Negotiation: Dr. T. Raja

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Dr. T. Raja


Negotiation is a process of communication in which

the parties aim to send a message to the other side and

influence each other.

What is it?
something that we do all the time , not only for
business purposes.
usually considered as a compromise to settle an
argument or issue to benefit ourselves as much as
not always between only two people: it can involve
several members from two parties.

Distributive negotiations

Integrative negotiations

often referred to as 'The Fixed Pie'
usually involves people who have never had a
previous interactive relationship, nor are they
likely to do so again in the near future.
example: Purchasing products or services, like
when we buy a car or a house
Ours and their interests are usually self serving

The process generally involves some form or
combination of making value for value
concessions, in conjunction with creative problem
Form a long term relationship to create mutual
often described as the win-win scenario

Three stages of Negotiation

Initial Stages
Middle Stages
Ending Stages

Initial stages

Plan thoroughly.
Organize the issues.
Focus on mutual principles and concerns.
Be aware that the first offer is often above
Focus on long- term goals and consequences.

Middle stages
Revise strategies.
Consider other options.
Increase power by getting the other side to commit
Add credibility by getting agreements in writing.
To get through with dead ends, just set it aside
When asked for a concession, ask for a tradeoff.

Ending stages
Counter a persistent negotiator by withdrawing an
Do not expect in verbal promises.
Congratulate the other side.

Sometimes people fail to negotiate because they do
not recognize that they are in a bargaining position.
Or, they may recognize the need for bargaining but
may bargain poorly because they do not fully
understand the process and lack good negotiating

parties must be aware of their alternatives to a
negotiated settlement
Weaker parties must feel assured that they will not be
overpowered in a negotiation
- parties must trust that their needs and interests
will be fairly considered in the

Negotiation seems to bring conflicts . Any

misunderstanding that arises between them will
reinforce their prejudices and arouse their

To combat perceptual bias and hostility, negotiators
should attempt to gain a better understanding of the
other party's perspective and try to see the situation as
the other side sees it.

if the people are not involved in negotiations, the
process is not likely to succeed.
Agreements can be successfully implemented only
if the relevant parties and interests have been
represented in the negotiations.
So, all of the interested and affected parties must
be represented. And, negotiators must truly
represent and have the trust of those they are

Win- Win negotiations

For a negotiation to be win-win, both parties
should feel positive about the negotiation once its


What you want to get out of the negotiation

What you think the other person wants

What you and the other person have that can be
traded for the purpose of negotiation.
What do you each have that the other wants?

What are you each comfortable giving away?

If you dont reach agreement with the other
person, what alternatives do you have?
Are these good or bad?
How much does it matter if you dont reach
Does failure to reach agreement cut you out of
future opportunities?
What alternatives the other person might have?

What is the history of the relationship?
Could or should this history impact the
Will there be any hidden issues that may influence
the negotiation?
How will you handle these?

Expected outcomes
What outcome will people be expecting from the negotiation?
What has the outcome been in the past, and what precedents have been

What are the consequences for you of winning or losing this
What are the consequences for the other person?


Who has what power in the relationship?

Who controls resources?
Who stands to lose the most if agreement isnt reached?
What power does the other person have to deliver what you hope for?

Based on all the consideration.
What possible compromises might there be?

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