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In-Text Citation
show that a piece of information, idea,
quotation, ect. you have included in your writing
belongs to another writer.
In recent years, there have been a rapid increase in car sales
in Thailand (Honda, 1995).

Reference List or


The presentation of information in footnotes

and endnotes and in a bibliography.
Smith, P. (1988). An argument against wet paddy
mechanization of wet paddy
Journal of Rice
Production, 8, 34-60.

Why Referencing Is Important?

acknowledge the work of others

provide evidence of your own research
illustrate a particular point
support an argument or theory
allow others to locate the resources you have used

And most importantly:

avoid accusations of plagiarism

Different Types of Information Sources:




Useful for overviews and information can be general

or subject specific


Short definitions of topics- can be general or subject



Useful for information about organizations, people and


Text Books

Comprehensive coverage of the topic


Short articles of specific topics, generally current


Short current new items

Details Should Note During Research:

Year of Publication
Title of the Book
Page Number (for direct quotes)
Chapter Title
Name of Publisher
Place of Publication
URL (for E-book only) and Name of E-book provider
Date Accessed (for E-book only)

Journals/Newspaper Articles
Year of Publication
Title of Article
Name of Journal
Volume, issue or part number (or day and month), page
URL (for electronic journal only)
Date Accessed (for electronic journal only)

Online Sources (e.g. websites)

Year of Publication
Title of the Document
Date Accessed

Are established system of referencing
with consistent rules.
Referencing style requirements cover of two elements
of a referencing system:
a. In Text Citation

b. Reference Lists or Bibliographies

A. In Text Citation
Sheldrake (1999) asserts that the
domestication of dogs long predated that of
other animals. (p.15).
B. Reference Lists or Bibliographies
Sheldrake, R., (1999). Dogs that know when their owners are
coming home: and other unexplained powers of animals.
London:Arrow Books.

Referencing Styles:

Reference Type
Books: One Author

In Text
(Tompkins 45).

Reference List
Tompkins, Jane. West of Everything:
The Inner Life of Westerns. New York:
Oxford UP, 1992.

Note: Authors Last Name, First name. Book Title. City: Publisher, Date.

Books: Two or More Authors

(Rico and Mano 45).

Rico, Barbara, and Sandra Mano.

American Mosaic: Multicultural
Readings in Context. Boston:
Houghton, 1991.

Note: First Authors Last Name, First Name, and Second Authors First Name Last Name. Title. City: Publisher, Date.
Books: Edited

(Hornblower 45).

Hornblower, Simon, and Antony

Spawforth, eds. Oxford Companion to
Classical Civilization. New York:
Oxford UP, 1998.

Reference Type

In Text

Reference List

Noted :Authors Last Name, First Name, ed. Title. City: Publisher, Date.
For a book with just one author and an editor as well, (particularly when showing a later edition of an earlier literary
work), begin with the author; give the editors name, preceded by the abbreviation Ed. (Edited by), after the title. If
you want to include the original date of publication for clarity, place the year directly after the title :

A Work in an
Anthology/Collection of Essays

(Cowan, Myerscough, and Smith 222).

Note: Author(s). Article Title. Book Title. Book Editor(s). City: Publisher, Date.

Cowan, Frederic. J., Elizabeth Ann

Myerscough, and David A. Smith. The
Death Penalty Should Be Imposed on
Juvenile Murderers. Youth Violence:
Current Controversies. Eds. Michael.
D. Biskup and Charles. P. Cozic. San
Diego: Greenhaven, 1992.

Reference Type

In Text
(Cloos 782).

Reference List
Cloos, Mark. Plate Tectonics. World
Book Encyclopedia. 1998.

Note: Author. Entry Title. Encyclopedia Title. Edition (if stated). Year of publication.

Journal: One Author

(Mattison 205)

Mattison, Marian. Ethical Decision

Making: The Person in the Process.
Social Work 45 (2000): 201-213.

Note:Authors last name, Authors first name. Title of the article. Journal name vol#.issue# (year): pages.
[If paged continuously throughout a volume, ignore issue number.
Journal: Multiple Authors

(Render et al. 1499).

