Pendahuluan: Heri Sutanta

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Heri Sutanta

Department of Geodesy & Geomatics Engineering

Survey2000 is a small business retailing

small survey equipment (GPS, compass,
etc.). It seeks to expand its operation by
opening three new stores. You have been
aske to assist in the process. What facts
will you include? How will you present
those facts?

Heri Sutanta

Department of Geodesy & Geomatics Engineering, UGM

Ada sebuah Titik Dasar Teknik (TDT) yang
digunakan bersama oleh beberapa
institusi. Hasil pengukuran koordinat yang
dilakukan oleh berbagai instansi dengan
menggunakan GPS ternyata berbeda.
Anda diminta untuk menentukan koordinat
yang benar. Bagaimana caranya?

Heri Sutanta

Department of Geodesy & Geomatics Engineering, UGM

Presenting & Describing


Measuring uncertainty

Rational Decision
Drawing conclusion about
population, based only on
sample information

Determining cause &

making reliable forecast

Heri Sutanta

Department of Geodesy & Geomatics Engineering, UGM

Statistic is the branch of mathematics that

examines ways to process and analyse
It provides procedures to collect and
transform data in ways that are useful to
decision-makers. Who are they?

Heri Sutanta

Department of Geodesy & Geomatics Engineering, UGM

Basic concepts
All members of a group about which you want to draw
a conclusion

Portion of the population selected for the analysis

Characteristic of items or individuals

Numerical measure that describes a characteristic of
a population

Heri Sutanta

Department of Geodesy & Geomatics Engineering, UGM

Basic concepts

Sample: N
Nilai statisktik sampel:

, 2 ,

Sample: n
Nilai statisktik sampel: x , S , S

Heri Sutanta

Department of Geodesy & Geomatics Engineering, UGM

Basic concepts
Sample: N
Nilai statisktik sampel:

, 2 ,
Sample: n1
Nilai statisktik sampel: x1 , S1 , S1

Sample: n2
Nilai statisktik sampel: x 2 , S 22 , S 2

Heri Sutanta

Department of Geodesy & Geomatics Engineering, UGM

Basic concepts
Mengapa menggunakan sampel?
Jumlah anggota populasi sangat besar => biaya,
waktu, tenaga
Jumlah anggota populasi tidak terhingga => tidak
mungkin untuk mengukur seluruh populasi
Minimalisasi kerusakan (non-destructive sampling?)
atau gangguang
Tidak semua anggota populasi tersedia

Heri Sutanta

Department of Geodesy & Geomatics Engineering, UGM

Basic concepts
Two branches of statistic:
Descriptive statistic, focuses on collecting,
summarizing, and presenting a set of data
Inferential statistic, uses sample data to draw a
conclusion about a population.

Heri Sutanta

Department of Geodesy & Geomatics Engineering, UGM

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