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Unit III


Primary approach
Adaptation and deployment of a suitable quality

improvement model, keeping in view the

improvement needs and competition.
Reason for adopting TQM - primarily to increase
domestic and global competitiveness.
There is need for clear, consistent and persistent
leadership to introduce TQM principles.
TQM can be implemented through a welldeveloped Total Quality system model.

Basic Elements of TQM strategy

Concept of customer-first and

listening to

Customer-focused vision, and strategic goals
Care for employees and trust-building
Creation of a Learning Organization for change
and continuous improvement
Leadership to remove barriers to achieving TQ
Plans and measurement of result.

Deming Management Philosophy

Propounded by W. Edwards Deming

Was a statistician at Western Electric in 1930s

During World War II he taught quality control courses

as part of national defense effort

Taught engineers but failed to reach top management
1950s he was invited to Japan to introduce statistical
quality control concepts
Mid 1970s quality of Japanese products exceeded that
of the West.
He was practically unknown in the US till 1980.

Deming Management Philosophy

He never really defined quality. a product or

service possesses quality if it helps somebody and

enjoys a good and sustainable market.
High quality
High productivity
competitive strength
Demings Philosophy A System of Profound
Knowledge which consists of 4 parts;

for a system
Understanding process variation
Theory of knowledge

Demings Philosophy

A set of functions or activities that work together to
achieve organizational goals
A system must have an aim for everybody to gain
over the long term stockholders, employees,
customers, community and environment
Components of a system must work together for
Subsystems and people who work in them must be
Managements job is to optimize the system.
Systems require co-operation. Competition may be

Demings Philosophy
2. Understanding process variation:
No two outputs from any production process are
exactly alike.
Variation may be due to difference in material, tools,
machinery, settings, operators, etc. and are difficult to
Common causes of variation - Factors present as a
natural part of the process (80-90%)
Special causes of variation arise from external
sources, thus not inherent in the process (10-20%)

Demings Philosophy
2. Understanding process variation:
Common Causes of variation
Inherent in the process
Account for 80-90% of
observed variations
Arise from variation in
methods, machines, etc.
System governed only by
common causes is stable
and performance can be
If management tries to fix
it, variation may increase.

Special Causes of variation

External to the process
Account for 10-20% of
observed variations
Arise from variation in quality
of material, poor training, etc.
System governed by special
causes is unstable and disrupts
predictable pattern
If management ignores them,
they miss the opportunity to

Demings Philosophy
2. Understanding process variation:
Variation is the root cause of poor quality
Variation increases the cost of doing business
By minimizing variation, everybody benefits
To reduce common cause variation change

technology of the process

Pressurizing workers to perform at high quality
can lead to frustration
Special cause variation can be corrected through
training and management support

Demings Philosophy
3. Theory of knowledge:
Concerned with nature and scope of knowledge, its

presuppositions, and general reliability of claims to

Deming was influenced by Irving Lewis who stated
that there is no knowledge without interpretation, the
latter being an activity of the mind subject to further
Management decisions must be driven by facts, data,
and justifiable theories, not solely by opinions.
Good theories supported by data can establish causeeffect relationship, used for prediction.
Theory explains why things happen.

Demings Philosophy
4. Psychology:
It helps understand people, interactions between
people and circumstances, between leaders and
employees, etc.
Psychology helps nurture and preserve peoples
positive innate attributes.
Demings contribution was in bringing together
some basic concepts already developed by others in
the field.

Deming 14 Points for Management

These points were devised during an era when
organisations were ruled by autocratic managers,
driven by short-term profits and little focus or
interest in quality improvement.
These points, even today, provide important
insights for managers.
Failure to heed them might lead to repetition of the
mistakes made in the past.

Deming 14 Points for Management

Create and publish a statement of aims and
purposes of the organisation and demonstrate
managements commitment to it:
Conduct a thorough assessment to identify the
need for change as well as the areas that
opportunities. Without adequate commitment
from management, change and improvement is
not possible.

