9) Kompeten

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Nasrudin Subhi
Pusat Pengajian Psikologi dan Pembangunan
Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.


major components capture the

essence of the meaning professional


To be knowledgeable means being schooled in

the history, theory and research of ones field and

aware of the limits of current understanding.
In counselling theory and research are always
Knowledge is first achieved by completing a
credible degree program.


Act (1998) has a list of registrable

qualifications in its Second Schedule:

Name of Institution Granting


Description of qualification

University of Malaya

Master of Education (Guidance and Counselling)

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Diploma in Psychology (Counselling)

Master of Arts (Counselling Psychology)
Master of Education (Guidance and Counselling)

Universiti Putra Malaysia

Bachelor of Education (Guidance and Counselling)

Master of Science

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Master of Education (Guidance and Counselling)

International Islamic University

Master of Education (Guidance and Counselling)

Universiti Sains Malaysia

Bachelor of Education with Honours

Master of Education
Doctor of Philosophy (Education)


pendaftaran adalah terkandung

di dalam seksyen 24, Akta 580:
24(1): seseorang hendaklah didaftarkan sebagai

kaunselor jika dia memuaskan hati Lembaga

bahawa dia seorang warganegara Malaysia atau
seorang pemastautin tetap Malaysia, berumur
tidak kurang daripada dua puluh satu tahun,
adalah orang yang layak dan sesuai didaftarkan
sebagai kaunselor dan memegang mana-mana
kelayakan yang dinyatakan dalam Jadual Kedua.

24(2): jika seseorang memegang apa-apa kelayakan

yang tidak dinyatakan dalam Jadual Kedua tetapi

Lembaga berpuas hati bahawa kelayakan itu adalah
tidak kurang daripada atau yang bersamaan dengan
kelayakan yang dinyatakan dalam Jadual itu,
Lembaga boleh meluluskan pendaftaran orang itu
sebagai kaunselor jika dia memuaskan hati Lembaga
bahawa dia seorang warganegara Malaysia atau
seorang pemastautin tetap Malaysia, berumur tidak
kurang daripada dua puluh satu tahun dan adalah
orang yang layak dan sesuai untuk didaftarkan
sebagai kaunselor.

24(3): Menteri boleh, selepas berunding dengan

Lembaga, meminda Jadual Kedua melalui

perintah yang disiarkan dalam Warta.

Kod Etika Kaunselor, Lembaga Kaunselor

C.2 Kompetensi profesional
C.2.a Sempadan kompetensi
C.2.b Bidang kepakaran baru
C.2.c Layak untuk pekerjaan
C.2.d Memantau keberkesanan
C.2.e Konsultasi mengenai obligasi etika
C.2.f Pendidikan berterusan
C.2.g Ketidakupayaan
C.2.h Ketidakmampuan kaunselor atau penamatan praktis


kredit minimum komponen

kaunseling untuk peringkat Sarjana Muda
dan Sarjana yang perlu diambil seperti

Nilai Kredit Minimum

Ijazah Sarjana Muda


Ijazah Sarjana


Sumber: Piawai dan Kelayakan Latihan Kaunselor, Lembaga Kaunselor Malaysia


kurus untuk Ijazah Sarjanamuda

hendaklah seperti berikut:

Jumlah Jam Kredit

1. Teras


2. Latihan Amali atau Praktikum

3. Internship

4. Elektif/ Projek Penyelidikan



Sumber: Piawai dan Kelayakan Latihan Kaunselor, Lembaga Kaunselor Malaysia


kursus untuk Ijazah Sarjana

hendaklah seperti berikut:

Jumlah Jam Kredit

1. Teras


2. Latihan Amali atau Praktikum

3. Internship

4. Elektif/ Projek Penyelidikan



Sumber: Piawai dan Kelayakan Latihan Kaunselor, Lembaga Kaunselor Malaysia


Etika Kaunselor, Lembaga Kaunselor

F.11 Kompetensi multibudaya/kepelbagaian dalam

program pendidikan dan latihan kaunselor

F.11.a Kepelbagaian pensyarah
F. 11.b Kepelbagaian pelajar
F.11.c Kompetensi multibudaya/ kepelbagaian


The second component of competence is skill, not

just in practicing therapeutic procedures in the

classroom but also in successfully applying
interventions with actual clients.
Overholser and Fine (1990) divide this component
into two kinds of skills:
Clinical skill: is the counsellors appropriate use of basic
interviewing skills.
Includes abilities such as the capacity to build a productive
therapeutic alliance, to communicate effectively and to sensitively
explore uncomfortable aspects of a clients problem.

Technical skill: concern effective use of specific therapeutic

Example: to administer an individual intelligence test.
Professional judgment on which test is the most suitable.
The judgment must be based on recent knowledge and

To develop clinical judgment and intervention skills,

counsellors training programs require field experiences
such as practical and internships as degree requirement.
Because of the complexity of skill building in counselling
and psychotherapy, many hours of closely supervised field
experience are necessary to achieve success in applying
counselling interventions.


