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What is career??
Job vs. Career

Job What can I do now to make money?

Career Chosen Profession for your life.
Requires a willingness to get the training
needed to build your skills for the future.

A career is the work a person does. It is

the sequence of jobs that an individual has
held throughout his or her working life E.g.
occupation of nursing.

Career planning
Career path- sequential pattern of jobs
that form a career
Career goals are the future positions than
an individual strives to reach as part of a
Career planning refers to the process by
which an individual selects career goals
and the path to these goals

Career planning
Schein regards a career anchors That one
element in a persons self-concept, which he or
she will not give up,Even in the face of difficult
choices A career anchor has three
(1) self-perceived talent and abilities;
(2) self-perceived motives and needs; and
(3) self-perceived concepts, attitudes and

) Technical/functional competence:
Primarily excited by the content of the work
itself; prefers advancement only in his/her
technical or functional area of competence;
generally disdains and fears general
management as too political
General managerial competence: Primarily
excited by the opportunity to analyze and
solve problems under conditions of
incomplete information and uncertainty; likes
harnessing people together to achieve
common goals;stimulated (rather than
exhausted) by crisis situations.

Autonomy/independence:like Greta Garbo

Primarily motivated to seek work situations
which are maximally free of organizational
constraints; wants to set own schedule and own
pace of work; is willing to trade-off opportunities
for promotion to have more freedom
Security/stability: Primarily motivated by job
security and long-term attachment to one
organization; willing to conform and to be fully
socialized into an organizations values and
norms; tends to dislike travel and relocation.

Entrepreneurial creativity: Primarily motivated by the need to build

or create something that is entirely their own project; easily bored
and likes to move from project to project; more interested in
initiating new enterprises than in managing established ones.
(6) Service/dedication to a cause: Primarily motivated to improve
the world in some fashion; wants to align work activities with
personal values about helping society; more concerned with
finding jobs which meet their values than their skills.
Pure challenge: Primarily motivated to overcome major obstacles,
solve almost unsolvable problems, or to win out over extremely
tough opponents; define their careers in terms of daily combat or
competition in which winning is everything; very single-minded
and intolerant of those without comparable aspirations.

Lifestyle: Primarily motivated to balance

career with lifestyle; highly concerned with
such issues as paternity/maternity leaves,
day-care options, etc.; looks for
organizations that have strong pro-family
values and programs

Elements of a career planning

Individual Assessment and need analysis
Organisational Assessment and
opportunity Analysis
Need opportunity Alignment
Career counselling

Individual Assessment and need

Career drift HRD manager assist n
decision making by providing information
about the job, the future prospects, the
career path and the employee himselfworkshops, - career assessment, one to
one counselling, communication of
organisational opportunities

Basic elements of need Analysis

Understanding the career aspirations
Determining his knowledge ,skills,
competence and attitudes
Identifying the areas that need training
Communicating the results of the analysis.

Assessment helps organisations determine

the possible avenues for employee
development helps in understanding the
strength and weakness
Organisational assessment and opportunity
analysis- The employees goals have to be
realistic and achievable information about
possible careers the options and
opportunities available. The organisation has
to set up a formalised system of
communicating organisational opportunities
in terms of job vacancies, promotions
channels, transfers

Career paths- chart the possible directions and

paths of advancement in an organisation. Ex
sales executive Traditional career path . and
Need opportunity alignment between
individual career needs and organisational
career opportunities. Done to optimise resource
utilisation and ensure employee
satisfaction.HRIS tracking and recording career
moves, development, changes taking place in
organisation in terms of promotions, transfers,

Career counselling
The supervisor along with the HR
department has to, counsel the employee
What are my skills? And what is the
possibility of developing them or learning
new ones?
What are my actual needs , as far as work
is concerned?

What are the future prospects , if I pursue

my career objective?
What are the opportunities available ,
given my current abilities and skills?
What are the requirements of the job I
aspire for?
What training will I require if I choose to
pursue a certain career objective?
Why do I seek a career ? What is in it for
me ?

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