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Faculty of Medicine
University of Sriwijaya


Backgrounds for adult learning

Characteristic of adult learner
Motivate the adult learner
The ways of being adult learner

Key Questions

Why should I be as adult learner ?

What is adult learner
What is adult learner look like ?
How to be an adult learner
What should I do as adult learner ?

A story
A Medicine man with MD
John Capsul,MD; is a clever doctor, his IPK is
more than 2,5 when graduated from FAMOUS in 7
Now, he work in a very isolated island that can be
reach after 2 days journey from a very isolated town.
All people come to him for care cause there is no
alternative, so that he got a lot of patient.
After 10 years, he already rich, but know he also be a
medicine man with MD. Why ???
What ever the disease, what ever the symptom the
medicine only : AB & PCT

Your story
Buying a new Branded-Handphone
What do you do first ?

Why should I be as adult learner?

In medical profession, there are specialist even

sub-specialist !! Why ?

Medical science is a huge, deep, and very

complicated science
Medical science always developed and
dynamically changed in every day
Medical science is combination of art and science
that a lot of variation in every parts

Why should I be as adult learner?

Is it possible to be learnt completely in

only 6-7 years ?
Is there any guarantee that what I already
learnt will not be change in the following
time ?

What is adult learning

An adult learn some thing !
An adult learn :
- Because he must learn for his own goal !
- Base on experience !
- Best by doing
An adult learning how to take rambutan and durian :
- Goal : selling the fruits for money
- Experience : Durian tree is taller than rambutan tree
- Doing : He trying for the best way
Result :
He know that taking durian using long stick and taking
rambutan using stairs

What is adult learners look-like

Characteristics of adult learners:
Autonomous and self-directed
Accumulated a foundation of life experience
and knowledge
Looking for respect

Characteristics of Adult Learner


Free to direct your self

Actively involve in the learning process
Have a perspective about topics
Work on projects base on your interests
Teachers only as facilitators guiding your own
knowledge rather than supplying the facts

Characteristics of Adult Learner

Foundation of life experiences & knowledge

Work related activity

Relies on prior knowledge & experience
Draw out your experience & knowledge which is
relevant to the topics
Relate theories & concepts to the learning

Characteristics of Adult Learner


Must know what the goal to attain

Appreciate the programs
Goals & objectives must be known early
Pursues accuracy rather than speed

Characteristics of Adult Learner

Must see a reason for learning something
Choose the applicable to your work/
Choose the projects that reflect your own interests

Characteristics of Adult Learner


Focus on a lesson most useful to your goal

Makes immediate application of learning
Ask the teachers to explain explicitly how the
lesson will be useful

Characteristics of Adult Learner

Looking for respect

Should be treated as equals in experience and

Voice your opinions freely in class

How to be an adult learner


Social relationships

Improve ability to serve mankind/community, participate in community


Personal advancement

Fulfill the expectation/recommendations

Social welfare

New friends, need for associations

External expectations

Break in the routine life

Higher status/job, professional advancement, rich

Cognitive interest

Sake of learning, seek knowledge, satisfy an inquiring mind

Barrier or Stimulant


Promotion, job
enrichment, job changes

Enrolling your motivations

Decrease the barriers !!!

What should I do as adult learner ?

1. Taking responsibilities
Dont say !! : OK, teach me
Begin with perceptive questions :
What are the goals of this lesson ?
How do these goals relate to my own goal ?
How can we adapt my practice on these course
relevant to my goals ?
How can we use the resources available ? (Library,
internet, etc)
Answer by your self !!

2. Making connections

Seek & make connections between :


Previous experience/knowledge to a new one


Identify my own learning need


Know what already know

Know what we still have to learn

3. Planning

Identify what is impeding & take step to

overcome the obstacle

How best to use the time

How best to apply our effort
Interested in deadline
Be a good manager for our own step

3. Planning
Tips : 6 Ps of preparation :
Preparation time
Prepare the enviroment
Program flexibility
Proactive readiness
Platform skills

4. Strategic Learning

Know how we learn best & seek out these

ways of learning
Take a deep approach to learning

We know what we have to do

Make our own sense of what we are learning

Even be a surface learner if necessary

Practice make perfect

An adult learn best by doing

4. Strategic learning
People remember
10% of what they READ
20% of what they HEAR
30% of what they SEE
50% of what they SEE & HEAR
70% of what they SAY
90% of what they DO

5. Monitoring progress

Interested in receiving feed back from

Interested in talking to other students about
your work
Self evaluate on your own work

Always questioning

Where are we know ?

Where do we begin ?
What should we do ?

Thank You

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