Deming 14 Points for Management

2. Learn the new philosophy:
Old historical methods such as quota-driven
production, work measurement, dont work.
There should be new ways of thinking.
Organisations need to continually renew
themselves to learn new approaches including
the Baldrige framework and Six Sigma

Deming 14 Points for Management

3. Understand the purpose of inspection:

It is essential for improvement of processes and

reduction of cost.
Mid 20th Century it was a principal means of
quality control, which added little value to the
Deming suggested that inspection should be used
wisely as an information-gathering tool for
Better understanding can eliminate unnecessary
inspection or perform critical inspection to avoid
expensive rework.

Deming 14 Points for Management

4. End Price-tag Decisions:
Purchasing decisions have been conventionally
driven by cost through competitive bidding.
Deming promoted the recognition of purchasing
departments as internal suppliers to production.
He urged businesses to be loyal to few suppliers
thereby enhancing opportunity for improvement.
Supply chains need to be established to develop
stronger partnerships with suppliers.

Deming 14 Points for Management

5. Improve Constantly:
Traditionally not a common practice, but currently
an essential means to survival in competition.
Improvements are sought in design (through
customer feedback and understanding customer
needs)and operations (by reducing variation,
encouraging innovation, etc.).
Use appropriate tools for improvement.

Deming 14 Points for Management

6. Institute training:

People are the most valuable resource

Training, besides improving product/service quality;
adds to worker morale by demonstrating that the
company is interested in investing in their future.
Training should aim to identify, diagnose, analyze
and solve performance problems.
Some provide excellent training for technology
related to production, but fail to enrich ancillary
skills of their workforce.

Deming 14 Points for Management

7. Teach & Institute Leadership:
Management must lead and guide, not supervise and
Supervision must provide a link between
management and workforce. Leadership should
help eliminate fear and instill teamwork.
Leadership gets challenging as new generations of
managers replace those who have learned to lead.

Deming 14 Points for Management

8. Drive out fear:
Fear in work fear of failure, change, the unknown.
It encourages short-term selfish thinking and not
long-term improvement.
Creating a culture without fear is a slow process.
It can happen through positive motivation and
effective leadership & corporate policies.
Managers should be sensitive to the impact that fear
can have on their organisations.

Deming 14 Points for Management

9. Optimize Team Efforts:
Barriers between individuals and departments lead
to poor quality. This is often a result of internal
Teamwork helps break down barriers between
internal customers and suppliers.
Focus should be on meeting customer needs and
improving processes as a means to achieving
corporate goals.

Deming 14 Points for Management

10. Eliminate Exhortations:
Motivate through trust and leadership than slogans.
However, workers cannot improve solely from
motivational methods without a system that
enhances their performance.
Where the environment constrains their output, they
become frustrated and perform badly.
Take the help of data-driven processes and better
organizational design to drive improvement.

Deming 14 Points for Management

11. Eliminate Quotas and MBO:
Numerical quotas encourage short-term behavior
rather than long-term.
Deming goals are useful, but numerical goals set
without incorporating a method to reach there,
generate frustration and resentment.
Where variations occur, strive to understand the
reasons for variation, find means to improve rather
than focus on short-term goals.

Deming 14 Points for Management

12. Remove barriers to pride in workmanship:
Stop viewing workers as commodities
Dont give them monotonous work with inferior
machines, or material, or require them to report
to supervisors who dont know the job.
Empower workers with a sense of ownership of
their work processes and show higher selfesteem.

Deming 14 Points for Management

13. Institute Education:
Where training refers to job skills, education refers
to self-development.
Firms should develop value and self-worth of
employees by investing in them.
It is an effective method to motivate employees and
is found to return many benefits.
Educating employees must not be viewed as a cost.

