The Prodigal Son

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Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering

round to hear him. But the Pharisees and the teachers

of the law muttered, "This man welcomes sinners, and
eats with them." Then Jesus told them this parable:
(Luke, 15: 1-3)

In Luke chapter 15, Jesus explains to publicans and sinners how

God relates to sinners by using three parables.

The lost coin

prodigal son

It knew it was
lost, but didnt
know how to
come back

It didnt know it
was lost

He willingly got
away from God

God tries to find

it and rescues it

God tries to find

it and rescues it

God waited for

him to willingly
come back

The lost sheep

Jesus continued: "There was a

man who had two sons. The
younger one said to his father,
Father, give me my share of
the estate.' So he divided his
property between them. "Not
long after that, the younger son
got together all he had, set off
for a distant country and there
squandered his wealth in wild
Luke, 15: 11-13

The son decided to become

independent from his father
and to live his own life
without reporting to him.
Sometimes we
willingly separate
from God and want
to live our own life
without counting
on Him.

How did the father feel when his son

wanted to abandon him? How do you
think God feels when you get away
from Him? (Read John, 3: 16)

After he had spent everything,

there was a severe famine in
that whole country, and he
began to be in need. So he
went and hired himself out to a
citizen of that country, who
sent him to his fields to feed
pigs. He longed to fill his
stomach with the pods that the
pigs were eating, but no-one
gave him anything.
Luke, 15: 14-16

He didnt remember his father

nor feel any need of him while
everything was going well.
In a moment of his life after
living like a prodigal (a
spendthrift) he harvested the
consequences of his acts.
His sins cost him his financial
stability and his comfortable
home, but also his dignity, his
own respect, his reputation,
his purity and his good

When he came to his senses,

he said, How many of my
father's hired men have food to
spare, and here I am starving
to death! I will set out and go
back to my father and say to
him: Father, I have sinned
against heaven and against you.
I am no longer worthy to be
called your son; make me like
one of your hired men.'
Luke, 15: 17-19

When things started to go

bad, he reflected, came to
his senses and started to
realize how much he had
when he depended on his

Sometimes it is necessary to
suffer difficulties that we cannot
solve, so we feel how much we
need God and we make the
decision of seeking him.

So he got up and went to his

father. But while he was still a
long way off, his father saw him
and was filled with compassion for
him; he ran to his son, threw his
arms around him and kissed him.
The son said to him, 'Father, I
have sinned against heaven and
against you. I am no longer
worthy to be called your son.'
Luke, 15: 20-21

The father didnt wait for his son to

finish the path that separated them.
He ran to his son and embraced him
and kissed him.

God wants us to recognize our sin, so He

can embrace us and accept us back to
our home.
It doesnt matter how low he fell, God
accepts us and transforms us.

But the father said to his

servants, 'Quick! Bring the
best robe and put it on him.
Put a ring on his finger and
sandals on his feet. Bring the
fattened calf and kill it.
Let's have a feast and
celebrate. For this son of
mine was dead and is alive
again; he was lost and is
found.' So they began to
celebrate. Luke, 15: 22-24

First, the father placed his own robe over the

dirty and stinky garments of his son.
Then, he ordered to dress him with new
clothes, footwear and the familiar ring.

Thats how he was welcomed again as a

member of the family.

Once we repented, God covers us with his

robe of forgiveness.

Then, He dresses us with new

garments and restores us as a member
of His family, like we never sinned.

To give a true representation of the tender, loving, pitying care exercised by His
Father, Jesus gave the parable of the prodigal son. Though His children err and
stray from Him, if they repent and return, He will receive them with the joy
manifested by an earthly father in receiving a long-lost son who in penitence
returns (E.G.W., Evangelism, cp. 4, Patterning after the Master Evangelist, pg. 56)

With outstretched arms He waits to welcome the prodigal. Go to Him, and tell
Him about your mistakes and failures. Ask Him to strengthen you for fresh
endeavor. He will never disappoint you, never abuse your confidence
(E.G.W., Messages to young people, cp. 24, pg. 97)

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