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Compendium Review

Major Topic Two: Movement

Table of Contents

Part 1
• The Skeleton System
• Growth & Repair
• Axial Skeleton
• Appendicular Skeleton
• Articulations

Part 2
• Muscular System
• Skeleton Muscle Fiber Contractions
• Whole Muscle Contraction
• Muscular Disorders and Homeostasis
• Muscular System
• Skeleton Muscle Fiber Contractions
• Whole Muscle Contraction
• Muscular Disorders and Homeostasis Pictures from
Muscular System
There are three types of muscle in humans: smooth, cardiac, and skeletal, all of which contain
muscle fibers (cells of tissue).

1. Smooth Muscle: contains uninucleated spindle-shaped cells; found in internal organ walls and
aids in contraction; involuntary; does not fatigue as easily as other muscle.
2. Cardiac Muscle: contains striated, tubular, and branched uninucleated fibers that attach
together at intercalated disks. The disks contain gap junctions which allow for quick
contractions. Found in heart walls; involuntary; will fully relax before next contraction to avoid
3. Skeletal Muscle: multinucleated, striated and tubular fibers; attached to skeleton; voluntary.

1 2 3

Pic from Human

Biology Pg 228
Muscular System
Skeleton muscles support the body, make bones move, helps maintain body temperature, assist
cardiovascular veins and lymphatic vessels, protects internal organs, and they stabilize joints. The
muscles are compiled of bundles of fiber called fascicles and are covered in connective tissue
called fascia which becomes the tendon beyond the muscle. The part of the muscle connected to
bone that is stationary is known as origin; the part of the muscle connected to bone that moves is
known as insertion.

Pic from Human

Biology Pg 229

Muscles usually work with other muscles. A muscle that does most of the work is known as a prime
mover. Muscles known as synergists are helping prime movers while the muscle opposite the prime
move is known as the antagonist. In the above picture you can see that when the biceps flex (prime
mover) the triceps relax (antagonist).
Muscular System: How do muscles get their names?
1. Size: vastus (huge), longus (long), and brevis (short).
2. Shape: latissimus (wide), terres (round), various symbols such as Greek
letters or geometric figures.
3. Location: pectoralis (chest),
gluteus (buttock), brachii (arm),
sub (beneath), obliques are on
the outside and inside (external
and internal).
4. Direction of muscle fibers:
rectus (straight), transverse
(across), oblique (diagonal).
5. Attachment: some muscle
names are given based on what it
is attached to. The arm
(brachium) and radius are
attached to a muscle called the
6. Number of attachments: How
many origins on a muscle can
determine its name. There are
two origins on the biceps brachii.
7. Action: Some muscles are
Pic from Human
named after their functions. Biology Pg 231
• Muscular System
• Skeleton Muscle Fiber Contractions
• Whole Muscle Contraction
• Muscular Disorders and Homeostasis

Pic from

Sarcolemma: Plasma
Skeleton Muscle Fiber Contractions Membrane
Sarcoplasm: Cytoplasm;
contains organelles,
glycogen (energy) and
myoglobin (stores oxygen).
One Myofibril
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum:
Endoplasmic Reticulum
T Tubule: Tubes that dip
into muscle fibers
sarcoplasm to contact
reticulum with impulses (for
Z Line Ca²+ release).
Myofibrils: Contractile parts
of fibers, encased by

In each myofibril are

sarcomeres between
two lines (z lines) and
contain two protein
myofilaments: thick
filament (myosin) and
thin filament (actin). The Z Line
A Band
I Band
I band contains only
actin, the H zone
contains only myosin,
the A band contains
both overlapping.
Pictures from Human Biology Pg 233
Skeleton Muscle Fiber Contractions
Pic from Human
Biology Pg 233

The thick filaments are constructed from molecules of a protein called myosin. Each
sarcomeres has globular heads extending out the ends but not in the middle. These
extensions are known as cross-bridge. The thin filaments are constructed from intertwining
strands of the protein called actin.
Skeleton Muscle Fiber Contractions
1. Impulse travels down T tubules
2. Sarcoplasmic reticulum releases calcium
3. Muscle fibers contract; sarcomeres/myofibrils shorten (thin filament slides past thick
Sarcomeres are

Sarcomeres are

This process of muscle contraction is Myosin

known as the sliding filament model.
Once broken down by myosin, ATP
supplies the necessary energy for
contraction. The cross-bridges on
myosin pull actin towards the center. Pic from Human Biology Pg 233
Skeleton Muscle Fiber Contractions Contraction of muscle fibers is
from motor neuron stimulation.
Every motor neurons branch
(axon branches) lies close to
muscle fibers sarcolemma. This
is known as a neuromuscular
junction. The axon terminals
contain acetylcholine
(neurotransmitter) which is
released via synaptic vesicle
when the axon terminal receives
a nerve impulse.