Deming 14 Points for Management

14. Take Action:
Cultural changes anywhere, starts with top
management, and includes everyone.
Changing an organizational culture may be met with
resistance in many firms.
management practices are deeply ingrained into
the organization's culture.
Nevertheless, take appropriate action to imbibe

The Juran Philosophy

Joseph M Juran joined the Western Electric in 1920s

Spent much of his tenure as a corporate industrial

1951 wrote and published Quality Control
Handbook, one of the most comprehensive books on
1950s - He taught quality principles to Japanese, just
after Deming
He was a principle force in their quality

The Juran Philosophy

Juran viewed quality on two levels;
The mission of the firm as a whole is to achieve high product
The mission of each individual department in the firm is to
achieve high production quality

Senior management must play an active leadership

role in quality management process.

He believed that employees at different levels spoke
different languages.
Thus, to get managements attention, quality issues
must be addressed through analysis of quality costs.

The Juran Philosophy

Focus on conformance to specifications through

Elimination of defects and

Support by statistical tools

He defined quality as fitness for use. It consists of

four parts
Quality of design
Quality of conformance
Field service

The Juran Philosophy

Quality of design:

Focuses on market research, product concept and

design specifications
Quality of conformance:
Includes technology, manpower and management
Focuses on reliability, maintainability and logistical
Field service:
Includes promptness, competence and integrity

The Juran Philosophy


consisting of





Quality planning the process for preparing to meet

quality goals
Quality control the process of meeting quality
goals during operations
Quality improvement the process for breaking
through to unprecedented
levels of performance.

The Juran Philosophy

Adopted top-down approach. It is managements

responsibility to achieve quality

Emphasised on problem solving techniques
He advocated 10 steps to quality improvement:
i. Build awareness of opportunities
ii. Set goals for improvement in all areas of work
iii. Organise to reach goals.
iv. Carry out improvement projects to solve problems
v. Provide training to people

The Juran Philosophy

vi. Give recognition for quality work

vii. Report progress

viii. Communicate results
ix. Keep the score

Maintain momentum of progress

Based on these principles, Juran propagated a concept
Managing Business Process quality by crossfunctional quality improvement programs

The Crosby Philosophy

Advocated by Philip B. Crosby, who was corporate

vice president at International Telephone &

Telegraph for 14 years.
He established the Philip Crosby Associates in 1979
to develop and offer training programs.
He authored several books, quality without tears,
quality is free, etc that were easy for people to read.
He popularized the idea of the "cost of poor quality",
that is, figuring out how much it really costs to do
things badly

The Crosby Philosophy

He believed that zero defects is not something that

originates on the assembly line

Management must set the tone and atmosphere for
employees to follow
Benefit - dramatic decrease in wasted resources and
time spent producing goods that consumer's do not
Mr. Crosby defined quality as a conformity to certain
specifications set forth by management

The Crosby Philosophy

Crosby's response to the quality crisis was the principle

of "doing it right the first time" (DRIFT) which

included four important principles
1) Quality is defined as conformance to requirements,
not as 'goodness' or 'elegance'.
2) The system for causing quality is prevention, not
3) The performance standard must be Zero Defects,
not "that's close enough".
4) The measurement of quality is the Price of Nonconformance.

The Crosby Philosophy

Zero Defects (ZD) Performance standard:

do it right the first time

Prevent defects, not find and fix them
People are conditioned to believe that error is
inevitable they not only accept but anticipate it!
Most human error is a result of lack of attention
rather than lack of knowledge.
ZD standard help to eliminate waste due to rework,
scrap and repair

The Crosby Philosophy


elements of quality improvement:

Determination, education and implementation.
Emphasis on management and organisational
processes for changing corporate culture.
Crosby Philosophy fits well within existing
organisational structures.
Like Deming, Crosby has also prescribed his 14
points of quality management, as follows;

The Crosby Philosophy

14 principles for quality improvement Crosby:



Commitment of top management to quality

Team approach to quality improvement
Measure quality to identify improvement areas
System for measuring cost of quality
Initiating corrective actions
Promoting quality awareness in the company
Planning zero defect programme

The Crosby Philosophy

viii. Organizing supervisory training for all levels

ix. Setting goals for improvement



Promoting work systems for performing error-free

Observe zero-defects day to stress quality standards
Recognize those who meet their quality goals
Constitute quality councils of quality professionals
to share experiences, problems and solutions
Do it all over again for improvement.

