Effects of Secondary Smoking - Dr. (Prof.) Arvind Kumar

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While the world health organization has termed tobacco a

gradual killer, the number of tobacco consumer continues

to grow rapidly. Sad as it may sound, this killer not only
secretly kills the person smoking the tobacco but also any
person around who inadvertently inhales the same.


A non-smoker, who breathes in SHS, takes in nicotine

and toxic chemicals the same way as a smoker will do.

To explain it in a laymans words, let me give you a very
simple rational.


The effects of secondary smoking are immense. The

process of involuntarily participating in somebody

elses way of easily getting high is called Passive
Smoking or Second Hand Smoke (SHS).


Apart from Lung Cancer, smoking also increases the

risk of at least 13 other cancers including cancers of the

larynx (voice box), oesophagus (gullet), mouth and
pharynx (throat), bladder, pancreas, kidney, liver,
stomach, bowel, cervix, ovary, nose and sinus, and
some types of leukaemia.
I strongly believe that if a person cant give up smoking

for their own health, then the health of their family or

people close to him could be a stronger motivation.


Years of researches by several leading health

authorities have confirmed passive smoking as a cause

of Lung Cancer. Not just that, having the biggest
mortality rate among all kinds of cancers, this disease
is the most common cause of cancer-related death in
the world.
Globally, every year 1.8 million people fall prey to it out
of which 1.6 million die because of it. In India, the
number of new cases increased from around 65,000 in
2009 to 90,000 in 2013, registering 15-20% increase

We all know that the survival rate from lung cancer is

better the earlier it is caught. But we also must realize

that the need to understand the early symptoms is
important for both smokers & non- smokers alike.


A lot of times people dismiss or adapt to a chronic

cough attributing it to something else and thats where

they go wrong. A long standing cough that is not
relieved despite treatment for more than four weeks is
one of the known signs and should be a reason enough
for a person to undergo several tests related to lung
Coughing up Blood is a very common symptom
though you may notice only a small amount of blood
tinged phlegm when you cough


Repeated episodes of Bronchitis or Pneumonia.

Shortness of breath with activity which is so

often confused with getting old or being out of

Any pain in your Shoulder, Back, Chest, or Arm

that doesnt seem to be related to an injury.

Abnormal and general symptoms like knee

pain fatigue, decreased appetite, unexplained

weight loss , or even depression

You know smoking harms your own health, but

how often do you stop to think about how
smoking affects your loved ones? Kill you habit
today, before it kill your dear ones tomorrow.

Spread the Awareness, Like us on our Facebook page.


Dr. (Prof.) Arvind Kumar is the first surgeon to start Robotic

Chest Surgery in India at the All India Institute of Medical
Sciences, New Delhi in June 2008. He has embodied a
benchmark in the history of Medical Sciences by delivering 36
years of ordained service to the All India Institute of Medical
Sciences, New Delhi.

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