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Setup of SQL Server 2000 Client Tools

Setup of Microsoft SQL Server Client Tools

Click on SQL Server 2000 Components

Setup of Microsoft SQL Server Client Tools

Click on Install Database Server

Setup of Microsoft SQL Server Client Tools

Click on Next

Setup of Microsoft SQL Server Client Tools

Click on Next

Setup of Microsoft SQL Server Client Tools

Click on Next

Setup of Microsoft SQL Server Client Tools

Click on Next

Setup of Microsoft SQL Server Client Tools

Click on Yes

Setup of Microsoft SQL Server Client Tools

Click on Next

Setup of Microsoft SQL Server Client Tools

Click on Next

Setup of Microsoft SQL Server Client Tools

Click on Next

Setup of Microsoft SQL Server Client Tools

Installation begins

Setup of Microsoft SQL Server Client Tools

Click on Finish

Using SQL Server Client Tools

Using Enterprise Manager (SQL Server Client Tool)

Activate from Start Menu > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > Enterprise

Using Enterprise Manager (SQL Server Client Tool)

Observe the instance CQUFIC has automatically been detected and registered

SQL Server Security Settings for Client Access

Right click on the instance and select Properties

SQL Server Security Settings for Client Access

Select [Security] tab, choose option SQL Server and Windows for Authentication

SQL Server Security Settings for Client Access

Under folder [Security] > [Logins], right click on user sa and select properties

SQL Server Security Settings for Client Access

Provide/verify the password for user sa for client access eg. spcs

Creating a new database using Enterprise Manager

Select folder [Database], right click on it and select New Database

Creating a new database using Enterprise Manager

Provide a name eg. ADMIN

Creating a new database using Enterprise Manager

Observe the physical database file created in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL


Creating a new table under ADMIN database using Enterprise Manager

Observe the database objects available under ADMIN eg. Stored Procedures,
Users, Tables etc.

Creating a new table under ADMIN database using Enterprise Manager

Select Tables object, right click and select New Table

Creating a new table under ADMIN database using Enterprise Manager

Create fields, ID as numeric, FirstName as varchar, LastName as varchar, assign

Primary Key to ID

Creating a new table under ADMIN database using Enterprise Manager

Save the table as STAFF

Adding records to table STAFF using Enterprise Manager

Select STAFF table, right click, select Return all rows under Open Table

Adding records to table STAFF using Enterprise Manager

Add some sample record data eg. 1, John, Doe, 2, Ram, Prasad,3, Luisa, Tora

Using SQL Query Analyzer (SQL Server Client Tool)

Activate from Start Menu > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > Query Analyzer

Using SQL Query Analyzer (SQL Server Client Tool)

Login using SQL Server Authentication, Login Name: sa, Password: spcs

Using SQL Query Analyzer (SQL Server Client Tool)

Observe the Query Analyzer Interface

Creating an INSERT Stored Procedure Using SQL Query Analyzer

Parse a stored procedure INSERT_INTO_STAFF_SP to insert a record into STAFF


Creating an UPDATE Stored Procedure Using SQL Query Analyzer

Parse a stored procedure UPDATE_STAFF_SP to update a record into STAFF


Creating a DELETE Stored Procedure Using SQL Query Analyzer

Parse a stored procedure DELETE_STAFF_SP to delete a record from STAFF


Creating a SELECT Stored Procedure Using SQL Query Analyzer

Parse a stored procedure SELECT_STAFF_SP to select all records from STAFF


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