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What is the Full Form of ERP?
The full form of ERP is Enterprise
resource planning. ERP is a companywide computer software system used to
manage and coordinate all the resources,
information, and functions of a business
from shared data stores.

. ERP software can aid in the control of
many business activities, including sales,
marketing, delivery, billing, production,
inventory management, quality
management and human resource

SAP maintains a central database for all
the departments of an enterprise and all
SAP modules are interconnected and
hence realtime reporting becomes
possible unlike in legacy systems where
lack of interconnection among different
applications result in time lag.

. This new generation of software is web-based,
and allowed both internal employees, and
external resources such as suppliers and
customers real-time access to the data stored
within the system. ERP II is also different in that
the software can be made to fit the business,
instead of the business being made to fit the
ERP software.

SAP is an ERP Software.
where SAP stands for Systems,
Applications and Products in data
SAP was developed by German software
company SAP AG in 1972 and the initial
version was called SAP R/1. In 1979, SAP
launched SAP R/2 and in 1981, new
version called SAP R/3 was launched

. SAP maintains a central database for all
the departments of an enterprise and all
SAP modules are interconnected
Therefore realtime reporting becomes
possible unlike in legacy systems where
lack of interconnection among different
applications result in time lag.

Landscape : is the arrangement for the servers
IDES : is purely for education purpose and is NOT
INCLUDED in the landscape.
DEVELOPMENT : is where the the consultants do the
customization as per the company's requirement.
QUALITY : is where the core team members and other
members test the customization.
PRODUCTION : is where the live data of the company is
A request will flow from Dev->Qual->Prod and not

These three are landscape of any

Company. They organised their office in
these three way. Developer develop their
program in Development server and then
transport it to test server. In testing server
tester check/test the program and then
transport it to Production Server. Later it
will deploy to client from production server.

Presentaion Server- Where SAP GUI

Application Server - Where SAP Installed.
Database Server - Where Database

What is the meaning of "R" in R/3

R/3 stands for realtime three tier
architecture. This is the kind of
architrecture SAP R/3 system has.
R/3 means three layers are installed in
Different system/server and they are
connected with each other.


LOG on to a SAP system

Navigating a basic path
Searching for information and different
help methods

LOG on to a SAP system

Navigating a basic path

The system functions can be called via the
tree structure or by entering TCTransaction Coces
Every function in the SAPsystem is a T
Code(Transaction Code)
/n ends the current transaction
/o Opens a new session
/I ends the current session

Navigating a basic path

/Oxxx- Where XXX is a transaction code
Takes to the specified T Code such as
/opa30- open a new session at the T Code
pa30- Maintain Master Data

D. Access further links.....

E. Layout of SAP Easy Access Screen

Menu Bar on SAP Window

Different help methods

G. Field Help: F1 and F4.....
. The F1 key to display an explanation of
fields, menus, function and messages.
i. F1 Help
. The
F1 help also displays technical
information on the relevant field.
ii. F4 Help
. The F4 key to display possible input

The below mentioned OPERATIONS can be performed while maintaining

data by clicking on the relevant icon:

The below mentioned OPERATIONS can be performed while maintaining master

data by clicking on the relevant icon:

Create a new create

Change an existing record
Display an existing record
Copy an existing record
Delimit an existing record
Delete an existing record

Display an overview of all information maintained

client is a logical "subdivision" of the A data stored in a
SAP database. The client concept came from the time
when several companies shared a single database on
some large central mainframe and obviously could not
be allowed to see each other's business data.
Today the use of a client is different, e.g. it provides for
separation between customizing and sandbox clients in
a development system, or between say test and training
clients in a QA system.

Technically all clients share the same set of tables. A
"client-dependent" table has the characteristic that its
first field (and the leading field of its primary key) is
always the client number. The "client-dependent"
attribute is maintained in the SAP dictionary. When an
ABAP program contains a statement like "SELECT *
FROM TAB" and TAB is client-dependent, the DB
interface in the kernel will automatically convert this to
An SQL trace (ST05) of a simple business transaction
will reveal this behaviour immediately.

Not all tables are client-dependent, some are

cross-client, i.e. their data is visible to and
shared by all clients in the system. As a rule, all
master/transaction tables are client-dependent,
while system tables containing instance-specific
rather than business-specific data (e.g. the list of
printers) are cross-client. Customizing tables are
mostly client-dependent but some are crossclient (I'm a technical consultant so I can't really
tell you why that is).

If one looks at a table at database level rather
than through SE16, one would see records for
all clients residing in the same table. Incidentally
the same can be achieved in ABAP by adding
statement but the code of business transactions
must of course do no such thing.

The Change and Transport System (CTS) is a tool that

helps you to organize development projects in the ABAP
Workbench and in Customizing, and then transport the
changes between the SAP Systems in your system
This documentation gives you an overview of how you
can use the CTS to organize your changes, as well as
basic information on setting up your system and client
landscape, and choosing a transport strategy. Read and
follow this documentation when planning your
development project.

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