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iSAM Configuration (CLI)

1:hardware requirement
2:Connecttivity of ISAM
3:intial Configuration of isam
4:Configre ip Address to system
5:Vlan configuration and hardware setup.

6:Service profile and spectrum profile

7: Adsl card configuration
8:Bridge port configuration
9:snmp configuration
10: Alarm configuration

The Hardware Part

1.1 The system will start-up after the following boards are plugged:
1. NT board ( e.g. ECNT-A )
2. LT boards ( optional , e.g EBLT-A )
3. Little mac address card ( locate on the right and down of the LT slot 16 . If the card
missing or loosing , that cause the NT board continuously reboot )
4. NTIO ( optional , e.g. ECNC-A )
1.2 The board LED status when the boards up:
When the NT board stable, the PWR LED flash slowly, A/S LED always light and the
ALM LED is no light.
After the PWR LED fast flash, the LT boards will become stable, the PWR LED flash
slowly and ALM LED is no light.
1.3 The craft terminal setting on PC:
Same as ASAM , using the default setting on the Craft Terminal
9600bps with 8 data bit, no parity, one stop bit and flow control set to none

Initial Password

Tips: a). Press tab to help finish the command word

b). Press Up arrow to go back through the command history

Notes 1 : Enter 'c' first to enter cli mode then enter default password, then change
to the
2.1 Initial Password, need to be changed
login: isadmin
password: i$@mad( enter new password : )
Recommended Password: bh@rti

Configure ISAM
2.2 Configure ISAM IP address
isadmin#configure system management host-ip-address manual:

2.3 Configure ISAM default gateway part 1

isadmin#configure system management default-route
isadmin# configure system id
2.4 Configure ISAM management vlan part 1
isadmin#configure system mgnt-vlan-id 100
2.5 Configure ISAM management vlan part 2
isadmin#configure system shub entry vlan ext-vlan-id 100
(Need to save first)
Isadmin# admin software-mgnt shub database save
( The system needs to be restarted manually , please running the following command )
isadmin# admin equipment reboot-isam without-self-test

Configure ISAM

2.8 Unlock network port

isadmin#configure interface shub port 0 port-type network mode automatic admin-status up

2.9 Add network port to mgnt Vlan

isadmin#configure vlan shub id 100 egress-port network:0
Configuration NT I/O:
leg:isadmin># configure equipment applique iont:1/1 planned-type ncnc-b
leg:isadmin># configure equipment external-link-host [2...7] direction network
Reboot Isam:
leg:isadmin># admin equipment reboot-isam without-self-test
3.1 Plan LT Board
isadmin# show equipment slot
isadmin# configure equipment slot 1/1/1 planned-type nalt-c
(Notes 7 : LT 1 = 1/1/1 , LT2 = 1/1/3 . , and not need to Configure NT and rack )
3.2 Check the boards status
isadmin4# show equipment slot

Configure ISAM
4.1 Configure Service Profile
(Notes 8: Service profile for Configure the XDSL line speed )
isadmin# configure xdsl service-profile 1 name 2Mb version 1 min-bitrate-up 64 min-bitrate-down 64 planbitrate-up 128 plan-bitrate-down 1024 max-bitrate-up 256 max-bitrate-down
2048 max-delay-up 1 max-delay-down 1
isadmin# configure xdsl service-profile 1# active
4.1 Configure Service Profile
(Notes 8: Service profile for Configure the XDSL line speed )
isadmin# configure xdsl service-profile 2 name 8Mb version 1 min-bitrate-up 64 min-bitrate-down 64 planbitrate-up 128 plan-bitrate-down 2048 max-bitrate-up 860 max-bitrate-down 8192 max-delay-up 1 max-delaydown 1
isadmin# configure xdsl service-profile 2# active
4.2 Configure Spectrum Profile
leg:isadmin># configure xdsl spectrum-profile 1 name adsl2plus g992-5-a
leg:isadmin>configure>xdsl>spectrum-profile>1$ adsl2-plus
leg:isadmin>configure>xdsl>spectrumprofile>1>adsl2-plus# exit leg:isadmin>configure>xdsl>spectrum-profile>1# active
4.3 Configure the ADSL Line
isadmin#configure xdsl line 1/1/1/[148] service-profile 1 spectrum-profile 1 admin-up
4.4 Check the profile Configure
isadminl# info configure xdsl service-profile detail

