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Jamie Jamie is the character who receives the package. He
is relatively brave, but takes advantage of the technology
that he has.

Bystander The person who is walking past Jamies house,

and has his wallet stolen when Jamie freezes time.

Thug The person who Jamie confronts unsuccessfully, and

who punches him. He is tough and intimidating.

Jamie is sitting at home watching TV in boredom. He hears a package
come through the door, which turns out to be a phone when he opens it.
An application opens called My World with various buttons involving
time. He goes outside to test it, pausing time. He begins to play around
with it, rewinding and fast forwarding time. He takes advantage of it,
using it to steal someones wallet. He sees a thug, who he goes and
punches and attempts to rewind. It needs to charge, however, and Jamie
is promptly punched back by the thug. Jamie wakes up in the street, and
decides to rewind time back to before he opened the package. When he
does, he throws the package away. The thug sees this, and takes it for


The main character will be dressed in casual clothing, such as a jumper and jeans, to
represent him as an average teenager in order to emphasise how the phone gives
him power and control.

The bystander and thug will also be dressed in casual clothing, but the thug will be
more intimidating, with his coat hood up to cover his face.

The main prop will be the phone which Jamie uses, and will be the main focus of the
short film. Various other props will also be included to add further realism, such as a
T.V. remote and the packaging that the phone comes in.

The location will be modern, being set in a house as well as the street outside of it to
fit the idea of Jamie being an average teenager.


A variety of camera shots and angles will be used throughout
the short film.

The different shots an angles will be used to create particular

effects, such as:

- Close up to connect the audience to the main character

- A low angle to create empowerment and intimidation
- Over-the-shoulder shot to show interaction between two


Various sound effects and music will be added in post
production to add to the scene.

The music will fit the genre of sci-fi, using a range of high and
low pitched synths, and will create a tense atmosphere.

The sound effects will be used to add more realism and

engagement for the audience, such as beeping when the
phone is pressed or background T.V. sounds.

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