The Ach binds to sarcolemma receptors which trigger the

sarcolemma to send impulses down the T tubules to the
sarcoplasmic reticulum. Sarcomere contraction follows after
the release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

Synaptic Vesicle

Axon Acetylcholine

Pic from Human

Ach Receptor Biology Pg 234
Skeleton Muscle Fiber Contractions
Taking a closer look at the ACTIN filament!

Pics from Human

Biology Pg 235

This diagram shows the roles of calcium

and myosin work in muscle contraction

When the sarcoplasmic reticulum releases Ca²+ it binds with troponin, a protein found
along the actin filament. Once the binding occurs between the Ca²+ and troponin, the
protein threads called tropomyosin shift on the actin filament exposing the myosin
binding sites.
• Muscular System
• Skeleton Muscle Fiber Contractions
• Whole Muscle Contraction
• Muscular Disorders and Homeostasis

Pictures from

Whole Muscle Contraction
Stimulation to a motor unit can result in a muscle twitch, or
a contraction of a muscle that lasts just a second. If the
stimulation is repeated without stopping, the motor unit will
not fully relax because it is aroused and ready for the next Muscle Twitch
stimulation. This is known as tetanus.
Repeated stimulation

Where do muscles get their energy from?

Triglycerides and glycogen are stored in
muscles while plasma fatty acids and glucose
are obtained from circulating blood. Depending
on the intensity of the exercise and how long
one exercises determines what energy source
is used. Submaximal exercise (65%-75%
effort) is the most efficient way to burn fat
(adipose tissue) because your muscles will use
plasma fatty acids as their fuel source.
Pics from Human Biology Pg 235
Whole Muscle Contraction
Muscle cells can produce ATP in 3 ways: creatine phosphate pathway, fermentation, and
cellular respiration.
1. CP Pathway: Fastest way to get energy to muscles; helps by rapidly regeneration ADP to
ATP. When the muscle cells are working, creatine phosphate is being broken down. Once the
cells rest they rebuild creatine phosphate.
2. Fermentation: Muscle cells breakdown glycogen; the breakdown of glucose to lactate;
produces two ATP.
3. Cellular Respiration: Supplies ATP when exercise is at submaximal level; makes use of
glucose and fatty acids.

Pics from Human

Biology Pg 237
Whole Muscle Contraction
Fast-Twitch Muscle Fibers VS. Slow-Twitch Muscle Fibers
Fast-twitch motor units contain a lot of fibers and provide explosive power, but tend to
fatigue sooner. They are lighter in color because they contain few blood vessels,
myoglobin, and mitochondria as compared to slow-twitch fibers.
Slow-twitch motor units contain a smaller amount of fibers but have more endurance.
The energy source is acquired aerobically making them resistant to fatigue. Only when
their energy supply is gone do they get tired. They are darker in color because they
contain many myoglobin, mitochondria, and they lie close to capillary beds. Also, they
can sustain long steady exercises because of their fat and glycogen reserve.

Pics from Human Biology Pg 239

• Muscular System
• Skeleton Muscle Fiber Contractions
• Whole Muscle Contraction
• Muscular Disorders & Homeostasis

Pics from,_sports_and_doping

Muscular Disorders and Homeostasis
Common muscle disorders include spasms or convulsions, cramps, facial tics, strains
and sprains. A tendon that becomes inflamed and painful to move is known as tendinitis.
Repetitive movements over a long period of time can inflame the bursa (fluid sacs near
joints) causing bursitis. Many over the counter drugs can help with pain and inflammation.

More sever muscle diseases include myalgia which is constant achy muscles due to
overuse of a muscle or a viral infection. Similar to myalgia, fibromyalgia is widespread
constant pain that can be felt with the lightest of pressure. There are many hereditary
muscular dystrophy disorders that are associated with the degeneration of muscles, as
well as autoimmune diseases such as myasthenia gravis that are associated with
extreme muscle weaknesses/contraction impairment. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a
degenerative disease of motor neurons; slowly resulting in paralyzed muscle movement.

To maintain homeostasis, the muscular and skeleton systems work together to produce
different types of movements and protect internal body parts. The skeleton system helps
by producing blood cells and releasing calcium for a variety of process. Also, muscles
help maintain our body temperature.
Pics from Human Biology Pg 242
Works Cited

East Tennessee State University. Histology of Muscle for Web. Accessed 7 Apr 2008.
Mader, Sylvia S. Human Biology. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc, 2008. Pages 227-245.
Med Note. “Exercise, Sports and Doping.” 5 Feb 2006. Accessed 7 Apr. 2008.
"Muscle." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 7 Apr 2008, 17:36 UTC. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 7 Apr 2008 <>.
"muscle fibre." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2008. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 07 Apr. 2008 <>.

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