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Submitted to:
Ms. Nishrin Pishori
Submitted by:
Surbhi Modi-31
 Zürich is the largest city in
 The city is sometimes called the
Cultural Capital of Switzerland,
the political capital of
Switzerland being Berne.
 It can be counted as one of the
world's pre-eminent global
 According to several surveys from
2006 to 2008, Zürich was
named the city with the best
quality of life in the world, as
well as the wealthiest city in
 Zürich is also ranked the sixth
most expensive city in the
Zurich – Fashion & Contemporary
 Zürich’s main shopping mile,
Bahnofstrasse, has
contributed largely to the
city's reputation as an El
Dorado for shoppers and is a
top address for international
fashion labels, jewelry and
 However, it is just one of the
places where you can find
urban Zürich labels; whether
in Zürich-West or in the
Aussersihl quarter, you often
come across local brands
where you least expect
them. They inspire the
fashion-conscious and cause
a sensation far beyond
Switzerland's borders.
Also for lovers of art
Zürich has a lot to offer.
The city alone is home
to over 50 museums,
some 14 of which are
devoted to art.
These museums boast a
significant collection of
paintings, sculptures,
photographs and
videos, non-European
art in the world & also
one of them housed in
an over 100 year old
building reminiscent of
a fairytale castle –
contains the country's
most comprehensive
collection of exhibits
relating to Swiss
cultural history.
Major Events that takes place evry year

as a part of Zurich’s contemporary

culture are:
 Zürcher Theater Spektakel (August 2009)
 Street Parade
 Sechseläuten, spring festival of the guilds
and burning of the Böögg
 Zürcher Theater Spektakel, international
theatre festival, ranking among the most
important European festivals for
contemporary performing arts.
 Kunst Zürich, international contemporary art
fair with an annual guest city (New York in
2005); combines most recent and
youngest art with the works of well-
established artists.
 Annual public city campaign, sponsored by
the City Vereinigung with the cooperation
of the city government. Past themes have
included lions (1986), cows (1998),
benches (2003), and teddy bears (2005).
, one of the biggest freestyle
events in Europe
 Zürifäscht, a triennial public festival
featuring music, fireworks, and other
attractions throughout the old town. It is
the largest public festival in Switzerland,
attended by up to 2 million visitors.
Contemporary Art in Zurich
 Zürich is the home of the Cabaret
Voltaire where the Dada
movement began in 1916.
 Constructive Art Movement took
also one of the first steps in
Zürich. Artists like Max Bill,
Marcel Breuer, Camille Graeser
or Richard Paul Lohse had their
ateliers in Zürich, which
became even more important
after the takeover of power by
the Nazi-Regime in Germany
and World War II.
 Ballets and operas are also
intrinsic part of Zurich cultural
activities. The city houses a
number of opera houses and
theaters, among which Zürcher
Opernhaus,Theater der Künste
Like many other European countries, Zurich
has also turned out to be one of the
principal hubs of modern art. Zurich
artworks mainly comprise of famous
paintings, preserved till date and
displayed in 50 museums across the city.
Hence, a number of public places like
restaurants and the main rail stations are
decorated with paintings. Zurich has
inspired renowned painters and sculptors
of extraordinary caliber like Max Bill, Le
Corbusier and Jean Tinguely. Icons and
figures sculpted by these people are some
of the prized possessions of Zurich.
Famous Contemporary Art
Coninx Museum
Changing exhibitions of paintings and
graphic work, primarily from Switzerland,
plus non-European art.
Daros Exhibitions
Changing exhibitions of modern and
contemporary art from Europe and Northern
& Latin America.
ETH Zürich Collection of Prints and
Old and modern graphic.
Haus Konstruktiv
The Haus Konstruktiv is a museum with Swiss-
wide and international recognition in one of the
most striking and beautiful testimonies to
Zurich’s industrial architecture in the
immediate vicinity of the Main Station.
Kunsthalle Winterthur
Expose new works for discussion, provide space

for experiments, display contemporary art:

those are the aims of the Kunsthalle
Winterthur. It also offers Winterthur artists a
forum for their own exhibitions in its two rooms
at the Waaghaus.
Kunsthalle Zürich
Contemporary art by international artists who

are as yet relatively unknown.

