Baul Presentation Tagore Version

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the ecstatic music from

the rural bengal

Baul An Introduction
The mystic minstrels from Ben
Baul has its etymological ori
gin in the Sanskrit words Vatu
la (madcap), or Vyakula (res
tless) and used for someone wh
o is possessed or crazy.
In 2005, the Baul tradition was
included in the list of "Masterpi
eces of the Oral and Intangible
Heritage of Humanity" by UNE

Baul Concept and the music

Baul thought has mixed elements of
Tantra, Sufi Islam, Vaishnavism and
Baul music celebrates celestial love,
but does this in very earthy terms.
Its lyrics carry influences of the Hin
du bhakti movements and the suphi,
(a form of Sufi song).

Baul Concept and music

An important part of baul philosophy is
Deha tatta, a spirituality related to the
body rather than the mind. Seeking the d
ivinity in human beings.
We are all a gift of divine power and the
body is a temple, music being the path to
connect to that power.
The search of moner manush: The mon
er manush the person in the heart, is eq
uivalent to god.

Hrid Majhare Rakhibo Chhere Debo Na





Jibon Nodir Kule Kule

Baul the instruments

Ektara, dotara, dugi, khamak, khartal, manjira,


Baul present status

Bauls are found in the Indian state of West
Bengal and the eastern parts of Bihar and J
harkhand and the country of Bangladesh.
Every year, in the month of Falgun (Febru
ary to March), "Lalon Smaran Utshab" (La
lon memorial festival) is held in the shrine
of Lalon in Kushtia, Bangladesh.
Joydev Kenduli Mela - in memory of Jaya
deva on the occasion of Poush Sankranti (l
ast day of Bengali calander) many Bauls
gather and sing during the event.
In the village of Shantiniketan during Pous
h Mela, a large number of Bauls come tog
For the last five years a unique show has been
organised in Kolkata, called "Baul Fakir Utsa

Rabindra Sangeet
Songs composed by Rabindra
nath Tagore
The complete collection of his
songs: Gitabitan -Garden of
songs, contains more than 230
0 songs.
Six major parts of the book: P
uja (worship), Prem (love), Pr
akriti (Nature) and Bichitra
(Diverse), Swadesh (Patriotis
m) and Aanushthanik (Celebr

Rabindranath Tagore (Rabi Baul) and the Bauls

The Tagore family own lands in Santin
iketan, West Bengal, and parts of Ban
gladesh, close to Shilaido, home of La
lon Fakir.
Baul music leave its imprint powerfull
y on the work of Rabindranath Tagore,
who talked of Bauls in a number of sp
eeches in Europe in the 1930s.
An essay based on these was compile
d into his English book The Religion o
f Man.
Tagore's own compositions were powe
rfully influenced by Baul ideology. Hi
s music also bears the stamp of many
Baul tunes.

Lalon Fakir Concept and music

Lalon Fakir was a Bengali Baul saint, mysti

c, songwriter, social reformer and thinker.
His songs inspired and influenced many poe
ts and social and religious thinkers includin
g Rabindranath Tagore, Kazi Nazrul Islam,a
nd Allen Ginsberg, as he "rejected all distin
ctions of caste and creed
Everyone asks: "Lalan, what's your religion i
n this world?"
Lalan answers: "How does religion look?"
I've never laid eyes on it.

Shob lokey koy lalon ki jaat shongsharey





Lalon Fakir Concept and music

In quest of Moner Manush, Lalon in one of

his songs says
Milon hobe koto dine amar moner manusherei
When will I be united with the Man of my He

Milon hobe koto dine



Lalon Fakir Concept and music

About the relation between body and soul L

alon Fakhir says.
khachar vitor, ochin pakhi kemne ashe jai!
Tare dhorte paarle mono bedri, ditam pakhir p
The unknown/strange Bird in the cage...
how does it fly in and out?
If I could catch, I would bind it with my mind's

Khachar bhitor ochin pakhi


Rabindranath Tagore and Baul music

Tagore's own compositions were powerfully i
nfluenced by Baul ideology. His music also be
ars the stamp of many Baul tunes.

Horinaam diye jogot matale

Nitai Krishna


/ Gour


Nitai Nityananda

Jodi tor dak shune keu na ase ekla chalo re

Dekhechhi Rupsagore moner manush kachasho

/ moner


Bhenge Mor Ghorer chabi

Amar Praner manush ache prane

/ Praner Manush

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