Configure ISAM
5.1 Create the part 1 traffic vlan and enable broadcast
isadmin#configure vlan id 1701 mode residential-bridge
5.3 Create the part 2 traffic vlan, add LT , network port to this vlan
isadmin#configure vlan shub id 1701 mode residential-bridge
isadmin#configure vlan shub id 1701 egress-port lt:1/1/1
(Notes 11 : If there is more than 1 LT, should egress all the LT boards
e.g. isadmin>Configure>vlan>shub>id>1701$ egress-port lt:1/1/3
isadmin>Configure>vlan>shub>id>1701$ egress-port lt:1/1/5)
isadmin#configure vlan shub id 1701 egress-port network:0
5.4 Create PVC
Isadmin#configure atm pvc 1/1/1/1:1:32
5.5 Binging the PVC to the traffic vlan
isadmin#configure bridge port 1/1/1/1:1:32
isadmin#configure bridge port 1/1/1/1:1:32 vlan-id 1701
isadmin#configure bridge port 1/1/1/1:1:32 pvid 1701
isadmin#configure bridge port 1/1/1/1:1:32 max-unicast-mac 2

isadmin#admin software-mngt shub database save

Configure ISAM

Step1: Add the SNMP Community in nt use public

isadmin># configure system security snmp community public host-address context nt privilege
Step2: Add the SNMP Community in shub use NETMAN
configure system security snmp community NETMAN host-address context shub privilege
Step1: Add the SNMP Community in SHUB
isadmin> configure system security snmp shub community 3 name NETMAN privilege read-write
Step2: Add the AWS IP in the SHUB Access list
Isadmin# configure system shub filter shub-manager 1 src-ip-addr
leg:isadmin># configure system port-num-in-proto
leg:isadmin># configure vlan id 1701 pppoe-relay-tag configurable circuit-id-pppoe physical-id remote-idpppoe customer-id pppoe-linerate addactuallinerate

Alarm Configuration (only in ODC)

leg:isadmin># configure alarm entry ac-power-fail severity major reporting logging

leg:isadmin># configure alarm entry fuse severity major reporting logging
leg:isadmin># configure alarm entry door severity major reporting logging
leg:isadmin># configure alarm entry temp-exceeded severity major reporting logging
leg:isadmin># configure alarm entry rack-power severity major reporting logging
leg:isadmin># configure alarm entry rack-fan-unit1 severity major reporting logging
leg:isadmin># configure alarm entry rack-fan-unit2 severity major reporting logging
leg:isadmin># configure alarm entry double-fan-fail severity major reporting logging
leg:isadmin># configure alarm entry single-fan-fail severity major reporting logging
leg:isadmin># configure alarm entry sem-power-fail severity major reporting logging
leg:isadmin># configure alarm entry custextalarm1 severity major reporting logging
leg:isadmin># configure alarm entry custextalarm2 severity major reporting logging
leg:isadmin># configure alarm entry custextalarm3 severity major reporting logging
leg:isadmin># configure alarm entry custextalarm4 severity major reporting logging
leg:isadmin># configure alarm entry custextalarm5 severity major reporting logging
leg:isadmin># configure alarm entry custom1 severity major reporting logging
leg:isadmin># configure alarm entry custom2 severity major reporting logging
leg:isadmin># configure alarm entry custom3 severity major reporting logging
leg:isadmin># configure alarm entry custom4 severity major reporting logging
leg:isadmin># configure alarm entry custom5 severity major reporting logging

Alarm Configuration (only in ODC)

leg:isadmin># configure alarm entry he-custom1 severity major reporting logging

leg:isadmin># configure alarm entry he-custom2 severity major reporting logging
leg:isadmin># configure alarm entry he-custom3 severity major reporting logging
leg:isadmin># configure alarm entry he-custom4 severity major reporting logging
leg:isadmin># configure alarm entry he-custom5 severity major reporting logging

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