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January 15

Muslim Prayer

so serve thou Me (only), and establish regular prayer for celebrating

My praise.

January 15


The objective of his life is to know his Creator Allah says in the
Holy Quran
(Az Zariyat : 56)

I have not created jinns and humans but,

for my worship
January 15

Sahih Bukhari
Islam is built upon 5 pillars
1. Testifying that there is none worthy of worship
except Allah and that Muhammad is the
Messenger of Allah
2 . Establishing the prayers
3. Giving Zakaat
4. Performing Hajj
5. Fasting in the month of Ramzan
January 15

Quranic verses
Naafi ibn al-Azraq said to ibn Abbas RA
"Do you find the 5 (daily) prayers in the
Quran." He responded, "Yes," and then
recited the verse,
So give glory to Allah, when you reach the
evening (for the sunset and the night
prayers) & when you rise in the morning;
to Him be praise, in the heavens and on
earth; and in the late afternoon and when
the day begins to decline (for the noon
prayer)( Ar-Rum 17-18)

January 15

(Surah Ar Rum, verse 17-18), Surah Hood verse 114

January 15

What is Salaat ?
The second pillar of Islam
Prescribed prayers 5 times a day
Facing the Kaaba & preferably in a mosque
To focus the mind on Allah
Personal communication with Allah,
expressing gratitude and worship.

January 15

Purpose of Salaat
It is one of the clearest demonstrations of
A display of submission and humility
In gratitude of blessings
bestowed by Allah
January 15

Purpose of Salaat
Establishes a relationship and connection
with Allah
A private conversation with Quranic recital

January 15

Quranic verse about Salaat

)(Quran, surah Al Ankabut : 45

) (


January 15

Quranic verse about Salaat

(Quran, surah Al Ankabut : 45)

Recite that which has been inspired in you of

the Scripture, and establish worship. Lo!
worship preserves from lewdness and iniquity,
but verily remembrance of Allah is more
important. And Allah knows what you do

January 15


Hadith regarding Salaat

The Holy Prophet saw has said :

The head of the matter is Islam, its pillar is the

prayer, and its apex is jihad
(Tirmidhi, Hadith 2616)
January 15


Hadith about Salaat

(Ahmad, an-Nasa'i and at-Tirmizhi)

"The prayers were made obligatory on the

Prophet saw the night of his ascension to
heaven. At first, they were fifty in number, but
were reduced several times until they were five.
Then it was declared,
'O Muhammad, the order is not changed.
These five are (equivalent) to the fifty.''
January 15


Importance of Salaat
It is the essence of all Islamic practices and
The Holy Prophet saw has said:
That which separates a believer from infidelity
is simply the Salaat
He has no share in Islam who does not offer
January 15


Importance of Salaat
It establishes the physical, mental, and spiritual
proposal to Allah, which starts by pronouncing
Allahs greatness and ends with Salaam.
The performance of Salaat serves as the
foundation of Islam.
Without it there is no Islam.
January 15


Importance of Salaat
It was the first act of worship made
obligatory by Allah.
It is the first act that the person will be held
accountable for.
It will be the last thing taken away from the
religion. When it expires, Islam will expire.
January 15


Importance of Salaat
One who discards Salaat becomes an unbeliever.
If such a person does not repent,
he is to be punished
( killed as per Imam Malik or given a minor punishment
and confined until he prays as per Imam Abu Hanifah )
January 15


Importance of Salaat
)(Quran, Al Baqarah : 238-239
The importance is so great that one is ordered to observe it
whether travelling or not, while one is safe or in fear

January 15

Importance of Salaat
"Be guardians of your prayers, and of the
mid-most prayer, and stand up with
devotion to Allah. And if you go in fear,
then (pray) standing or on horseback.
When you are safe, remember Allah, as
He has taught you that which (heretofore)
you knew not"
(Quran Al Baqarah: 238-239)
January 15


(Abu Daud, Hadith 495)

Order your children to pray when they

reach the age of seven.
Beat them (if they don't pray) when they
reach the age of ten.
And have them sleep separately

January 15


Benefits of Salaat
According to the Quran, the benefit of prayer
"restrains one from
shameful and evil deeds
It is the noblest appearance of faith and the
certain way of thanking Allah for His unlimited
January 15


Benefits of Salaat
It is the way of obtaining Allah's mercy, kindness,
and a sure way to paradise
The Prophet saw has said:
"Salaat is the key to Jannat

January 15


(Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)

The Holy Prophet saw has said

If there was a river at the door of anyone of
you and he took a bath in it five times a
day, would you notice any dirt on him ?
The Companions said: Not a trace of dirt
would be left. The Prophet added, That is
the example of the five Prayers with which
Allah annuls evil deeds.

January 15


The Salaat of the Prophet


(Bukhari, Muslim)

Hadrat Mughira ra said that the Prophet saw

prayed for so long in the night in standing
pose that his feet got swollen up. His
companions said to him, "O Prophet of
Allah! Why do you exercise so much when
Allah (The Glorified and the Exalted) has
forgiven you all sins." The Prophet saw
replied, "Should I not be a grateful servant
of Allah? "
January 15


Benefits of regular Salaat

Brings us closer to Allah
Prevents shameful and forbidden acts
Purifies the heart, develops the mind and
comforts the soul

January 15


Benefits of regular Salaat

Reminds us constantly of Allah and His
Develops discipline and will power

Guides to the most upright way of life

January 15


Benefits of regular Salaat

Shows equality, unity and brotherhood
Promotes patience, courage, hope and
Develops gratitude and humility
Shows obedience and thankfulness to our
January 15


Thank You

January 15


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