Render, Ralf, et al. Effect of Age on

Excess Mortality in Obesity. Journal
of the American Medical Association
281.16 (1999): 1498-1504.

Reference Type

In Text

Reference List

Note: First Author, et al. Article Title. Journal Title. Volume. Series (Year): Pages.
If there are more than three authors, you may name only the first and add et al. (and others), or you may give all
names in full in the order in which they appear on the title page

Magazine: No Author (articles

with authors are treated as
popular magazines below)

(Radiation . . . 41). Shorten title and

use ellipses () for long titles.

Radiation Exposure of Children in

Russia. U.S. News and World Report
9 Aug. 1993: 40-42.

Note: Article Title. Magazine Title. Date: Pages. [Do not give volume and issue numbers even if listed.
Newspapers: No Author

(U.S. Scholar... 41). Use ellipse ()

for longer titles.

Note: Article Title. Newspaper Title. Date: Pages.

U.S. Scholar Facing Spy Trial.

Evansville Courier & Press 19 July
2001: A5.

Reference Type
(Popular) Magazine (including
magazines published weekly, monthly
and bi-monthly)

In Text
(Safron 5)

Reference List
Safron, Claire. Its Christmas Eve: Do
You Know Where Your Children Are?
Ladies Home Journal. Dec. 1991: 1-6.

Note: Authors Last Name, First Name. Article Title. Magazine Title. Date: Pages. [Do not include volume and issue
numbers even if they are listed.

Audio Recording


McCain, Edwin. Ill Be. Misguided

Roses. Perf. Judy Example. Atlantic,

Note: Writers Last Name, First Name. Song Title. Performers name if different from writer. Recording Title.
Medium [audiocassette, Audiotape, LPCDs are assumed]. Manufacturer, Issue year.
Radio Broadcast

(Car Talk).

Car Talk. With Tom and Ray

Magliozzi. National Public Radio.
WNIN, Evansville. 25 July 1999.

Reference Type

In Text

Reference List

Note: Episode or Segment title. Program Title. Series title. Network Name. Call Letters, City of the Local Station if
applicable. Broadcast Date.

News Broadcast

(Fox News at 9:00).

Fox News at 9:00. Fox. WTVW,

Evansville, IN. 5 Aug. 1999.

Note: Broadcast Title. Network. Call Letters, City of Local Station. Broadcast Date.
TV: Series Episode


Cicely. Northern Exposure. Arts &

Entertainment Network. New York. 26
July 1993.

Noted:Episode or Segment Title. Program Title. Series Title. Network Name. Call Letters and City of the Local
Station if applicable. Broadcast Date.

Motion Picture (Film or video


(Independence Day).

Independence Day. Dir. Roland

Emmerich. Perf. Will Smith, Bill
Pullman, and Jeff Goldblum. DVD.
Twentieth Century Fox, 1996.

Reference Type

In Text

Reference List

Note:Title. Directors names. Performers names. Medium if relevant. Distributor, Distribution Year.
Personal Interview

Instead of an in-text citation, use a

signal phrase:
According to Psychiatrist John Smith,
Alienation leads to senseless acts of
teen violence.

Smith, John. Personal Interview. 25

Aug. 1999.

Note:Last Name of person interviewed, First Name. Personal Interview. Date of Interview.
ebrary (ebook collection)

(Brigham 32).

Brigham, Janet. Dying to Quit: Why

We Smoke and How We Stop.
Washington: Joseph Henry Press,
1998. ebrary. Ivy Tech Community
College Library, Anderson, IN. 16 Jan.

Reference Type

In Text

Reference List

Encyclopedia Britannica: No
Author (Note: If article is signed
by author, treat as
magazine/journal article for
including author name in

(Diabetes Mellitus).

Diabetes Mellitus. Encyclopaedia

Britannica Online. 2003.
Encyclopaedia Britannica. Ivy Tech
Community College Library, Muncie,
IN. 6 Aug. 2007.

ProQuest (This example is from a

popular magazine; make
adjustments for journals, etc.)

(Bohacz 106).

Bohacz, Ray T. Tunin' TPI. Hot Rod

June 2000: 106. ProQuest. Ivy Tech
Community College Library, Marion,
IN. 16 Dec. 2007.

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