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Ferris State Football

Spring Clinic: March 28


Contact Rob Zeitman

7-on-7 Tournament July 11th

Contact Ryan Brady

Skill Camps July 10th & 12th

Contact Ryan Brady

Ferris State Football


High School Assistant Coach 3 Years

-Muskegon Catholic Central High School
-Holland West Ottawa High School

Head High School Coach 22 Years

-Montrose High School
-Ann Arbor Pioneer High School
-Jenison High School
-Muskegon High School

Junior College Head Coach 3 Years

Division II Head Coach 3 Years
Career Record as Head Coach 251-53

Ferris State Football

Ferris State Football

Ferris State Football

Ferris State Football

Ferris State Football

Ferris State Football

Ferris State Football


I. Players Has Always Wanted The Same Thing

1. A Loving Relationship With the Head Football Coach

2. A Loving Relationship With the Assistant Coaches
3. A Family Atmosphere Within the Football Program
3. Direction and Guidance On and Off the Field
4. A Structured Program With Clear Expectations
5. A High Bar for Success WIN NOW!
6. Organization and Discipline
7. A Serious Strength and Conditioning Program
8. A Plan to Gain an Edge
9. An Experience That Has a Bigger Purpose
10. To Keep Things in Perspective

Ferris State Football

1. To love and respect you--We have an open door policy at the office and at our
home. If you ever need anything from any coach on this staff, be assured that if we
can do it, it will be done. Other than our families, you are the most important people
in the world to us.

2. To believe in you as a football player--We can make you a better, more

confident player by showing you that we do believe in your ability to help the team

3. That we will be the hardest working staff in the nation --We will spend
more time preparing for a season and having contact with you than any other staff
would even consider. We believe that the consistent, year-round contact with the
players is paramount to success.

4. To pursue excellence- - Our expectations for you as an individual and for our
team will be tremendously high. You can anticipate that we will always be prepared
to win a GLIAC championship, make the play-offs, and win a national

Ferris State Football

5. To motivate you daily--We understand that on certain days you wont feel as
highly motivated as others. However, on your down days be prepared for the
coaching staff to challenge you to pursue your best, with no excuses.

6. To make all decisions predicated on what is best for the team --It is our
responsibility to always put the teams interest before any individual.

7. To teach you--We will treat the practice field like a classroom. You will know
more about your position than any other college player in the country.

8. To be a good role model--We will model all of the things we demand from
you: self-discipline, motivation, loyalty, positive attitude, etc. We will not be
hypocritical, preaching one thing to you and doing another.

9. To place a tremendous emphasis on your education-- We will demand

that you put your academics first.

10. To help you mature and grow as a man--We will be interested in your
total development as a young man, not just as a football player. We want you to
develop all the positive attributes to be successful members of society.

Ferris State Football

1. To get an education-- Your most important responsibility is to be successful
academically and earn your Bachelors degree. If you fail to do this, then we ALL

2. To give your total effort--The individual that always pursues the best they are
capable of will be the one who is destined for future success.

3. To give unselfish love toward your teammates and to respect them -Football is the greatest team game ever invented.
4. To be totally honest--Our integrity can never be compromised. Never lie to
your coaches or your teammates. Regardless of how hard it is, never lie and never
make excuses, we dont want to hear them and we will not accept them.
5. To demonstrate humility--Having a humble attitude will draw people to you
that you wouldnt necessarily expect. Learn to succeed without desiring recognition.
Be a player that chooses team over self. Deflect your attention and achievements
to your teammates.

Ferris State Football

6. To be prompt--Being on time is a very important attribute and will be
demanded from this staff. Many people fail to succeed in life simply because they
cannot get to where they need to be when they need to be there.
7. To be courteous--We want to develop young men that are kind to others and
care about others. One of your goals should be to add value to other peoples lives
every day.
8. To be grateful--Always show your thanks to all the people who have helped
you on your journey. Try to possess an attitude of gratitude.
9. To develop a passion for life and football--People that do things
passionately are more productive and gain more personal satisfaction from their
10. To internalize our mission--The purpose is much larger than a game. We are
ultimately measured by what value we add to other people's lives

Ferris State Football

Dear Coach Annese,
We would like to thank you so much for not only an outstanding season but
also for being such a great coach, leader and mentor to the kids. You have
created such a positive, caring environment for all of these young men. It is
obvious that you want to win football games but it is also clear that it is so
much more than that for you. It is evident on and off the field how much all
of you care for one another. It is everything and more than we hoped for. We
feel overwhelmingly blessed to have our son be a part of this team. He has
made some lifelong friendships with many of the players with all different
backgrounds and he has even expressed to us that this year a closeness and
bond has been formed among everyone that he did not feel before. You and
your coaching staff have created that. We have even been privileged enough
to open up our home and lives to a few of the boys who are not able to go
home. That has been a huge blessing to us!
What impresses us the most about all of this is the fact that our son has not
been able to put on a uniform yet or step on the field during a game and yet
he feels just as much a part of the team as any of the starters. It keeps the
drive and determination alive in him to keep making himself better. That
says so much to us about the type of program you run. We are incredibly
grateful and feel so blessed.
We wish you a very Merry Christmas and may God bless you and your family.

