for bringing
her home to safety and insist hes stays for
dinner. Whilst at the dinner table, the Father
asks many questions about the whole event
whilst Carol tries to get him to stop as she
knows its not something Charlotte will be
ready to talk about in so much detail yet.
-Charlotte continues to explain everything
though. As she gets deeper into the story, it
soon becomes clear that the man they have
invited into their family home was the
kidnapper all along and both him and
Charlotte staged the whole kidnapping and

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