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Compare traditions and habits of

Canada with traditions and habits of

the USA
Kultra anglofnnych krajn


customs and traditions in Canada and USA

brought to the country by the millions of
were part of the native culture when these
people arrived.
Each area of the country and each ethnic group
have their own tradition and custom.
difficult to determine one or several customs that
are practiced in the same way all across the


Social customs in USA / Canada

Dressing habits in USA/ canda
Eating habits in USA/ Canada
traditions in USA and Canada
Other events


Social customs

Americans often greet total strangers, particularly in small towns and communities.
If someone asks How are you?, its usual to reply Fine thanks (even if you feel dreadful).
Americans generally dislike formality or any sort of social deference due to age or position,
To Americans, informality shows no lack of respect e.g. if someone is introduced as Richard he
usually quickly adds Please call me Rick
defer to people with a professional title which has been earned. These include foreign diplomats
(e.g. Sir), members of the Senate (Senator) or Congress (Congressman/Congresswoman), judges,
medical doctors and others with a doctorate, military officers (e.g. General, Colonel), professors,
priests and other religious ministers (e.g. Father, Rabbi, Reverend).
Guests are normally expected to be punctual, with the exception of certain society parties, when
late arrival is de rigueur (provided you dont arrive after the celebrity guest). Its usual to arrive half
an hour to an hour after the official start of a dance
If youre invited to dinner, its customary to take along a small present, e.g. flowers, a plant,
chocolates or a bottle of wine (but nothing extravagant
Some families say grace before meals, so follow your hosts example before tucking in.
most Americans dont eat with a knife and fork like normal people. When not eating with their
hands they usually eat everything with a fork held in the right hand (unless left-handed)
When saying goodbye, it isnt customary to shake hands again, although some people do

Social customs in Canada

Don't be surprised when strangers talk to you!
You will find that many Canadians will smile at
you as they pass in the street, or say
something to you like 'Hi' or 'How's it going?'

When you visit someones home, you always

remove your footwear inside the entrance.

Dressing habits

Although many foreigners have the impression that Americans are relaxed and
casual in their dress, they often have strict dress codes.
In the puritanical New England states, people usually dress conservatively and
more formally than in most other regions. This is particularly true of office
workers, who are usually expected to wear a suit and tie (and have short hair).
In the east, casual wear (jeans or casual trousers, open-necked shirt) is acceptable
for the beach or the garden but is unacceptable in many restaurants.
In the south and west, casual dress is more acceptable, in the office and socially,
and only the most expensive restaurants insist on ties and formal dress
Many offices have introduced a dress-down day on one day a week (usually
Friday), when employees may wear casual attire (although jeans may still be off
When going anywhere that could be remotely formal (or informal), its wise to ask
in advance what youre expected to wear(unless you want to stick out like a sore

Canadian Thanksgiving

officially celebrated on the second Monday of October

(Canada does not have a big shopping day after Thanksgiving)
origins are more closely connected to the traditions of Europe than of the United States
is more about giving thanks for the harvest season The early settlers were so pleased with their first
harvests in the new land that they had a celebration to give thanks.
celebration is not as big in Canada as it is in the U.S. (USA Thanksgiving - the year's biggest holiday
people generally get together for their Thanksgiving meal on any one of the three days of this three-day
holiday weekend.
Thanksgiving in Canada falls on the same day as Columbus Day in the United States
there arent many differences between Canadian and American Thanksgiving, other than the dateBoth
Canadians and Americans celebrate Thanksgiving with parades, family gatherings, pumpkin pie and a
whole lot of turkey
This year, Canadian Thanksgiving falls on Monday, Oct 10, 2011.
Similar to the United States, traditions such as parades and football can be a part of Canadian
Thanksgiving. The Kitchener-Waterloo Oktoberfest parade is the most widely known Canadian
Thanksgiving Day parade and is broadcast nationwide on CTV. The Canadian Football League holds a
nationally televised doubleheader known as the "Thanksgiving Day Classic". It is one of two weeks in
which the league plays on Monday afternoons, the other being the Labour Day Classic

Christmas in Canada is basically the same as Christmas in
the United States.
Boston Christmas Tree tradition:
started with the Halifax Explosion on December 6, 1917
two ships collided in the Halifax harbor and caused a large
explosion heard over 100 Km away.
The explosion destroyed over 325 acres of the north end of
the city, killing over 1900 people, and injuring over 9000
In response to this devastation, the people of Boston sent
help in the form of doctors, nurses, food and supplies.
as a small token of appreciation, Canadians send a special
Christmas tree to Boston every year.

Both Canada and USA are a conglomerate of cultures
and traditions from all over the world. As the United
States, Canada was populated with people emigrating
from other countries searching for a better life.
Thanks to globaliosation many american habits and
traditions are known to us, mainly from movies and tv
Perhaps the only way to find out what are the habits
and traditions of usa and canada really like ist to wisit
the countries

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