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Sterilization Techniques of wines

Ingles Anual
Mara Vera y Emanuel Mensi

In order to prevent diseases caused by
microorganisms is practiced
sterilization procedure, this is to
destroy all living germs or latent exist
on objects or substances which it is
desired free.

This operation includes all the

appropriate physical, mechanical and
chemical. As a result, laboratory
materials or foods, reach a state of
disinfection to prevent pollution

Sterilization in the wine cellar

There is a difference between the sterilization
can be performed in a laboratory and
microbiological stabilization in the wine
cellar. In the laboratory is easier to maintain
sterile conditions; but in the wine cellar is
more difficult. However, in the wine cellar can
be adopted correct techniques by inhibiting
microbial activity.

Sterilization techniques used

Establishing a sterile environment

To work in a sterile
environment is used the
laminar flow hood, it is
a particulary useful
device for protecting
the operator from
contamination by
pathogens. The piece of
equipment consists of a
powerfull fan of air.

Biological stabilization of wine by heat

Direct Fire: This procedure has limitations because of

deteriorating items and if they are large, sterilization is

never perfect.
For examples: Heating of bottles and bottleneck in heat
Dry Heat: The destructive action of heat on protein and
lipid components or nutrients for microorganisms.
Moist Heat: causes protein denaturation and
coagulation. These effects are mainly for one reason:
Water vapor has a heat transfer coefficient much higher
than air. For example: pausterizacion.

Pausterizacion by heat

Heating of bottles and bottleneck in heat

Biological stabilization of wine by

These methods cause the loss of viability of
Used in food additives or artificial source for
conservation and preservation of existing

Biological stabilization of wine by

ionizing radiation:
UV rays:
Affect the DNA molecules of microorganisms. Are poorly
penetrating surfaces and are used, are used for sterilization
in operating rooms.
For example: Irradiation of cork stoppers for wine and UV
treatment of wines
Gamma rays:
Its use is based on the knowledge of atomic energy. This
type of sterilization is applied to products or materials
thermolabile and of great importance in the industrial field.


Sterilization is one of most important discoveries

made by science, both biological culture
laboratories to hospitals and food industry,
because this has managed to control infections in
operations and extensive.
In the wine cellar can be adopted correct
techniques by inhibiting microbial activity,
obtaining a preservation of the flavor and wine
quality through time.

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