Span of Management

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Span of Management:
Span of management refers to the
number of subordinates who can be
managed effectively by a superior.
 Direct Single Relationships
• Example: Superior X, Subordinates A, B, C
• 3 direct single relationships occur i.e. X to A, X to B, X to C
• Formula to find the possible single relationships = n
• (n denotes no. of subordinates)

S u p e rio r X

S u b o rd in a te A S u b o rd in a te B S u b o rd in a te C
 Direct Group Relationships
• All Possible Combinations
• Example: Superior X, Subordinates A, B, C
• Formula to find the possible Direct Group relationships =
n (2n-1 -1)
• (n denotes no. of subordinates)
• 9 direct group relationships occur i.e. X to A, X to B, X to
C, A to B, A to C, B to A, B to C, C to A, C to B

 Cross Relationships
• Mutual Interactions of subordinates working under the
common superior
• Example: Superior X, Subordinates A, B, C
• Formula to find the Cross Relationships = n (n-1)
• (n denotes no. of subordinates)
• 6 direct group relationships occur i.e. A to B, A to C, B to
A, B to C, C to A, C to B

Factors affecting Span of Management:
 Capacity of Superior
 Capacity of Subordinates
 Nature of Work
 Degree of Decentralization
 Degree of Planning
 Communication Techniques
 Use of Staff Assistance
 Supervision of others
Factors Affecting Span of Management:

Capacity of Superior
Different ability and capacity of leadership, communication
affect management of subordinates.

Capacity of Subordinates
Efficient and trained subordinates affects the degree of
span of management.

Nature of Work
Different type of work require different patterns of

Degree of Decentralization
Degree of centralization or decentralization affects the span
of management by affecting the degree of involvement of
the superior in decision making.
Degree of Planning
Plans which can provide rules, procedures in doing the
work higher would be the degree of span of management.

Communication Techniques
Pattern of communication, its means, and media affect
the time requirement in managing subordinates and
consequently span of management.

Use of Staff Assistance
Use of Staff assistance in reducing the work load of
managers enables them to manage more number of

Supervision of others
If subordinate receives supervision form several other
personnel besides his direct supervisor. In such a case, the
work load of direct superior is reduced and he can supervise
more number of persons.
 Tall Structure (narrow Structure)
 and
 Flat Structure (Wide Structure)

Tall Structure (narrow) Flat Structure (wide)

ow span of control Wide span of control
e no. of management levels Reduced management levels
alized decision making Decentralized decision making

ntages: Advantages:
e supervision More Delegation of Authority
e control of subordinates Development of Managers
communication Clear policies

vantages: Disadvantages:
much control Overloaded supervisors
y levels of management Danger of superiors loss of control
costs Requirement of highly trained managerial personn
ssive distance between lowest level and highest
Block inlevel
decision making

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