The Migros Museum of
Contemporary Art in
Züri-West collects and
exhibits international
works in its light and
airy exhibition space.
The permanent
collection features works
by over 700 different
artists, including
Gerhard Richter, and is
supported by changing
temporary exhibitions.
Cabarat Voltaire
 Cabaret Voltaire was the
name of a nightclub in Zürich,
Switzerland. It was founded
by Hugo Ball, with his
companion Emmy Hennings
on February 5, 1916 as a
cabaret for artistic and
political purposes. Events at
the cabaret proved pivotal in
the founding of the anarchic
art movement known as
 The Cabaret Voltaire fell
into disrepair until it was
occupied by a group
claiming to be neo-
dadaists in June-August of
2002. After their eviction
the Cabaret Voltaire
became a museum
 Kunsthaus Zurich also features
antique sculptures and
leading contemporary works.
Highlights of the permanent
collection include several of
Picasso's masterpieces and
two of Monet's famous water
lily paintings. The Edvard
Munch collection is the
largest outside of Norway.
Modern-art enthusiasts enjoy
the unique display of works
by Beuys.
 Kunst Zürich, international
contemporary art fair with an
annual guest city (New York
in 2005); combines most
recent and youngest art with
the works of well-established
Advertising the town by art:
Garten-city Zurich 2009
 Huge planters are all over the city of Zurich at the
 It is a unique plan by the Zurich Tourism Office,
whose theme was integration of art & design,
plants & nature, and city and environment. The
planters are made of glass-fiber-enforced
polyester, with the height of 150 cm and
diameter of 120 cm. The participating artists
around the world as well as from Switzerland
have created these planters.
 From the Zurich Airport to the center of the city,
especially along the shopping street stating from
the Central Station, the streets are decorated by
artworks, and the area from the Baunhof strasse
to Paradeplatz is one of the highlights.

Fib e r Te d d y B e a rs w e re
in sta lle d in va rio u s p a rts o f
th e city a s p a rt o f th e
A nnual p u b lic city
ca m p a ig n s, 2 0 0 5
Contemporary art can be seen in variety in
Zurich, in streets, architecture,
installation, performance, etc.
Zurich's lively main railway station, the
Hauptbahnhof, puts up many a times
cultural & food festivals where
contemporary art can be seen in various

H e re is a n exa m p le o f
co n te m p o ra ry a rt th a t h a s
b e e n p o rtra ye d in th e
fo rm of a rch ite ctu re
( underground railway
tra cks).
The Guardian Angel by Niki de St. Phalle
can be seen floating high in the cavernous
space of the Zurich Hauptbahnhof, which
truly portrays a piece of contemporary
La n ta l Textile s C o ., o n e o f th e le a d in g
textile m a n u fa ctu re r co . in S w itz., h a s
th is p ie ce o f co n te m p o ra ry a rt m a d e
u p fro m w o o d in th e ir fro n tya rd &
a n o th e r p ie ce in th e ir lo b b y.
A n o th e r fo rm ca n b e se e n
in o n e o f th e m u se u m s o f
Z u rich w h e re a
co n tin u o u s d isp la y of
vid e o s o n e a fte r a n o th e r
g o e s o n & th u s fo rm s a
visu a l a rt.
B u se s & o th e r p u b lic
p la ce s a lso d e p ict a typ e
o f co n te m p o ra ry a rt in
th e fo rm o f a d ca m p a ig n s
ca rrie d o n th e m .
Each year the traditional Conelli Circus
visits Zurich's Bauschänzli island. The
2009/2010 season is entitled Generations
and showcases both classic and modern
acts as part of a feast of colour, music
and excitement.
Som e
to u rist sp o ts
a lso d isp la y
so m e w o rks
co n te m p o ra
ry a rtists.
 Octopus 2006/2009
Katharina Fritsch - The 3-
dimentional image
created by Katharina,
shakes human’s
fundamental mentality,
desire and fear, in the
space where a new life is
alive and vivid.
Her latest work is a
strange contemporary
The man wearing a diving
suit was easily caught in
the tentacles of the
octopus like a toy.
(Photo:   Kunsthaus Zürich)