Ferris State Football

Hey Coach Annese,
This is ______________________
I just wanted to text you personally & thank you for all you've done in my life over the
past couple of years. This past season has been very memorable for many reasons but
especially for me.
I don't have any connection to anybody in my direct family and I was able to find comfort
and a family in our football team.
I have never had a father figure to instill discipline, respect, and hard work into me but
you came along & taught me life lessons & guidelines to be a better man.
When you asked me yesterday if I was doing better and I answered yes, that wasn't the
Us losing hurt me tremendously. My routine changed. The family that I grown to love &
accept as the only family I have was hurting & would never be all together again. We
don't have much in Big Rapids but we have each other. That means a lot to me.
I know I speak for a lot of guys on this team when I say that beyond football this bond is
something we look forward to in our lives because it's the closest thing to family a lot of
us deal with on a day to day basis.
I know you're probably busy recruiting or getting ready for spring ball but I just wanted to
shoot you this text. I love you and the coaching staff very much & thank you for allowing

Ferris State Football

II. You Need to Teach Life Lessons
1. Success Handbook We take an hour a day during
camp for the first three weeks for lessons
-Identify Program Core Values
-Strengthen players will and determination for
Transformation. Give them examples of
perseverance, faith, love, self discipline, etc.
-Validate the work of the team
2. Develop Interpersonal Skills
3. Develop Leadership
4. Goal Setting
5. Team Standards Developed by Players

Ferris State Football

The coaching staff will direct and serve so that our players will be productive
members of society and will understand that true success is measured by ones ability
to serve humanity.


The coaching staff will develop each and every player on our team to their fullest
potential, both on the field and off. It is our commitment to develop you into a man; a
future leader, future husband, and future father! This developmental process is
challenging, but you must not waiver in your opportunity to be a stronger person.


More than ever before, your future depends on your level of education. You must
make the decision to pursue excellence in your academic experience. Your future
will be bright if you decide that you are going to work diligently to succeed in your
pursuit of a Bachelors Degree.

Ferris State Football

As a member of the Ferris State Football program, it is expected that you will
establish goals of personal growth. You will establish goals in areas such as
spiritual/ethical growth, academics/career, personal/family, caring/giving, and lastly
football. We expect you to have a road map established to pursue your short term
growth and long term dreams.


We will possess a family, team first attitude. Each team member will develop a
personal game plan of self improvement. We will all focus on being better
individuals by demonstrating self-discipline, respect for others, and a sincere
gratitude for all those who have helped you.


Faith, Order, Love, Discipline are our four pillars

Serve Humanity
Be a Productive Member of
The Right
Kind of Person






Ferris State Football

Our Team Motto: IN THE FOLD--- In the fold means to us: to place together
and intertwine. We will be together and intertwined in our pursuit of all of our
goals. The term FOLD is broken down into FAITH, ORDER, LOVE, AND
1. FAITH The persuasion of the mind that greatness will occur. Strong and
unshakeable belief that something good is going to happen.
To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.
St. Thomas Aquinas

2. ORDER To regulate or keep under control. In this case, it is the ability to

determine the difference between right and wrong, good and bad, positive and
The three dos will be a part of our decision making. The first do is Do
what is right. The second do is Do your best. The last do is Do for others.

Ferris State Football

3. LOVE This quality is the most important in order to have a unified team
that cares for one another, and will fight to the bitter end for one another.
While it is faith that makes all things possible, it is love that makes all things easy

Luke 19:45-48

4. DISCIPLINE This is a critical area of focus in developing a consistent,

championship football program both on and off the field.
The most vital type of discipline is self-discipline. If you do not possess the
type of discipline to pursue the very best that is in you, then you will receive
discipline externally. If discipline comes from the coaching staff, then it is
something we are doing FOR you, not TO you.
Everyone suffers pain, either the pain of discipline, or the pain of regret

Ferris State Football

Cut at 1:07, Resume at 1:50, Cut at 2:25
1. Who is the young American serving in uniform today?
-20 years of age, a high school graduate, a volunteer, he is brighter, better educated,
better trained, led and equipped than any soldier of any country in history!
2. He can take a life or save one because he has been so remarkably trained! What
would it take for you to be so remarkably trained?
3. How did this transformation occur where an average young man in your high school
has a transformation into a great soldier in the most powerful military in the world?
What lesson can you take from this example?
4. That is what we do! Ferris State is blessed to be represented by the best!

Ferris State Football

You can no longer assume that your young men have any knowledge of
leadership. You need to coach them on every aspect of the concept of leadership.
You must empower them to be leaders by fueling them with information on the
how to do it and then create the circumstances and authority for leadership to
be carried out.

