Jack's-Free As You Take Responsibility To Be

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Linkage For Life

Organization Consultant
Executive Coach

An Introduction to
Personally Responsible Freedom
To be free, you have only to make the decision to be
free. Freedom is waiting for you anytime youre
ready. Harry Browne

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Linkage For Life

About Jack

Last 11 years in China teaching business, culture &

English in universities & companies & coaching
executives: Presenting seminars/courses on selfknowledge (personality models, MBTI, Big 5, etc.),
relationship (EQ) & performance skills
12 years before this, worked in Australia teaching &
consulting: TAFE, aged care, career development,
male-female singles introduction agency, Palliative
Care (helping the dying), couples & singles
relationship counseling & education
3 citizenships: American, Canadian & Australian
Before teaching, inventor & entrepreneur, husband &
father, writer of poetry & prose
Long time interest in Religion & Spirituality, Western
& Eastern Mysticism & Culture--China: Daoism,
Confucianism, Buddhism, Yi Ching, Poetry Laozi,
Kongzi, Mengzi, Xunzi, Du Fu, Li Bai
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Linkage For Life

My Goals for this Time Together

Id like to you to experience:

1. Thinking for yourself

2. Caring to Learn
3. Learning to Care
4. Choosing to Live Responsibly Free
None of the above can be taught
They can only be caught
The more important things in life cant be taught
They are learned by doing

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How We Perceive & Think Differently

Which TWO go together?

1.Chicken and Grass?
2.Chicken and Cow?
3.Cow and Grass?


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PURPOSE: Concentration and focus

OBJECTIVE: Place index finger on palm of
person to your left while avoiding placement
of persons finger on your right
1. Stand in circle far enough apart to extend
both arms out horizontal
2. LEFT HAND (LH) point index finger down
3. RIGHT HAND (RH) palm upward
4. At GO! try to place LH finger on palm to
left while avoiding finger on RH palm
5. First person to touch finger to palm on left
3 times SHOUT OUT DID IT!then tell us
how many times your palm was touched

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Team Building Exercise: You Cant Touch My



:: Exercises, Icebreakers, Team Building, Exercises for Kids, Large

Group, Attention and Focus

This is a fun activity that requires concentration and focus. It is ideal as a team

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To Grow Up, Out, & Into Mature Adulthood
Through Your Child, Adolescent, Parent

Linkage For Life

TransParency, two meanings:

1. Becoming CLEAR all the way through your life so you are seen by
others as having nothing to hide
2. TRANScending Parenthood: KNOWing through & beyond being a
Parent that you are a Person first & foremost
Helping your Child to grow along with YOU up & out!
Working yourself out of the job of being a Parent
Before, during & after youre a Parent youre a Person first
As your Son/Daughter is a Person first & foremost
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To RAISE your Child, you order the environment NOT your Son
or Daughter
Your Child is already ordered and Self-Controlled
OPPORTUNITY: grow yourself UP along with your Child
Grow your Child FREE of YOU to be independent
YOU are probably (for sure?) NOT yet a mature Adult
What is a Mature Adult?
Lets find out

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Open Housebut Not for Sale

Think of yourself as a HOME (Ho, Me!)

You are comfortable with yourself, at home with yourself
You place a sign outside yourself saying:
Welcome to my Open House!
And just under this phrase is:
But I am Not For Sale
How to hold a Successful Open House?

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Linkage For Life

Occupy, EntertainMe
I am Emptiness! A Nothing!
Please, come Fill me, Save me from Myself!
Free me from Death!
Die For Me!
Choose for me, Govern me, Live my Life!
I Fear my Freedom!
NO! I am a HOME
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Linkage For Life

WhatIs THAT!!!
Just buy me! Own me! Make me over into You!
Or, at least, Rent mepay me to be You!
Free me from my Freedom, Please!
Tell me What To Do! Save me!

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Linkage For Life

What If You Are Free Already,

But Dont Know It?
Imagine You and every other Person is a Sovereign Nation
Like the Country you now live in
Only YOU decide what you WILL DO
Now, JUST DO IT (as the Nike ad says)
Why Not?

