Ports in Networking

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Muhammad Aamir irshad 2686

Adil Hassan 2602

presentation on

Ports in networking

What is port
In computer networking, the term port can refer to physical or logical connection
Port is a place or on your computer that information goes into and out of to your
computer .

Ports types
Physical ports

Logical ports
TCP and UDP ports

What is tcp and udp

We need to a little concept about TCP and UDP . Before understand the TCP
and UDP ports


UDP(user datagram protocol)

sending the data packages into a little package
UDP releases release these little packages on the network
with the hopes that it will get to the right place
There is no guarantee of transmission.
this method of transmission has very low overhead
popular to use for services that are not that important to work on the first try

Example of UDP
When any SMS send there is no connection established. And not sure that
receiving device is on or off. Rather it SMS send on network. There is no
warranty that data receive.

TCP (Transmission control protocol)

the sending device create a connection to receiving device

stays connected for the duration of the transfer.
There is guarantee that the data has arrived safely and correctly,
disconnect the connection after the transmission.
This method of transferring data tends to be quicker and more reliable
puts a higher load on the communication devices as it has to monitor the
connection and the data going across it.

Example of TCP
A real life comparison to this method would be to pick up the phone and call a
friend. You have a conversation and when it is over, you both hang up,
releasing the connection.

TCP and Udp ports

Every computer have an ip address on internet.

IP address is used to recognize your particular computer

Using the IP address It accepts that information by using TCP or UDP ports.
There is many ports on that IP address

TCP and Udp ports (Continue)

If sending device use UDP port then it recommending that receiving device
use the UDP port.

If sending device use TCP port then it recommending that receiving device use
the TCP port.
Once an application binds itself to a particular port, that port can not be used
by any other application. It is first come, first served

Figure . IP address with Ports

<-------------------- -------------------->















Port range
The port number divided in three range

Well Known Ports


Registered Ports


Dynamic and/or Private Ports.

Well Known Ports

The Well Known Ports are those in the range 01023.
They widely use for network services.

Port 0 and 1023 are reserved . Can not be used

Registered Ports
The Registered Ports are those in the range 102449151.

They are assigned by IANA.

On most systems, registered ports can be used by ordinary users.

Dynamic and/or Private Ports.

The Dynamic and/or Private Ports are those in the range 4915265535. These
ports are not used by any defined application.
This range is used for custom or temporary purposes and for automatic
allocation of ephemeral ports.

List of some daily use ports .



MSN messenger



Microsoft Media Services

(MMS, ms-streaming)



Online gaming



SMTP - used for e-mail

routing between
mail servers E-mails







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