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Maribel Mangalus


The word comes from the Greek word

pharanx meaning "throat" and the suffix itis meaning "inflammation."

Pharyngitis is swelling or infection of the

tissues and structures in your child's pharynx

(throat). It is also called sore throat.

Viruses are the most common cause of sore throats,

but some sore throats are caused by bacterial

Individuals who are frequently exposed to colds

and flus, such as healthcare workers or children in day

care are the most likely to develop pharyngitis.
Individuals who have allergies, experience frequent
sinus infections, or who have been exposed to secondhand smoke are also more likely to develop

Viral Infection
Pharyngitis is most commonly caused by viral

infections such as the common cold, influenza,

or mononucleosis. Viral infections do not
respond to antibiotics, and treatment is only
necessary to help relieve symptoms.
A virus such as the cold or flu virus causes viral
pharyngitis. Pharyngitis is common in
adolescents who have an illness called
infectious mononucleosis (mono). Mono is
caused by the Epstein-Barr virus.

Bacterial Infection
Less commonly, pharyngitis is caused by a

bacterial infection. Bacterial infections do

require antibiotics. The most common
bacterial infection of the throat is strep throat,
which is caused by streptococcus A. Rare
causes of bacterial pharyngitis include
gonorrhea, chlamydia, and corynebacterium.

Bacteria cause bacterial pharyngitis. The most

common type of bacteria that causes

pharyngitis is group A streptococcus (strep
throat). Adolescents who are sexually active can
get a sore throat from gonorrhea or other
sexually shared bacteria

Pain during swallowing, or hoarseness

Cough, runny or stuffy nose, itchy or watery

A rash on his body
Fever and headache
Whitish-yellow patches on the back of his
Tender, swollen lumps on the sides of his neck
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or stomach pain

Transmission is by droplet. Germs infiltrate the

epithelial layer, then the epithelium is eroded,

then the superficial lymphoid tissue
inflammatory reaction occurs with the
damming of polymorphonuclear leukocyte
infiltration. In the early stages there is
hyperemia and edema and increased
secretions. Serous exudate at first, but tends to
become thickened and dry and can be attached
to the pharyngeal wall.

By hyperemia, blood vessel walls of the

pharynx to the width. Blockage forms a yellow,
white, or gray present in follicles or lymphoid
tissue. It appears that the lymphoid follicles
and blotches on the posterior pharyngeal wall
or located more laterally to become inflamed
and swollen causing inflammation of the
throat or pharyngitis.

Assess the patient for pain every 2 to 4 hours,

and give antitussives and pain medication.

Make sure you dont overmedicate. Pain relief
allows for maximum chest expansion.
Encourage the patient to take deep breaths and
to cough. To minimize pain, apply firm
pressure at the site of the pain while the patient
cough (splinting).

inflammation of the tonsils most commonly caused by

viral or bacterial infection.

Tonsils are the two lymph nodes located on each side

of the back of your throat. They function as a defense

mechanism, helping to prevent infection from
entering the rest of your body. When the tonsils
themselves become infected, the condition is called

Tonsillitis can occur at any age and is a

common childhood ailment. It is most often

diagnosed in children from preschool age
through their mid teens. Symptoms include
a sore throat, swollen tonsils, and fever.
Tonsillitis is easily diagnosed and treated.

Symptoms usually fully resolve within seven to

10 days.

Tonsils are your first line of defense against

illness and they produce white blood cells to

help your body fight infection. The tonsils
combat bacteria and viruses that enter your
body through the mouth, but are vulnerable to
infection from these invaders themselves.

Tonsillitis can be caused by a virus, such as

the common cold, or by a bacterial infection,

such as strep throat.
Children come into close contact with others at

school and play, exposing them to a variety of

viruses and bacteria. This makes them
particularly vulnerable to the germs that cause

Tonsillitis most commonly affects children

between preschool ages and the mid-teenage
years. Common signs and symptoms of
tonsillitis include:
Red, swollen tonsils
White or yellow coating or patches on the
Sore throat
Difficult or painful swallowing

Enlarged, tender glands (lymph nodes) in the

A scratchy, muffled or throaty voice
Bad breath
Stomachache, particularly in younger children
Stiff neck
In young children who are unable to describe
how they feel, signs of tonsillitis may include:
Drooling due to difficult or painful swallowing
Refusal to eat
Unusual fussiness




The tonsils are lymph

nodes in the back of
the mouth and top of
the throat. They
normally help filter
out bacteria and other
microorganisms to
prevent infection in
the body. They
become so
overwhelmed by
bacterial of viral
infection that swell
and became inflamed,
causing tonsillitis.


-A Beta hemolytic
- Nesseria
- H influenza

- Influenza virus
- Epstein- Barr
- Herpes simplex


Ear pain
Fever, chills
Sore throat lasts
longer than 48
hours and may be
Tenderness of the
Voice changes, loss
of voice



Pharyngitis bacterial
Pharyngitis viral
Dehydration from
difficulty swallowing fluids
Blocked airway from
enlarged tonsils
Perotonsillar abscess or
abscess in other parts of
the throat
Rheumatic fever and
subsequent cardiovascular
Kidney failure

Clear the airway patent (keep the head position

in a state parallel to the spine / as indicated).

Perform suction if necessary.
Assess the function of the respiratory system.
Assess the patient's ability to perform cough /
discharging effort.

Observation of vital signs before and after the

Observation for signs of respiratory distress
(skin becomes pale / cyanosis).
Collaboration with therapists in the provision
of physiotherapy

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