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Steele Enterprises

Case Analysis
Arshiya | Nishanth | Rohit



Constant fighting between Ms.

Olson and Mr. Leeman

Gene having to interfere to sort

out the problems over and over

Compromised team
Chemical and Mechanical
departments not functioning

Possibility of things getting out

of hand and event he staff
starting the fights

Unclear and overlapping roles of Donna Olson and Richard Leeman
Fight for dominance between both the parties involved
Gene not able to resolve the issue permanently through some strong
Gene trying to mop things under the carpet and not letting the top
management know about any of this

Systems Affected
Richard and Donna trying to interfere in each others work
No clarity in roles of the two fighting employees

Lack of trust
Frequent fights between Richard and Donna
Staff may also start fighting if the issues between Richard and Donna continues

Gene not able to impose his authority
Richard and Donna not heeding to Genes requests and frequent refereeing

Goals and Values

The departments not working in collaboration
The whole division may lose focus due to the in-fighting


Clearly differentiating the roles of Donna & Dick

Gene to revaluate the existing organizational hierarchy
More proactive resolution of inter-departmental issues

Create a common / unified organizational goal - to prevent interdepartmental conflicts


Bring in HR or a neutral/ third party to sort out the issues

Performance assessment of Dick & Donna 1 component
based on team player skills

Separation of areas of responsibility & duties of Dick and

Donna - retain valuable talent
Relocating either of the 2 managers to St. Lyons office

Disciplinary action taken in case of further


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