SynapseIndia DOTNET Development Platform Overview

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SynapseIndia DOTNET

Development Platform Overview


What is .NET? - Microsofts Strategy

Under the Hood
Security & Managed Code
Cross-Language Debugging
Zero-Footprint Desktop Deployment

What is .NET?
A comprehensive XML Web Services platform

Visual Studio

Windows XP, Windows CE, Pocket PC, Office

Passport, Alerts, .NET My Services

Windows Server, Enterprise Servers

Under the Hood

Common Language Runtime (CLR)
The execution environment for IL. Provides security, garbage
collection, exception handling, inheritance and support for
Base Class Libraries. Comparable to JVM.

Common Language Specification (CLS)

A subset of the Common Type Specification which all language
compilers targeting CLR must adhere to.

Intermediate Language (IL)

Compilers generate platform independent IL which the JIT
will compile for execution by the CLR. For equivalent
functionality, the IL should be exactly the same for different
languages! Performance is same.

Language Neutrality
CLR doesnt know what language it is running. There
are more than 25 languages for .NET, including
COBOL, PERL, Eiffel and Java!
CLS objects are cross-language. A VB.NET class can be
created as an object in PERL and then passed to a
COBOL method!

Java is language specific and platform neutral. .NET is

language neutral, but platform specific.

.NET Base Classes

Object Oriented
Over 4,500 classes provide most of the features that
most applications ever need.
Much of the implementation of data is XML inside
.NET support for Web Services leads industry.

.NET Assembly - The New .DLL

Combines MSIL with metadata for code management.
Strong Typing allows side-by-side, concurrent execution of
different versions of the same assembly! Determination of
which version to run can be made through application
settings or by administrators of the machine.
Global Assembly Cache (GAC) allows commonly shared
assemblies to be pre-compiled and stored in one place.
No Registry Required! DLL Hell is gone.

Security & Managed Code

Managed Code is type-safe and has execution boundaries,
called Domains.
Application Domains can execute in the same process.

Unmanaged code in an Assembly is identified by

metadata, letting the CLR treat it differently.
Policies at the Enterprise, Machine, User and Application
levels define permissible actions for execution, and
configuration settings.

Role-Based Security
Programmers can use role-based security to control access to
methods or properties at run-time.
Isolate security from code logic by applying attributes defined
in System.Security or EnterpriseServices
System.Security is feature-rich, but is limited to Windows user
EnterpriseServices uses COM+ roles for more flexibility but
classes must inherit from EnterpriseServices
You can implement your own security provider for databases,

Example: Security Using Attributes

using System.Security.Permissions;
public class Car
public long StartEngine()
public long OpenDoor()

Evidence-Based Security
Evidence is the characteristics of the code such as its
directory or digital signature.
Code Groups are logical groupings of code with evidence
that satisfies certain conditions like
<Directory=c:\winnt\> or <>.
Named Permission Sets define the permissions applied to
Code Groups.
Application Domain Hosts such as browsers or the shell can
enforce more restrictive permissions and, if trusted, provide
evidence about the hosted assembly to the CLR.

Evidence-Based Security
Effective Permissions are determined by calculating the intersection
of Named Permissions granted at each Policy Level.
Each Policy Level grants permissions based on the union of Named
Permissions for all matching Code Groups defined at that level.
Attributes can be applied to Code Groups in each policy level to
modify the default determination.
The effect is for least restrictive permissions within a Policy Level
(unless nothing is specified) but most restrictive permissions
when Policy Levels are combined.
Enterprise, Machine, User and Application policies are adhered to
but defined independently.

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