Learning Theories

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Consumer Behaviour

Week 3 Session : Consumer as an Individual-

Consumer Learning Process and theories


: 21st August , 2014

Programme : BBA -5th Semester

Dr Monika Suri

Associate Professor ,


Module Objectives
The Primary objectives of this course :
1. To Define consumer behavior in the context of individual as well as
institutional buying and understand its influence on corporate strategy
2. To Analyze marketing environments and segment them on the basis of
consumer behavior
3. To Understand internal and external/environmental determinants of
consumer behavior to select appropriate marketing tools to influence
consumer decision making.

Teaching Pedagogy: Lecture ,Discussion, Audio-Visuals, Case

Studies , Situation Analysis , Live Projects , Psychometric Test

Consumer Learning Process and theories

Learning Objectives
To Understand the Nature and Characteristics of Learning
To Understand the Application of Learning Theories in
Developing Product Positioning Strategies

Lecture Outline

Process of learning
Approaches to learning-classical conditioning
and operant (instrumental conditioning )

Weekly -Coverage
Training Pedagogy
Role Play
Individual & Group Exercise
Audio Visual lectures
Psychometric Test
Case studies

Process of Learning

A process by which individuals

acquire the purchase and
consumption knowledge and
experience that they apply to
future related behaviour.

Learning Processes
learning acquired as a result of a careful
search for information
-- learning acquired by accident or
without much effort

Importance of Learning
Marketers must teach consumers:
where to buy
how to use
how to maintain
how to dispose of products

Learning Theories
Behavioural Theories:
Cognitive Theories:
Theories based on the
A theory of learning
premise that learning takes
based on mental
place as the result of
observable responses to
external stimuli. Also
processing, often in
known as stimulus response
response to problem

Elements of Learning Theories


Behavioural Learning Theories

Classical Conditioning
Instrumental Conditioning
Modeling or Observational

Classical Conditioning
Pairing a stimulus with another stimulus that
elicits a known response to produce the same
response when used alone.


Instrumental (Operant) Conditioning

Learning based on a trial-and-error process, with
habits forced as the result of positive experiences

Classical Conditioning and Marketing Strategy

Identify and pair product with a known, well-liked

More attention
More favourable attitudes
Greater intention to buy the product
Learning of key attributes

Use stimulus generalization effectively


Instrumental Conditioning

Consumers learn by means of trial and error

process in which some purchase behaviours result
in more favorable outcomes (rewards) than other
purchase behaviours.
A favorable experience is instrumental in teaching
the individual to repeat a specific behaviour.

Instrumental Conditioning and Marketing

Make the product the ultimate reward

Provide samples and free trials
Provide non-product rewards
Practice relationship marketing
Reinforcement Schedules

Massed versus Distributed Learning

Measures of Consumer Learning

Recognition and Recall Measures

Aided and Unaided Recall
Cognitive Responses to Advertising
Copy-testing Measures
Attitudinal and Behavioural Measures of Brand Loyalty

Cognitive Learning Theory

solving, which enables

individuals to gain some control over their
Three types:

Learning through problem

Observational learning
Rote Learning

Observational Learning

Individuals learn by observing the

behaviour of others, and consequences of
such behavior.
Also known as modeling learning.

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