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Thi Th Ngn 1057512687

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Nguyn Th Hin 1057516447
T Th Anh

British Institutions

Main characteristics: a constitution

monarchy, unwritten constitution.

Based on: The Magna Carta,
Case law decisions,
Customs and conventions.
Main principles: the rules of law and
supremacy of Parliament.
The constitutional safeguard of the
separation of power between the Legislature
(The House of Parliament) and The
Legislative (The Government).

one of six constitutions monarchies.

A king /queen is Head of State.

has been a gradual decline in the

Sovereigns power.
Nowadays monarchs reign but
they do not rule.

the head of the executive

and the judiciary

commander-in-chief of all
the armed forces,
temporal governor of the
Church of England.

Carrying out important ceremonial duties.

Acts as a unifying force in both the Constitution and

the nation.
Lying outside of the political debate.
regular meetings with successive Prime Minister and
person contacts with numerous foreign.

the supreme legislative authority
consists of three separate elements:
- The Sovereign
- The House of Lords
- The elected House of Commons

House of commons

House of lords

Presided over by: The Speaker.

523 for England

650 MPs

38 for Wales

72 for Scotland
17 for Northern Ireland

Main function: To legislate



over by: The Lord Speaker

made up of :

2 Archbishops

the Lords Spiritual

25 Bishops
Hereditary peers

the Lords Temporal

Life peers
Main Fuction:

Revise Bills

Responsibilities of the Chancellor:

- Chairing daily business in the House of
- Offering advice on procedure
- Formal responsibility for security in the
Lords area of the Parliamentary estate
- Speaking for the House on ceremonial
- Acting as an ambassador for the work
of the Lords both at home and abroad

Baroness D'Souza

- Directing an MP to withdraw

- Suspending the sitting of the

House due to serious disorder

- Suspending MPs who are

deliberately disobedient
- Asking MPs to be quiet

John bercow

- The 2nd major institution,

- The functions are vested in the
monarch , carried out by her Majestys
- Depends on the support of House of
Basic elements :
The Prime Minister ( Th tng )
- Leader of party which obtains a
majority in election.
- Asked by Sovereign to Recommend a
Ministers group to form Goverment .
- The position is based on convention
,and dates back to when George I left
the Affairs

David Cameron

Cabinet ( Ni cc )

- A number of ministers are invited to regular meetings &

discuss policy.
- Act as a single man , a minister who can not accept Cabinet
decision must resign .
Main opposition party Shadow Cabinet (NG I
LP) : relevant members act as opposition spokemens

- Call ministers for regular meetings

- Oversees the operation of civil service and Government

- Involve in failure of a carried out policy
- Answers Parliment s question when weekly appears

before the House of Commons , in session , on

Wednesday from 12.00-12.30

- Remove members of Cabinet

- Ministers (members of the Parliament)

- The Secretaries of State , Heads of a particular gov. department
& non-departmental ministers (traditional offices)
- Functions : collective & ministerial responsibility.
- The Shadow Cabinet (Shadow Front Bench)
Members : shadow or mark each individual member of the
Appoint by: often but not always to be a Cabinet post
when party gets into goverment.
Responsibily :
+ pass critism on the current government
+ respect legislation
+ offer alternative policies .
shadow minister

533 constituencies in England

59 in Scotland

The UK

40 in Wales
18 in Nothern Ireland

- General election

- Candidates

- Voters

At polling station

By post

By proxy

Current Voting Systems

Voting System

Where used

Firt Past the Post


House of Commons
Local elections in England and Wales

The Suplementary Vote


Mayor of London and for all other elected Mayors in

England and Wales where there are more than 2

Single Transferable Vote


Local elections in Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland Assembly
Local elections in Scotland

Additional Member System Scottish Parliament National Assembly for Wales

London Assembly
Closed Party List System

Eroupean Parliament elections (except in Northern


Political Parties

The Conservative (Tory) party

Leader: David Cameron
Co-Chairmen: Grant Shapps, Lord Feldman
Founded: 1834
preceded by: Tory party
the largest party in the House of Commons with 307 seats
Main Support:

the Labour Party( Socialist)


Ed Miliband MP

Deputy Leader: Harriet Harman MP

founded: 1900
with 258 seats >> the second largest party in the House of

Leader : Nick Clegg MP

deputy Leader: Simon Hughes MP
president: Tim Farron MP
Found: 3 Mar 1988
won 57 seats with 23% >> the third largest party in the House of

Roles of the Judiciary:

responsible for the settlement of law.
examine cases where citizens are accused of breaking
the law and to make judgement
settle dispute acting as an arbitrator.
enforce the law and interpret the law as it stands.


Court of


Court of

Crown Court

High Court of




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