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By Michaela McCole

A linear narrative is when the story is being told in
a chronological order, the different acts within a
story will be told in a specific order. It will start at
the beginning, moving to the middle and then onto
the end of the story. The viewer can clearly tell the
style of narrative as it goes through in time order
and doesnt have random acts in the middle.

Non linear is when it doesnt follow a specific
storyline or in chronological order. The events within
are rearranged or deconstructed in a way that will
reflect the characters psychological state or the
theme. It can be used to put a twist on the
traditional narrative of chronological order.

A flashback is when a specific scene takes the
setting back in time. It could be put into a specific
scene to explain or remember previous events. It
could also put emphasis on a specific event. They
can use the flashback at any time during the story.

This narrative structure is when the story that is
being told can occur in real life. Such as real live
events, real life setting and characters. The story can
relate to a previous real life event that has occurred
before and now they are basing this film on this
event. The storys will state at the beginning based
on a real life event/story

This is when the events are fictional and the scenes
are too obscure to ever happen in real life. For
example fantasy movies that appear to have dragons
and mermaids in them will be this type as there isnt
and chance of this story coming true.

This is when the story will end with a cliff hanger,
leaving the viewer wanting to watch the next
episode/series. This is effective as it grabs the
audiences attention and they would like to see
more. The audience will have unanswered questions
and there will be details which have still to be
revealed or explained to the audience.

This is when the story finishes with all of the
details and answers explained and there arent any
unanswered questions for the audience. This could
be the effective as it closes the whole story and
allows for a new opening next time.

47th floor is a historical sci-fi web based series which is based on
true stories.
The plot is that the scientific possibilities have occurred to a bomb
which has affected the survivors and their offspring
The episode I watched was 202 and in this episode the narrative
is realist as the events that occur are based on true events which
have happened in the past, people watching this web based drama
may relate to the events which have occurred in it. It also has an
open narrative at the end when we are left with a statement from
one of the main characters telling the other character to look in the
cupboard which leaves us with a big cliff hanger and it leaves the
viewer wanting to watch the next episode.

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