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Beyond the scope of psychic


Guru means one who dispels darkness.

This darkness actually belongs not only to
the psychic stratum or the spiritual
stratum, but to all strata of human

Ideal Guru

Must be thoroughly conversant with the

minutest details of Sadhana important or
Guru must not only learn those things but
must possess the capacity to teach those
practices to others.

Mahakaola & Kaola

Kaolas are those who by dint of sadhana

have successfully elevated their
microcosmic stance and established it in
Macrocosmic one.
The Mahakaola is one who is a kaola
certainly but at the same time possesses
the capacity to help others as well to get to
that exalted position.

Spiritual Guru

A Spiritual Guru must be well-acquainted

with all the processes of Sadhana, must
be thoroughly versed in spiritual scienceboth the theory and the practice.

Ideal Guru

As an ideal Guru in the physical world he

will have to teach humankind some
techniques to solve their worldly problems.
The problem of food, clothing, education
and medical treatment.


Human being have been aspiring for the

merger with the nucleus Consciousness.
The non-uniformity of speed changes the
movement of the unit mind to an elliptical
force and the motion changes to oval from


They get merged in Purusottama who

aspire for Him as the ultimate destiny.


Those who aim complete surrender of self

into the Nirguna Brahma, the objectless
Consciousness, get out of this Brahma
cakra by a tangential touch.

Taraka Brahma

At the point of tangential touch is the

abode of Taraka-Brahma.
Who resides within the scope of both
Nirguna and Saguna Brahma.
Taraka Brahma is a concept of Tantra.


In Tantra the whole creation is known as



When Taraka Brahma by His own will

takes the help of the five fundamental
factors, His physical entity comes within
the scope of Saguna Brahma, other-wise
He is Nirguna Brahma, according to
Tantra this entity is known as


Special manifestation of Supreme Entity when it
comes in its full capacity in a particular form.
The one formless, beginningless and infinite
Parama Brahma (Supreme Consciousness) is
the only entity to be attained by living beings
That alone is Jagat Guru (The Supreme
Preceptor), That alone has revealed
Brahmavidya (Intuitional Science) to us.

Jiivakoti normal human being

Iishvarakoti greater manifestation of
divinity or special power to do spiritual and
social work.

Kalavatara manifestation of divinity 1/16th

part expression of Iishvarakoti
Amshavatara more expression
Khandavatara still more expression

Iishvarakoti a human being can attain that

stage through sadhana and according to their
expression of divinity they could influence the
society. Brahmakoti
At this stage there is full manifestation of
Saguna Brahma.
Human being by sadhana can attain this stage
Mahakaola one who can raise ones own and
others kundalini.
Mahasambhuti Supreme Entity
Deva behind each Sambhuti there is a
particular wave emanating.

Saguna, Nirguna & Taraka


Saguna Brahma has infinite samskaras.

Nirguna Brahma is the objectless entity
with no action.
Taraka Brahma is the middle point and
can fulfill the function of both.

Taraka Brahma

He guides, loves and fevers His

affectionate daughters and sons.
His children's say that He can not live
without loving them.
Taraka Brahma is not a figure of
philosophy it is a creation of devotional


The complete surrender is the sum mum

bonum of all spiritual sadhana, which only
can lead to Him from where decline is not
even imaginable.

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