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Pendirian Mesir terhadap isu


Bhg II – Perjanjian Camp David

Dr Hafidzi Mohd Noor
Camp David Accord - 1978
• “Convinced that the conclusion of a peace
treaty between Egypt and Israel constitutes
and important step toward a settlement of
the Arab-Israeli conflict in all its aspects”

• ‘Meyakini bahawa perdamaian di antara

Mesir dan Palestin adalah langkah utama
ke arah penyelesaian konflik Arab-Israel’
Camp David Accord - 1978
• Article II
“The permanent borders between Egypt and Israel
are the international and recognized boundary
lines between Egypt and the territory of Palestine,
which was formerly under mandate, as explained
on the map (annex ND2), without this affecting
the question of the states of the Gaza Strip. The
two parties declare that these borders are
inviolable and that each will respect the territorial
integrity of the other…”
Rumusan Artikel II
• Sempadan Mesir dan Israel adalah
sempadan antarabangsa yang kekal dan
• Pengistiharan ini tidak menyentuh
persoalan negeri Gaza
• Kedua pihak (Mesir & Isreal) akan
menghormati kedaulatan wilayah satu sama
Camp David Accord - 1978
• Israel be given “the right of free passage
through the Suez Canal and its openings in
the Suez Gulf… the Mediterranean…,
Straits of Tiran and Aqaba Gulf”
• Israel diberi hak untuk menggunakan
terusan Suez dan pintu masuk di Teluk
Suez, Laut Mediterranean, Selat Tiran dan
Teluk Aqaba
Laluan yang dibenarkan
Kepada Israel
Camp David Accord - 1978
• Article IV
“the two parties are committed not to
undertake any commitments in violation of
this treaty”
Kedua-dua pehak berikrar tidak akan
melanggar perjanjian ini
Camp David Accord - 1978
• “Two of Israel’s most cherished desires
have already been met. One is this face to
face negotiation possibility and the other
one is a recognition by a major leader that
Israel has a right to exist”
- President Carter: Nationally-televised press
conference. Nov 30, 1977.
Kenyataan Presiden Carter
• Dua hasrat Israel tercapai:

1. Perundingan secara bersemuka

2. Pengiktirafan dari sebuah negara Arab –
iaitu Israel ada hak untuk wujud
Camp David Accord - 1978
• The rights of Jewish people to the land of Israel is
eternal and is and integral part of its right to
security and peace. Judea and Samaria, therefore
shall not be relinquished to foreign rule; between
the sea and Jordan, there will be Jewish
sovereignty alone. Any plan that involves
surrendering parts of western Eritz militates
against our right to the land, will inevitably lead
to the establishment of a Palestine state, endangers
the existence of the state of Israel and defeats all
prospects of peace.
- The life and story of Menachem Begin, p 224
Kata-kata Begin
• Hak penduduk Yahudi ke atas Israel adalah abadi.
• Judea dan Samaria (nama lama utara dan selatan
kerajaan Bani Isreal) tidak akan dilepaskan
kepada kuasa asing.
• Di antara laut dan Jordan hanya ada kedaulatan
• Pembentukan negara Palestin akan mengancam
akan membahayakan Israel dan memusnahkan
semua harapan untuk kedamaian
Camp David Accord - 1978
• “Our feet shall stand within thy gates, O
Jerusalem. Jerusalem is built as a city that is
compact together”
- Read by Menachem Begin at the White
House; Psalm 12
Camp David Accord - 1978
• The benefits enjoyed by Egypt
- USD 15 billion will be injected into
Egyptian economy over a period of 5 years.

Mesir mendapat habuan sebanyak USD 15

billion dalam tempoh 3 tahun
Tidakkah ini menjawab sedikit sebanyak
persoalan mengapa Mesir menutup
sempadan Gaza?

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