Defined by Koontz: Staffing Is Defined

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 Defined by Koontz:
 Staffing is defined as filling positions in the
organization structure through identifying
workforce requirements, inventorying the
people available, recruitment, selection,
placement, promotion, appraisal,
compensation, an d training of needed
 Defined by McFarland:
 Staffing is the function by which managers
build an organization through the
recruitment, selection, and development of
individuals as capable employees.
 Features:
 Staffing function is related to employment.
 Staffing ensure that various positions remain
filled by the most suitable personnel.
 Staffing function is performed by every
 Human Resource Management is concerned
with recruiting and employing right personnel
and also involves developing, retaining and
integrating personnel to achieve competitive
 Importance of Staffing:
 Filling Organizational Positions
 Competition for good quality human resources.
 Global talent war
 Acute shortage of good quality managerial and
technical personnel.
 Developing Competencies
 Development of competencies because of changing
nature of job profile.
 Developing specific skills and multi skilling and also
development of differential competencies.
 Retaining Personnel
 Persuading the employees to remain with
 Factors affecting Staffing:
 External Factors:
Nature of competition for Human Resources
Legal factors
Socio-cultural factors
External influences
 Internal Factors:
Organizational Business Plan
Size of Organization
Organizational Image
Past Practices
 External Factors:
Nature of competition for Human Resources
- Battle for being leading, employers in India
and globally.
Legal factors
- Child labor act 1986, employment exchange
act 1959, apprentice act 1961
Socio-cultural factors
- Prevention the employment of women in
certain manufacturing operations.
External influences
- Pressure from political structure in the form of
emphasis on ‘sons of the soil’.
 Internal Factors:
Organizational Business Plan
- Staffing function determines the type of
personnel that may be required in future.
Size of the organization
- A small organizations cannot have the same
staffing practices which a large
organizations may have.
Organizational Image
- The image of an organization in human
resource market depends on its staffing
practices like training and development,
promotional avenues, compensation and
Past Practices
- Past practices relating to staffing adopted by
an organization.
 Man Power Planning:
Man power planning is the process – including
forecasting, developing, implementing and
controlling – by which a firm ensures that it
has the right number of people and right kind
of people, at the right place, at the right time,
doing things for which they are economically
most suitable.
 Man Power Planning:
Human resource planning includes the
estimation of how many qualified people are
necessary to carry out the assigned activities,
how many people will be available, and what,
if anything, must be done to ensure that
personnel supply equals personnel demand at
the appropriate point in the future.
 Man Power Planning Process

Organizational Objectives

Manpower Planning

Forecasting manpower requirement Preparing manpower inventory

Identification of manpower gap

Surplus manpower Shortage of manpower

Action plans for bridging gap

 Job Analysis:
It is the determination of the tasks which
comprise the job and the skills, abilities, and
responsibilities required of the worker for a
successful performance.
Job analysis is the process of studying and
collecting information relating to the operations
and responsibilities of a specific job.
 Uses of Job Analysis:
1. Organizational design
2. Acquisition of Personnel
 Human Resource Planning
 Recruitment and selection
 Orientation and Placement
3. Human Resource Development
 Career Planning
 Training and Development
4. Job Evaluation and Compensation
5. Performance appraisal
6. Safety and Health
7. Employee counseling
 Man Power Planning Process

Job description

Defining uses of job analysis

Information collection
Information processing

Job specification
 Job Description:
Job description is an organized, factual
statement of duties and responsibilites of a
specific job.
Job description should tell what is to be done,
how it is done, and why.
Job description defines the appropriate and
authorized content of a job.

 Job Description contains the following:
Job title, code number, department/division
Job contents
Job responsibilities
Machine tools and equipments.
Extent of supervision given and received.
Relation with other jobs.
 Job Specification:
Job specification is a statement of the minimum
acceptable human qualities necessary to perform a
job properly.
Job specification is prepared on the basiss of job
description such as age, gender, education, job
experience, extra curricular activities, height,
weight, chest, vision, hearing, health, voice, hand
and foot co-ordination, emotional stability,
flexibility, manners, initiative, drive, creativity.
 Recruitment and selection

Manpower Planning

Recruitment Selection Placement

Job Analysis
 Recruitment:
 Recruitment is the process of finding and
attracting capable applicants for employment.
The process begins when new recruits are
sought and ends when their applications are
submitted. The result is a pool of applicants
from which new employees are selected.

 Selection:
 Selection is the process of differentiation
between applicants in order to identify those
with a greater likelihood of success in a job.
Difference between recruitment and selection

 Recruitment is a process of  Selection tends to be

searching for prospective negative because it
employees and stimulating rejects a good number
and encouraging them to of those who apply,
apply for jobs to increase leaving only the best to
the hiring ratio, i.e. the be hired.
number of applicants for a

 Sources of Manpower supply:

 Advertisement
 Employment agencies
 On campus Recruitment
 Deputation
 Employee Recommendations
 Labour unions
 Gate hiring

 Selection Process:
 Screening of applications
 Selection Tests
 Interview
 Checking of References
 Physical Examination
 Approval by Appropriate Authority
 Placement

 Types of Tests:
 Achievement Test
 Intelligence Test
 Personality Test
 Aptitude Test

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