An installation art
Eva Rothchild
by David Renggli

Pa u l M cC a rth y

P h ilip p e Pa rre n o
Street Art in Zurich
 Street Art has by now been
established as a true art
movement. Young and
used-to-be-young creative
minds won't let anything
stand in the way of
restricting their expression.
Their medium is the street,
the city, the public space.
 They combine a head-
spinning mixture between
legitimacy and rebellion,
design vs. civil
 There is a strong influence of
graphics and illustration
that can be found in street
G ra fitti o n w a lls, fe n ce s,
ca rs, p u b lic a re a s, b e n ch e s
e tc . is th e m o st co m m o n
fo rm o f stre e t a rt se e n in
Z u rich as a m ode of
exp re ssio n b y th e re b e llio u s
yo u n g a rtists
Influence of Contemporary Arts on
Zurich’s Street Fashion
The contemporary art
movements influenced later
styles like the avant-garde and
downtown music movements,
and groups including
surrealism, Nouveau réalisme,
pop art, Fluxus and punk rock.
Fashion on the streets of Zurich
adopted all the fierce & ravish
fashion they could influenced
by hard rock, & the rude
graffiti seen everywhere
Culture of Zurich carries traces
of colonial influence.
The Zurich Street Parade
 The Zurich Street Parade
is all about music,
dancing, extravagant
costumes etc. Most
Zurich street parades
are thematic in nature,
organized to celebrate
or commemorate
important occasions.
 The Street Parade is the
second most attended
technoparade in
Europe. It takes place in
Zurich, Switzerland.
 The "Street Parade" is a
part of the cultural
heritage of Zurich, that
is as important for the
C o m in g to th e h a irstyle s,
th e y b e co m e ve ry
a g g re ssive m any a
tim e s, p e o p le g o fo r
fie rce b ra id in g , co lo rin g ,
e tc .

B a n d a n a s a re w o rn
w ith u tm o st ca re fre e
a ttitu d e
S h o e s w e re ch o se n
a cco rd in g to th e w e a th e r fo r
e g . Pe o p le o n th e stre e ts
w o re in ra in y se a so n w o re
sh o e s th a t w e re m o st
co n ve n ie n t in th a t w e a th e r.
Lo n g sh o e s & le a th e r ja cke ts a re o fte
co m b in e d w ith p e rso n a lstyliza tio n
G irls m o stly te n d to w e a r
sh o rts & m in i skirts w ith
p u n k le g g in g s so m e tim e s
b e ca u se o f th e p u n k ro ck
m o ve m e n t g o in g on
a m o n g th e yo u th
H a ts, C a rd ig a n ,
S h o rts, N e ckla ce ,
H e e ls, e tc . a re
co m b in e d ve ry w e ll
b y g irls w h o te n d to
h a ve a ca su a llo o k .
E xp o sin g o f Lin g e rie
h a s b e co m e a h u g e
tre n d u p th e re in Z u rich
Fu n ky T-sh irt p rin ts is p a rt
o f Z u rich ’ s stre e t fa sh io n
T h e Z u rich m a in sta tio n is
a h u b fo r yo u n g ste rs to
g a th e r w h e re w e ca n se e
th e m w e a rin g h ip & h a p
clo th e s

G u ys m o stly like to w e a r lo o se -
fitte d fa llin g o ff clo th e s fo r a
m o re h ip -h o p lo o k – H o o d ie s,
B a ckp a cks, O ve r-size d ja cke ts e tc .
S o m e tim e s
cro ss- cu ltu ra l
in flu e n ce s a re
a lso se e n o n
th e ro a d s in th e
d re sse s
b e ca u se of
m any
in te rn a tio n a l
fe stiva ls th a t
do happen
Pu n k h a s p la ye d a ve ry
im p o rta n t ro le in th e h isto ry
o f Z u rich ’ s stre e t fa sh io n ,
e ve n till to d a y.
W o m e n g o in g to w o rk m o stly p re fe r
S u it-co a ts p a ire d u p w ith tro u se rs b u t
T h e y a lso m a ke a p o in t to ke e p it stylish
Fo r e g . H e re th e la d y is w e a rin g stille to s
C ro ss D re ssin g h a s a lso b e co m e
ve ry p o p u la r b e ca u se o f th e in flu e n ce o f
h o m o sexu a lity a m o n g th e yo u th .

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