Armand Feigenbaums Philosophy


He recognized the importance of

comprehensive approach to Quality
Coined the term Total Quality Control
Japanese adopted his concept and renamed it
Company-wide Quality Control
Defines Total Quality as excellence-driven rather than
a defect-driven concept
He viewed quality as a strategic business tool that
requires involvement from everyone, and promoted
the use of quality costs to measure and evaluate

Armand Feigenbaums Philosophy

He believed that TQM is based on three core

principles: customer focus, participation and

teamwork, continuous improvement.



Participation & Teamwork

Tools & techniques

Armand Feigenbaums Philosophy

He observed that quality is directly influenced by 9 Ms


Modern information methods
Mounting product requirements

Armand Feigenbaums Philosophy

Focus on TQM should be:

customers better than competitors do

Compensate for weaknesses inherent in the culture
Use facilitation, mediate structure to imbibe change
Benchmark against best-of-breed companies
Use scientific methods, not opinion or gut-feel
All dealings to be based on sincerity and trust
Use customers and competitors to drive all decisions
Get the workforce to manage itself

Armand Feigenbaums Philosophy

Focus on TQM should be:

on continuous learning and improvement

Use technology effectively
Measure key parameters for all activities
Get people to perform mundane activities with a
focus on quality
Emphasize process more than product
Turn employees from skill hoarders to disseminators
Use cross-functional teams

Armand Feigenbaums Philosophy

Key elements of quality control:
a) Total quality control is a system for quality development
b) The control aspect involves setting standards, appraising

performance and taking corrective action

c) Factors that affect quality can be divided into two categories;
viz., technology and human
d) Operating quality costs can be divided into four parts;
prevention costs, appraisal costs, internal failure costs and
external failure costs
e) It is important to control quality at the source.

Shewharts Philosophy
Walter A Shewhart Father of Quality

Deming learned at the feet of Shewhart.

Credit for TQM philosophy goes to two people,

Shewhart, and his student, Deming.

Shewhart introduced the concept of Statistical Process
Control which became the cornerstone for process
Statistical Process Control involves the use of a system
to chart separately common causes and special causes
of variation, and then remedy it

Shewharts Philosophy
For SPC to work effectively, the common cause

variation needs to be really small relative to

specification limits.
Control processes are hampered greatly by lack of
information. SPC will aid managers to make scientific,
efficient and economical decisions.
He developed
Shewhart Cycle Learning and
Improvement Cycle, combining creative thinking with
statistical analysis.
The cycle contains 4 continuous steps: Plan, do, study,
act. (The PDSA Cycle)

Shewharts Philosophy
The major contribution made by Shewhart is the PDSA

cycle of management.

what you want to do

what is planned


the results

make corrections


for improvements (start the cycle again)

Shewharts Philosophy
Another of his noteworthy contributions includes

control charts; which is a fundamental tool of SPC.

Control chart is the graphical device which helps in

identifying the variation in characteristics for

improvement. It is the line chart with control limits
It helps to identify whether processes are operating

consistently. Control charts have 3 components:

A centerline (the mathematical average of samples)
Upper and lower control limits defining constraints
Performance data plotted over time

Shewharts Philosophy
Control charts applications
To establish a state of statistical control
To monitor a process and signal when it goes out of
To determine process capability
The American Society for Quality presents a Shewhart
Medal for outstanding contribution to the science
and techniques of quality control or for
demonstrating leadership in the field of QC.

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