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Linkage For Life

How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World

by Harry Browne

An Introduction to the Book

Freedom is the opportunity to live your life as you
want to live it. And that is possible, even if others
remain as they are. The freedom you seek is already
available to you, but it has gone unnoticed. There are
two basic reasons why most people remain enslaved:
1. Theyre unaware of the many options and
alternatives available to them;
2. They accept without challenge certain assumptions
that restrict their freedom.
Many adults lack freedom not so much because someone has
stolen it from them as because they have thrown it away.
Thomas Szasz
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Linkage For Life

Personally Responsible Freedom

14 Traps that Keep You Caught

14 AssumptionsTRAPS, the keep you Caught

Trap #1: The Identity Traps (2)

(1)the belief that you should be someone other
than yourself;
(2) the assumption that others will do things in
the way you would.
To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its
best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to
fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight;
and never stop fighting. e.e. cummings, American poet

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Linkage For Life

14 Traps that Keep You Caught (continued)

Trap #2: The Intellectual Trap
The belief your emotions should conform to an
intellectually preconceived standard.
Emotions are automatic, accurate assessments of
how youre dealing with realityaccept them.

Trap #3: The Emotional Trap

You do not have to act out your emotions,
especially when they are overwhelming you!

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Linkage For Life

14 Traps that Keep You Caught (continued)

Trap #4: The Morality Trap

The belief that you must obey a moral code
created by someone else. To be free you need
to create your own moral code.

Trap #5: Unselfishness Trap

The belief that you must put the happiness of
others ahead of your own.

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Linkage For Life

14 Traps that Keep You Caught (continued)

Trap #6: The Group Trap
The belief that a gathering of separate
individuals is a unitary Agent that can actually
and accurately represent all of its members.
With a Group you can only act Indirectly; only
individually do you act Directly.

Trap #7: The Government Traps (4)

(1) The belief that governments perform socially
useful functions that deserve your support.
(2) The belief that you have a duty to obey laws.
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Linkage For Life

14 Traps that Keep You Caught (continued)

Trap #7: The Government Traps (last 2 of 4)

(3) The belief that the government can be counted
upon to carry out a social reform you favor.
(4) The fear that the government is so powerful
that it can prevent you from being free.

Trap #8: Despair Trap

The belief that other people can prevent you from
being free.

Trap #9: Rights Trap

The belief that your rights will make you free.
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14 Traps that Keep You Caught (continued)

Trap #10: Utopia Trap

The belief that you must create better
conditions in society before you can be free.

Trap #11: Burning Issue Trap

The belief that there are compelling social
issues that require your participation.

Trap #12: Previous-Investment Trap

The belief that time, effort, and money
spent in the past must be considered when
making a decision in the present.
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Linkage For Life

14 Traps that Keep You Caught

Trap #13: Box Trap

A box is any uncomfortable situation that
restrains your freedom. The box trap is
the belief that the cost of getting out of a
box is too high to consider.

Trap #14: Certainty Trap

The urge to act as if your information
were totally certain.

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Linkage For Life


You are only as free as you take the responsibility

to be while allowing others to do the same. Jack
You havent met yourself yet. But the advantage
to meeting others in the meantime is that one of
them may present you to yourself. Examine the
nature of everything you observe.
Waking Life, the Movie

Choice Theory, William Glasser

The only person whose behavior we can control
is our own. All we can give another person is
information. All long lasting psychological
problems are relationship problems.
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Linkage For Life

My Brain Is Full, May I be Excused?

Look Up & Out

The Spiral of Growth

Jacks Contact Details:

Website: www.resourceforyoursource.com
Email: themesofjack@gmail.com
QQ: 168 486 4831; Skype: jackinchina2005
Cell phone: (86) 1591 0600 531
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Linkage For Life

Capability Maturity Model (CMM)

This is a software developmental model I use for persons
It has 5 Levels
1. Initialunpredictable, out of control
2. Repeatableaware of what works, dealing with problems
3. Defined--proven
4. Managed
5. Optimizing

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