Metabolisme Otot Dan Tulang

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otot dan tulang

[Blok 7: Lokomosi]

Rifana Cholidah


a place of many metabolic activities

Three types of muscle: skeletal, cardiac, smooth
The main function: to turn chemical energy into
mechanical energy through the breaking down
of ATP
Changes in muscle metabolism during prolonged
activities: metabolic rate, relative rate of utilization
of glucose and fatty acids as fuel
Main function as locomotion and heat production,
also to provide protein reserves for
gluconeogenesis during fasting

Structure of muscle

Contains light (l-band;

isotropic) band and
dark (A-band;
anisotropic) band
Center of the I-band:
darker Z-line
Center of A-band:
lighter H-zone with the
central M-line
From Z to Z-line


(thin, actin filaments, extending

from Z-line)
A-band (thick, myosin filaments,
extending from M-line)
Darker straining regions of the A-band: the
region of overlap of actin and myosin

Mucle energy metabolism

Based on ATPase activity and the source of

ATP synthesis: anaerobic and aerobic
Mucle types related to muscle function

Striated (skeletal) muscle is divided into:

1. Fast-glycolytic muscle:
White in appearance
Low blood flow
Low mitochondrial density
Decreased myoglobin content

2. Fast glycolytic fibers:

o Increased glycogen store
o Lower fat content
o Depends on glycogen and anaerobic
glycolysis for short burst contraction
o Not capable of sustaining long contractions
compared to slow-oxidative fibers
3. Slow-oxidative fibers:
o Well perfused with blood
o Rich in mitochondia and myoglobin
o Ability in sustaining low-intensity contraction
for long periods
o Slow muscle uses fatty acid oxidation for ATP
o The characteristic of cardiac muscle in
similar with slow-oxidative skeletal muscle

Muscle contraction

ion flux
Calcium release and re-uptake
ATP hydrolysis and synthesis:
Maintenance of ion gradients
Restoration of intracellular Ca levels
Actual process of muscle shortening
o Muscle shortening: sarcomere depends
on the interaction of filamentous protein,
actin (thin) n myosin (thick filaments)
o Myosin head has ATPase activity
hydrolyzes ATP


Thick filaments is made up from myosin

Thin filaments:
Mainly actin
Tropomyosin and troponin family
Muscle contraction (shortening)=
ATP is available
Calcium is present
ATP availability depends on:
Synthesis from ADP by the creatine
Production from aerobic n
anaerobic metabolism

: actin
: troponin

: tropomyosin

Energy supplies
1. Short-duration, high intensity contraction:
Depends on ATP stores
an additional reserve of the high-energy
storage compound (creatine-P) ATP
rapidly during the 1st minute as
glycogenolysis is activated
During the first stages of exercise:
Muscle glycogenolysis
Followed by both anaerobic and aerobic
glycogenolysis as the major source of
Calcium entry into muscle to formulate
Ca2+ --calmodilum complex activates
phosphorylase kinase

2. Low intensity, long duration contractions

Availability and utilization of O2 as the
limitation for sustaining continuous PA
Low intensity of PA, O2 is readily available
Aerobic oxidation of lipid is the main source
of ATP synthesis
Art the higher work intensities O2 can
become limiting the work rate of the
muscle decreases
Adaptation to regular vigorous PA involves
increasing muscle mass and oxygenation

During the first 15-30 minutes of exercise,

there is a gradual shift glycogenolysis and
aerobic glycolysis to aerobic metabolism of
fatty acids
In many cases, the glycogen reserves in
muscle are sufficient to support the energy
needs of muscle during exercise for about 1
Exercise continues epinephrine activates
hepatic gluconeogenesis to provide an
exogenous source of glucose for muscle
Lipids gradually become the main source of
energy in muscle during long-term exercise

3. Long-term muscle performance

Ex: marathon runner

Glycogen is the storage form of glucose in skeletal
For the sufficient availability of ATP, a continuing
basal level of glycogen and CHO metabolism in
muscle is required
CHO metabolism is important as a source of
Increasing the availability of circulating glucose
from gluconeogenesis or CHO ingestion
Increased the utilization of fatty acids


Fungsi tulang

rangka tubuh
Melindungi organ-organ vital
Menjaga keseimbangan elektrolit dan
Produksi sel darah

Struktur tulang

Bone Metabolism

The factors

A. Hormonal

Vitamin D
Thyroid hormone

B. Nutrisi

Calcium (Ca)

Lifestyle Factor

Physical activity
Menopause yang lebih awal
Penurunan BMD
Alcohol consumption:
Meningkatkan osteoporotic fracture


Salah satu mineral yang penting untuk tulang

1200gram pada org dewasa (1-2% BW)
Metabolisme Ca Vit D, calcitonin, & PTH
Bersama dg P, Ca membentuk insoluble salt
(hydroxyapatite) tulang dan gigi
Kedua mineral ini sangat penting utk bone strength
rigiditas dan struktur
Keseimbangan Ca dan P
Ketersediaan Ca:
Dietary Ca
Absorpsi Ca
Absorpsi t.u di usus halus, sebagian kecil di colon


Penting untuk mineralisasi tulang

Kurangnya P dapat menyebabkan
gangguan mineralisasi tulang
80% dari total body P terdapat dijaingan
tulang dan gigi
85% P ditemukan dalam bentuk kristal
P homeostasis sangat dipengaruhi oleh bone


ATP produced in muscle is important to

maintenance ion gradient, restoration of Ca level
and the contractile process
Fast glycolytic muscle: depends on glycogen and
anaerobic glycolysis for short, high intensity of
muscle activity
Slow oxidative muscle: anaerobic tissue , uses fat
as the main source
During the initial phases, depends on
glycogenolysis and glycolysis, then gradually
converts to fat metabolism for long-term energy

Any questions

New Zealand Spring 2012

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