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Xiaofan Yang , David J.

Evans ,
Hongjian Lai , GrahamM. Megson

Information Processing Letters 92

(2004) 31–37

As presented by Ying-Jhih Chen

 A (di)graph is called hamiltonian if it
contains Hamilton cycle.

 Let n be a positive even integer, m
be a positive integer, and d be a
nonnegative integer that is less than
n and is of the same parity as m. An
(m,n, d) generalized honeycomb
torus, denoted by GHT(m,n, d), is a
graph with vertex set
 V( GHT(m, n, d) )={ <i, j>: i∈ { 0, 1,

…, m−1 }, j ∈ { 0, 1, …, n−1} }.
 Note: Here and in what follows, all arithmetic operations
carried out on the first and second components are
modulo m and n, respectively.
 Two vertices <i, j> and <k, l> with i ≤ k are adjacent if
and only if one of the following three conditions is
 (a) <k, l> = <i, j + 1> or <k, l> = <i, j − 1>;
 (b) 0 ≤ i ≤ m−2, i+j is odd, and <k, l> = <i+1, j>;
 (c) i = 0, j is even, and <k, l> = <m− 1, j + d>.

 GHT(5, 6, 2) (× ) (because d=2 are
not the same parity as m=5)
 GHT(4, 6, 2)

(0, 5) (1, 5) (2, 5) (3, 5)

(0, 4) (1, 4) (2, 4) (3, 4)

(0, 3) (1, 3) (2, 3) (3, 3)

(0, 2) (1, 2) (2, 2) (3, 2)

(0, 1) (1, 1) (2, 1) (3, 1)
(0, 0) (1, 0) (2, 0) (3, 0)

 Let p and q be two positive integers.
Let g(p, q) denote the smallest
positive integer s satisfying p × s = 0
(mod q). Then g(p, q) = q / gcd(p,q) .

 p × ( q / gcd(p, q) ) = ( p / gcd(p, q) ) × q ≡ 0 (mod
g(p, q) ≤ q /
 Let s be an integer with 1 ≤ s ≤ ( q / gcd(p,q) ) −
∃ r ∈ N s.t. p × s =
( p/gcd(p,q) ) × rs ×
= q.
 If p × s = 0 (mod q)
gcd(p,q) )
 / gcd(p,q)
Sinceqgcd( |s
p / gcd(p,q) ≤ s ≤ ( )q=/ gcd(p,q)
, q( /1gcd(p,q) 1 )
 ∴ g(p,
g(p, ≥ q
q) q) = /qgcd(p,q)
/ gcd(p,q)

 Given two positive integers a and b,
we need to consider a graph G(a, b)
that has {0, 1, . . .,a − 1} as the
vertex set and { < i, i + b >: 0 ≤ i ≤
a − 1} as the edge set, where the
arithmetic is modulo a.

 If gcd(a, b) = 1, then G(a, b) is a
cycle (loop and multiple edges
 e. g. G( 3, 2) 2

 Consider the infinite sequence (0, b,
2b, 3b, . . .) of neighboring vertices.
 By Lemma 1

 (0, b, 2b, 3b, . . ., (a − 1)b, 0)

forms a cycle.

 <0, k> ↑ <0, k + h− 1> → <1, k + h−
1>↓ <1, k>
 → <2, k> ↑ <2, k + h− 1> → <3, k + h−
1>↓ <3, k>
 → <4, k> ↑ <4, k + h− 1> → <5, k + h−
1>↓ <5, k>
 → ···
 → <m− 2, k> ↑ <m− 2, k +h − 1>
 → <m− 1, k + h− 1> ↓ <m− 1, k>.

 If m is even, then set {P(k × gcd(n,
d), gcd(n, d)): 0 ≤ k ≤ ( n / gcd(n,d) )
− 1} constitutes a path
decomposition of GHT(m,n, d). (We
call this path decomposition as
standard path decomposition.)

GHT(4, 12, 4):

P(8, 4)

P(4, 4)

P(0, 4)

 If m is even. Then GHT(m,n, d) is

 We construct a graph G( n / gcd(n,d) , d /
gcd(n,d) )
 By Lemma 2, the sequence of neighboring
 ( 0, d / gcd(n, d), 2 × d / gcd(n, d), . . . ,((n /
gcd(n, d)) − 1 )× d / gcd(n, d), 0 )
 forms a cycle.
 This cycle can be extended to a
Hamiltonian cycle of GHT(m,n, d) according
to the following steps:
 Step 1: For each i with 0 ≤ i ≤ (n /
gcd(n,d)) − 1, let
 V (i)= { <p, q>: 0 ≤ p ≤ m−1, i ×

gcd(n, d) ≤ q ≤ (i + 1) × gcd(n, d)
− 1.
 Step 2: Replace each vertex i of G( n

/ gcd(n,d) , d / gcd(n,d) ) with V (i).

 Step 3: Replace each edge (i, i + d)
of G( n / gcd(n,d) , d / gcd(n,d) ) with
a path of GHT(m,n, d) obtained from
path P(i×gcd(n, d), gcd(n, d)) by
adding the following edge:
 (<0, i ×gcd(n, d)>, <m− 1, i ×

gcd(n, d)+ d>).

GHT(4, 12 ,4)

P(8, 4)

P(4, 4)

P(0, 4)

 If m is odd, then GHT(m,n, d) is Hamiltonian.
 Poof: We construct a graph G( n / gcd(n,d+1) , d+1
/ gcd(n,d+1) ) in the way given in Lemma 2.
 By Lemma 2, the sequence
 ( 0, (d + 1)/gcd(n, d + 1), 2× ((d +1)/gcd(n, d + 1)),
. . . , (n/gcd(n, d + 1) − 1)× ((d + 1)/gcd(n, d + 1)),
 Forms a cycle. This cycle can be extended to a
Hamiltonian cycle of GHT(m,n, d) according to the
some steps.

GHT (5, 12, 5 )

P(6, 2), P(8, 4)

P(0, 2), P(2, 4)

 Every generalized honeycomb torus
is Hamiltonian.


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