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The Follower
The Uncertain
The Tracker
The Shadow

Narrative Beginning

The main character is in a super market, looking

down the aisles. They knock down items off the
The stalker rushes in to help pick things up. They say
goodbye and the stalker leaves.
A shot shows the main character walking out of the
super market with the bags. Suddenly the bags split
and everything falls into the street. Once again the
stalker comes to her rescue and the pair laugh about
the coincidence of bumping into each other again.

Narrative Middle

The main character is at the bus stop with her cousin,

talking about going for a meal. The bus approaches and
the main character drops her money.
The stalker appears and happens to have the correct
amount of bus fare. Her cousin recognises him but
doesnt know where from.
Diary entries: Voice over of the main character talking
about how she keeps bumping into the stalker. Montage
of her bumping into him.
The main character becomes scared. When the stalker
knocks on her door to return a lost bracelet, she slams the
door in his face and threatens him.

Example of a Montage

Narrative Ending

The cousin comes round to her house to tell her

where she recognises the stalker from. With her, she
brings a photo album and shows her the stalker.
Main character notices he is wearing the same
bracelet that she has.
Runs outside to apologise, only to see him wave at
her and then walk off into the distance as he


Main character female - hero

Family member female- Donor/helper
Stalker male- False villain

Mise en Scene

Body Language

Main character- At the beginning of the narrative she

has open body language towards the stalker. But as
the narrative progresses, her body language becomes
closed. e.g. she could turn away. She has open body
language with her cousin all the time.
Stalker- Their body language is always open because
he is always trying to help.
Cousin- She has unbiased body language towards
the other characters, but warmer towards the main


Shopping- Is used when the character knocks items

over and when her bags split.
Diary- Writes about encounters with the stalker.
Bracelet- Returned by the stalker. The character sees
the stalker wearing it in the photograph.
Photo album- Used to identify the stalker.
Bus money- Give by stalker.


At the opening of the narrative the lighting is high

As the narrative progresses the lighting gets darker
and becomes low key.
At the very end there is high key lighting again as
everything has been resolved.


Stalker- 1920s clothing e.g. waist coat, hair gelled

and parted at the side.
Main character and cousin-dressed in everyday


Super market- bright light, friendly, positive, happy.

Street- Natural light, friendly.
House- Darker lighting


Young adults/ teenagers

Not really gender specific
People who enjoy thrillers.
People who like twists at the end.


Time- happens over a few months as shown in the

montage and dates in the diary.
Jewellery- A bracelet that is lost by the main
character and then returned by the stalker. It is also
seen in the photograph worn by the stalker.

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