Etika Kaunselor, Lembaga Kaunselor

F.2 Kompetensi penyeliaan kaunselor
F.2.a Penyediaan penyelia
F.2.b Isu-isu multibudaya/kepelbagaian dalam


is the consistent attentiveness to the

clients needs that takes priority over other
A diligent counsellor gives deliberate care to
appropriate assessment and intervention for a
clients problem and maintains that care until
counselling is completed.
Diligence means that the professional is willing
to work hard to help a client and is ready to refer
the client elsewhere is the counsellor fells unable
to give competent help.


counsellors that understand their

strengths and weaknesses can truly be
Evidence of diligent attitude emerge in
several ways:
Thoroughness in counselling
Sure and reasonable positive about diagnosis and

Willingness to do extra reading and be up to date with
current knowledge and research
Interested in follow-up with former clients

person may be skilled in career

counselling for one cultural group or age
group but may be incompetent to use that
intervention with other age groups or
cultural groups.
Competent work with particular
populations also assumes knowledge of
the group and demonstrated skill in
working with clients from that group.


challenge in identifying and working

within the boundaries of competence arises
from the geographic location of a given
counselling practice.
Professionals in urban and suburban settings
tend to have many local referral sources
accessible to clients to whom they do not feel
competent to offer services and they also
tend to have easier access to face-to-face
consultation and supervision (Helbok, 2003).

Thus urban and suburban practitioners have

relatively little difficulty limiting their scope of practice
and have the luxury of focusing on areas in which
they have developed significant expertise.
In contrast, practitioners in rural areas and small
towns do not have many referral sources nearby.
Seeing another professional frequently entails a real
inconvenience for a client because it means
traveling some distance.
Usually practitioners in rural areas are consider as
generalists rather than specialists.


jobs of counsellors are inherently

They repeatedly see the pain and
destructiveness of people and although
they can usually offer help and hope to
those in need, they have no magic wand to
quickly cure suffering.
The cumulative effects of witnessing so
much human suffering can wear down
even the most competent professionals.


are being asked to do more

with less resources and there seems to be
no end to this trend which will usually lead
to emotional exhaustion of work.
In most extreme form, this emotional
exhaustion becomes burnout, a syndrome
that significantly compromises the
competent performance of counsellors.

true burnout syndrome consists of emotional

exhaustion, the loss of a sense of
accomplishment in ones work and a
depersonalization of those served (Maslach &
Jackson, 1986).
Of course, counsellors and therapists have their
share of stress in their personal lives, too. They
juggle careers, family responsibilities,
relationships and civic duties simultaneously and
sometimes unexpectedly get hit by a
From time to time these stresses become
overwhelming for counsellors.


addition to monitoring their own emotional status

and stress levels, counsellors can take additional
actions to prevent burnout (Trippany et al., 2004):
Recognize the risk and hazards of mental health practice and

celebrate its rewards.

Set clear limits about how much help they can humanly give.
Take their own advice about self-care.
Recognize their own vulnerability and seek help and support
when overwhelmed.
Consider counselling for their personal problems, even if they
are not overwhelmed by them.
Prepare for symptoms of secondary posttraumatic stress and
take full advantage of support service available.


who perform incompetently are

potentially subject to legal action as well as
discipline by their professional association or
licensing board.
Four criteria must be met for a court to rule in
favour of the plaintiff in a negligence action:
The professional duty to the client must be established.
The counsellor must have breached a duty to the client.
An injury or damage to the client must be established.
The harm must be caused by the therapist mistake.


dalam Akta 580 ada terkandung

peraturan berhubung kelakuan dan
tatatertib. Hal ini diperincikan di bahagian
III di bawah sub-tajuk Tatacara Tatatertib.


Etika Kaunselor, Lembaga Kaunselor

H.1 Piawaian dan Undang-undang
H.1.a Pengetahuan
Kaunselor hendaklah memahami KEK, LK dan kod
etika lain yang boleh diguna pakai daripada organisasi
profesional yang lain di mana mereka menjadi ahli.
Kekurangan pengetahuan atau salah faham mengenai
tanggungjawab etika bukan alasan pembelaan bagi
sesuatu tuduhan tingkah laku yang tidak beretika


Etika Kaunselor, Lembaga Kaunselor

H.1.b Konflik antara etika dengan undang-undang
Sekiranya berlaku konflik antara tanggungjawab etika
dengan undang-undang, peraturan atau pihak berkuasa
undang-undang yang lain, kaunselor hendaklah
menjelaskan komitmen mereka kepada KEK,LK dan
mengambil langkah-langkah untuk menyelesaikan
konflik tersebut. Jika konflik masih tidak dapat
diselesaikan dengan cara tersebut, kaunselor boleh
mengikuti ketepatan undang-undang, peraturan atau
pihak berkuasa undang-undang yang lain

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