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Muhammad Farouk A. Jajurie,

A. Background of the Study
 accdg to the US Census Bureau, (nov 2009)
world pop= 6.797 B
 Philippine population (accdg to IMF)
2003 = 84,619,974
2009 = 97.976.603
growth rate : 15.78 %
 ARMM – highest growth rate ( 5.46% )
 Phil Famuly Program – began in 1970’s
 Creation of Sulu Reproductive Health care
code of 2008
 Rule 1 Section 5 – involvement of male in
 More contraceptive choices
 No. Of couples using vasectomy
1982 = 33 M
1992 = 42 M
1990-2000 = 43 M
 MRL – fuller understanding of Islam

 Male involvement in RH – hx of
contraception may have been
written differently
B. Review of Related Literature
Accdg to Social Science Institute
 Reason for choice of family planning

method - effectiveness
 Most often side effect

- dizziness
 Religion plays a major role in decision

Accdg to Dhillon,M (may 2002)
 Authority – best vehicle for educating the

Muslim population
Accdg to Hoodfar & Assadpour ( 2000 )
 Religious leaders are important in

population control programs

Accdg to Bunce et. Al (2007)
 ↑ inclusion of men in FP programs

 Mosques – islamic teachings can be

Accdg to Atalla et al ( 2008 )
 Friday prayers-opportunity to address certain
public issues
Accdg to Bunce et. Al (2007)
 Vasectomy – safe, simple & effective but
underused worldwide
Accdg to USAID ( 2007 )
 MRL’s – catalyst to diff. Agencies &
communities in the promotion of human rights
in bangladesh
Accdg to Larsen (2001)
 Religious leaders – led the crusade for

smaller families
 Use fatwas- encourage the use of all

types of contraception,including male &

female sterilization
Accdg to Singh
 Indonesian gov. – used MRL
C. Statement of the Problem
 What are the factors affecting the acceptability
of Vasectomy among muslim couples and MRL’s
in Jolo, Sulu?
 What is the acceptance rate of vasectomy
among muslim couples and MRL’s in Jolo,Sulu?
 What are the factors that limits the
acceptance of vasectomy among the muslim
couples and MRL’s in Jolo, Sulu?
D. Objectives of the Study
General Objectives:
 To be able to determine the factors affecting
the acceptability of vasectomy among the
muslim couples and MRL’s in Jolo, Sulu.

Specific Objectives:
 To determine the points of view of muslim
couples and MRL’s on vasectomy in Jolo, Sulu.
 To determine the factors that hinders or
promote acceptability on vasectomy among
muslim couples and MRL’s in Jolo, Sulu.
F. Significance of the Study
 Enlarging population in Jolo, Sulu – public health crisis
 Identify common misconceptions and misbelief
regarding vasectomy
 Be able to recognize islamic beliefs and tausug
culture that may hinder the acceptance of vasectomy
 Create leeways to inyroduce vasectomy
F. Scope and Delimitation
 Focus only on muslim couples and

 In-depth interviews & FGD will be

A. Research Design

 Qualitative study

 In-depth interview & focus group study

will be use
B. Profile of Respondents
Inclusion criteria
 MRL’s

 Attended and finished their islamic

studies in a respective islamic school

 reputable and known religious leaders

 Potential Vasectomy Clients
 Resident of the Municipality of study
 with at least 4 children
 presently married, living with wife in 1
 express a desire not to have anymore
 aged 33 years old and older
 Exclusion Criteria

x Men in a relationship in which either

she or her partner has undergone
permanent sterilization

x Men who have been medically

diagnosed as infertile
C. Research Setting
 Will be conducted in Jolo, Sulu
D. Sampling Design
 Participantswill be chosen purposively
 Snowballing will be used (MRL)
 House to house survey
Identification of

Formulation of Guide questions for in-depth interview & FGD

RHU registered Snowballing for

potential the MRL’s

House to house
In-depth interview


Data collection &


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