07ESS Server Administration

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Module 7: Server Administration

Module Objectives

After completing this module you will be able to:

Use Server Manager to administer your Siebel Enterprise

Why you need to know

Server Manager enables you to perform server administration
duties required for your Siebel application

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Server Manager

Is the native management console that allows you to manage

the Siebel Enterprise Server, individual Siebel Servers, and
Siebel Server components and component groups

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Server Manager Continued

Is used for a variety of administration duties, including:

Enable, disable, start up, and shut down components

Assign components to execute on specific Siebel Servers
Stop, pause, and resume server tasks
Monitor status for components and tasks
Set parameters for servers and components
Backup of the Siebel Gateway Name Server data file, siebns.dat

Contains configuration information from the Enterprise and Siebel


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Administering the Siebel Enterprise

Server Manager connects to the Siebel Gateway

Gathers all connectivity information for each Siebel Server within
the Siebel Enterprise

Server Manager then connects to each Siebel Server within the

Displays servers for each enterprise supported by the Siebel
Starts a Server Manager task on
each Siebel Server

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Using Server Manager

There are two ways to use Server Manager

From the Siebel


From the
command line

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Server Components

A component is a type of program that performs a specific job

One or more instances can execute as a task on the Siebel

The standard Siebel application comes with many server

components, for example:
Enterprise Integration Manager

For importing and exporting data

Assignment Manager

For assigning work based on business rules

Generate Database Triggers

For monitoring the database for user-defined conditions

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Component Groups

Component Groups consist of related server components

Select Server Administration > Enterprise Configuration to
enable or disable component groups
Click the menu button

enable or disable
component group

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Component Groups Continued

Example: The Workflow Management component group

consists of five server components

group must be

to utilize any
of the server

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Component Definitions

Use to customize existing components or create custom

components, for example:
Modify component definition so that same parameter values are
in effect each time the task executes
Create EIM component definition called Import Accounts to only
import accounts

Select Server Administration > Enterprise Configuration >

Component Definitions
Parameters for the Call
Center Object Manager

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When a component executes, it is called a task

A task is an instantiation of a component and runs in computer
In most cases, the same component may be instantiated many

Example: Multiple Batch Assignment tasks can run concurrently on

the Siebel Server
Tasks can run

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At startup, a task reads parameters and executes according to

their values

parameters for Batch
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Parameters: Named Subsystems

Are groupings of defined enterprise parameters used by some

server components, such as the Application Object Manager
Named Subsystems
for Application Object

List of parameters for

the selected Named

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Parameters: Named Subsystems


Can be parameters that have a context dependency, for

ServerDataSrc is a named subsystem that specifies the data
source connection for the Application Object Manager component
Specifies the server database
connection on SQL Server and DB2,
this is the ODBC data source name

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Parameters: Dynamic and Static

New values will apply to subsequent started tasks unless values
are overridden at a lower level
Dynamic parameters
are effective
immediately on the
Siebel Server

New values will not apply to subsequent started tasks until Siebel
Server System Service is stopped and restarted
Static parameters are
not effective immediately
on the Siebel Server

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Setting Parameters

Parameters are set at any of these levels


Highest level

Component Definition
Named Subsystem
Server Component


Lowest level

Parameters set at the enterprise level are inherited for the entire
Parameters set at the task level override the same parameters
set at a higher level
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Server Component Modes

A server component executes in one of three modes


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Batch Components

The task runs until completion, and then it stops

Started manually via:
Graphical user interface
Command-line interface

Subset of Enterprise Application
Integration component group

Subset of Remote component


Subset of Workflow Management

component group

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Synchronizing Batch Components

A required post-installation task for executing batch

components on the Siebel Server
Sends the list of component definitions to the Siebel Gateway for
later use

Select Server Administration > Enterprise Configuration >

Batch Component Admin
Click the Synchronize button
Synchronized components

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Background Components

The task runs continuously until the component is shut down

Runs repetitively, defined by a sleep time

Manually via UI

Select Server Administration > Servers> Server Components

Manually via command line

Automatically upon server startup

Subset of Remote
component group

Subset of Workflow
Management component
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Interactive Components

The task runs in response to client requests

No need to manually start

The task stops when the client disconnects

Subset of Remote component

Subset of System Management

component group

Subset of Siebel Call Center

component group
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Component States

A server component may be in one of five states




Tasks are currently not running for the assigned component, but
new tasks can be started.


Tasks are currently running for the assigned component on the

Siebel Server, and new tasks are allowed to start.


Currently running tasks continue to run, but new tasks cannot be

started for the component.
No processes are running for the component, and new tasks
cannot be started.

Unavailable Multi-threaded components that should be running are not,

indicating a run-time error.

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Managing a Component

Select Server Administration > Servers > Server Components

to change a server component state

Select the component

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and click the appropriate action

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Starting a Batch Task

Select Server Administration > Enterprise Operations >

Component Requests

1. Create new request

and select component

2. Modify parameters

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3. Submit request

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Starting a Background Task

Via the UI
Tasks with the parameter Default Tasks > 0 will start automatically
upon Siebel Server startup
Example: Transaction Router will
automatically start on the server

Using the command line

Example: Start a Workflow Monitor Agent task

Component alias
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Siebel Server

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Monitoring a Task

A task updates its state during execution

Can be in one of the following states
Starting up

Indicates that the task has been started


Indicates that the task is executing normally


Indicates that the task has been temporarily placed in a

suspended state

Shutting Down
Exited with Error

Indicates that the task has been instructed to stop, or the

component or server is being shut down
Indicates that the task ran to completion and exited normally
Indicates that the task encountered an error during its
processing and exited
Indicates that the process was not able to shut down cleanly,
and had to be forced to shut down

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Viewing Task Information

Each task creates a log of its execution when logging has been
View log via UI by drilling down on task number

Drill down on
task number

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to view Task
Information Log

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Viewing Task Information Continued

View log file on the Siebel Server

the task

View the file in log directory

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Event Logging

Uses logging levels to determine the amount of information that

is written to the log file


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Configuring Siebel Server Event Logging

Use the Server Event Configuration view to set the log level of
Siebel Server event types
Select the Siebel Server for which
you want to configure an event

Select the event type you want to

configure and enter the value in
the log level field

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Configuring Component Event Logging

Use the Component Event Configuration view to set the log

level of component event types
Select the component for which
you want to configure an event

Select the event type you want to

configure and enter the value in
the log level field

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Is a data file that stores Siebel Gateway Name Server

Provides the persistent backing of Siebel Server configuration
information, including:

Definitions and assignments of component groups and components

Operational parameters
Connectivity information

Specifies the Siebel Server configuration at startup

Stores Enterprise and Siebel Server configuration changes

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Backing Up the Enterprise Configuration

Use Server Manager to back up a working copy of siebns.dat

1) Enter the command: backup namesrvr
2) Locate backup at C:\sea750\gtwysrvr\ADMIN

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Restoring the Enterprise Configuration

Restore a previous Enterprise configuration with the steps:

1) Shutdown the Siebel Gateway Name Server and the Siebel
2) Replace the existing siebns.dat file with a working backup file
3) Start up the Siebel Gateway Name Server and the Siebel Server

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This module showed you how to:

Use Server Manager to administer your Siebel Enterprise

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In the lab you will:

Enable and synchronize server components
Use command line Server Manager
Restore the Siebel Enterprise configuration to a previous
Enterprise configuration
Run a server task
Set logging levels
Create a new component definition

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