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Analysis of music video


Andrew Goodwin's theory of genre about the rock genre having conventions of live
performances is conformed to in the 'LSF' video. Rock also has conventions of danger,
violence and anger. In 'LSF' the location is in a prison which fits in with the conventions of
danger, violence and anger. This also links with any intertextual links of films or TV that include
prison. Although the video is set in an all female prison with many female characters, the
characters are not represented as being as being looked at and theres no voyeuristic
treatment of the female body which goes against Goodwin's theory. The lyrics are about
being isolated, trapped and being in an rebellion which links to the narrative of the video
which therefore conforms to Goodwin's theory.


Many Kasabian videos have very strong and clear narrative which resemble other media texts such as TV and films. In 'LSF' there is a
very clear narrative of the band performing for the women in the prison in aid of them breaking out by secretly passing a hidden key
through the prison.

This links with Todorov's theory. The equilibrium being the women being imprisoned, the disruption being the key being passed
through the prison and the resolution being them escaping.
Propp's theory can be applied in an unusual way. Usually the characters would be easy to place such as hero, villain etc. However
the characters such as the band and the prisons should be seen as villians and the antagonist characters however the video makes
the audience be on the prisoners side and see the prison guards as the antagonistic characters.
Barthes' theory about codes applies because the audience question whether the prisons will escape and how, the action code is
them escaping, the semic code is the prison and prisoners and what they suggest, the symbolic code is the binary opposition
between the prisoners and the prison guards and the cultural code links to the way the audience should see the prisons as the
antagonists but don't.
Levi-Strauss' theory about binary opposition fits with the video because there are the two sides of the prisons and the prison guards.
Therefore, 'LSF' is a video that conforms very well to a lot of the narrative theories because of it's strong and dominant plots.

Representations - aspects in 'LSF'
Representation theories from Saussure's and Dyer's
apply to the 'LSF' video because the narrative's and
characters are so important to the video. Saussure's
theory about Semiotics applies mainly because of the
location of a prison and what that suggests. Dyer's
theory on stereotypes applies because the characters
are presented at violent characters which are
stereotypes of criminals. in Braudrillards theory,
hyppereality may be present in the way that the
audience are lead to believe breaking out of prison is
normal and reality through this theory of hyperreality.
Mulvey's theories don't apply so much because the
portrayal of the female characters go against usual
conventions so are hard to pin point in Mulvey's


Production Choices - aspects in 'LSF - The producers have chosen to set the video in a
prison, with characters of prisoners and prison guards because they reflect the lyrics well
and create a sense of danger which conforms to the rock genre conventions. The live
performance is also a conventions of the genre which was chosen, however the
performance also contributes to the narrative of the video. The producers chose to use
lower quality cameras to mirror the derelict location and mundane and lack of freedom
the prisoner characters have.

Audience expectations - the typical audience and fans for Kasabian would expect a
video like this because of the similar narrative structure throughout many other Kasabian
songs. Also, many of the same conventions are used in 'LSF' as 'Club foot' and 'Fire' such
as dull colour schemes, low quality cameras and a live performance which contributes
to the narrative.

Reflect society - I do not believe that the video is a good reflection of society in a more
literal sense, however the narrative evokes the sense of escapism and freedom which a
lot of the audience may relate too.

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