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all-weather, precision landing system

originally intended to replace or

supplement the Instrument Landing
System (ILS)
provides azimuth, elevation, and
distance, as well as "back azimuth"
used for short-range communications
with airport controllers

MLS employs 5GHz transmitters at the

landing place which use passive
electronically scanned rays to send
scanning beams towards approaching
aircraft. An aircraft that enters the
scanned volume uses a special receiver
that calculates its position by
measuring the arrival times of the

wide selection of channels to avoid

interference with other nearby airports
excellent performance in all weather
small "footprint" at the airports

antennas were much smaller

did not have to be placed at a specific
point at the airport
signals covered a very wide fan-shaped
area off the end of the runway
uses a single frequency, broadcasting
the azimuth and altitude information
one after the other

Approach azimuth
Back azimuth
Approach elevation
Range communications
Data communications

analogous to ILS localizer but has a

proportionally wider coverage
transmits MLS angle and data
located 1000 ft beyond the end of the runway
coverage is reliable up to 20 nm from runway
threshold and 20000ft of height
laterally 40 on either side of the runway
frequency Range of 5031-5091 MHz

The azimuth coverage extends: Laterally, at least 40

degrees on either side of the runway centerline in a
standard configuration. In elevation, up to an angle of 15
degrees and to at least 20,000 feet (6 km), and in range,
to at least 20 nautical miles (37 km)

Coverage volume of
the Azimuth station

Volumes of the elevation


provides lateral guidance for missed approach and

departure navigation
operates on the same frequency as approach azimuth but
at a different time in the transmission sequence
An MLS azimuth guidance station with rectangular azimuth
scanning antenna with DME antenna at left

transmits signals on the same frequency as the azimuth

located 400 ft from the side of the runway between runway
threshold and touchdown zone
elevation to at least 15
An MLS elevation guidance station

provided by the precision Distance Measuring

Equipment (DME, DME/P)
provides continuous and highly accurate distance

can include both the basic and auxiliary data

MLS data are transmitted throughout the
azimuth (and back azimuth when provided)
coverage sectors

Representative data
Station identification
four-letter designation
starting with the letter
Exact locations of
azimuth elevation
and DME/P stations
(for MLS receiver
Ground equipment
performance level
DME/P channel and

Auxiliary data content

3-D locations of MLS

Waypoint coordinates
Runway conditions and
Weather (e.g., RVR,
ceiling, altimeter
setting, wind, wake
vortex, wind shear)

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