Coaching Players to be Leaders

1. Leadership is Influence If you have the power to influence then it can be
used for good or for bad!
2. Developing good leadership begins with a trust that is built between the coach
and the leader.
3. Great leaders gain personal value from impacting others in a positive way.
4. True leadership is exposed when things are NOT going well.
5. A player coached team is better than a coach coached team.

Ferris State Football

Military ranks are a system of hierarchical relationships in the armed forces. Usually,
uniforms denote the bearer's rank by particular insignia affixed to the uniforms.
Ranking systems have been known for most of military history to be advantageous
for military operations. The purpose of a military rank structure is mainly that of
providing accurate, timely communication which represents information on which
command decisions are based. The key application is that of decisions that effectively
manage unit resources. While communication flow toward the commander is a
priority, information that is useful or contingent in nature is communicated to lower
staffs and units.
In a military organization, command and control is the exercise of authority and
direction by a properly designated commanding officer over assigned and
attached forces in the accomplishment of the mission. Command and control
functions are performed through an arrangement of personnel, equipment,
communications, facilities, and procedures employed by a commander in planning,
directing, coordinating, and controlling forces and operations in the accomplishment
of the mission.

Ferris State Football

Army Specialist
Specialists have basic management duties and may command soldiers of lower rank, although
most leadership duties at this pay grade are the responsibility of Corporals. Specialist is the most
common rank advancement available to a Private First Class, and becomes available after two
years of service and upon completion of a leadership and officer candidate training course.
Recruits who enlist in the Army with a four-year Bachelor's Degree, or desired civilian skills and
experiences, may be entitled to enter the Army as a Specialist.

Bulldog Specialist
Everyone has a special job to do in order for this team to achieve the goals we have established.
Specialists have basic fundamental responsibilities in our ranking system. The Bulldog Specialist
must focus on what he needs to do to help the team. The Bulldog Specialist must internalize his
role within our organization and concentrate on accomplishing that role with no selfish thoughts
of personal achievement. We want the Bulldog Specialist to strive to be the best he can be, but
ultimately the goal is to be compliant and do the job that is asked of you to help the team

(All true freshmen will begin as a Specialist and all others who have not
exhibited the traits that are required for advancement)

Ferris State Football

Army Corporal
Corporal is equivalent in pay grade to a Specialist, although a Corporal has greater leadership and
management responsibilities. Corporals may be placed in command of a small contingent of
soldiers, which contains four soldiers at most, and are responsible for the training and
performance of their soldiers.
A Corporal is most often promoted from Specialist although promotion from lower pay grades
may occur with sufficient display of leadership and experience.

Bulldog Corporal
To advance beyond a Specialist rank you need to demonstrate the same qualities that the Army
Corporal exhibits as described above. You need to take responsibility for yourself being a major
contributor to the team goals, but you also need to demonstrate leadership and responsibility to
help a few members of your team focus on the things they need to do to be successful. The
Bulldog Corporal shows initiative, responsibility, and leadership. He can motivate and move his
teammates to higher levels of achievement both in the classroom and on the field.

(Bulldog Corporals have only been associated with the program for one or two
years, but demonstrate the above characteristics)

Ferris State Football

Army Sergeant
A Sergeant is directly above Corporal. Sergeants command units of soldiers ranging in size
from a 4-5 soldiers, to a squad, and have a great deal of influence on the everyday lives and
activities of their men.

Bulldog Sergeant
This person has earned the respect of his teammates and the coaching staff. He is a person
that meets the expectations in the classroom, on the field, and in the community. The
Bulldog Sergeant leads by example. He has high expectations for himself and motivates his
teammates through his hard work in every aspect of college life. The Bulldog Sergeant has
also stood the test of time as he has participated as a Bulldog going on his third year or

(Bulldog Sergeants have been associated with the program going on their
third year and have represented the program in a positive way)

Ferris State Football

Army Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major is the highest enlisted rank in the Army. A Sergeant Major assists Officers
in a battalion-sized force of 300 to 1,000 soldiers, and leads soldiers and junior officers
placed directly under his command.

Bulldog Sergeant Major

Our Sergeant Major is the leader of his battalion (position group). This person has the
credibility within the position group, his teammates, and with the coaching staff to be
perceived as a great leader. This is the guy who is the coach on the field. If the position
coach wasnt there, this is the person who could coach the group!
(Bulldog Sergeant Majors have typically been with the program for a long time, but
there is no time prerequisite for this ranking. The best guy for the job earns this title)

Ferris State Football

Army Captain
A Captain is a commissioned officer at company level, and will generally serve as a Company
Commander in control of 62 to 190 soldiers. As a Company Commander, Captains will be placed
in charge of the tactical and everyday operations of their troops, assisted by several junior
commissioned officers and one or more senior non-commissioned officers. Captains may also
have teaching roles at combat schools or special training sessions as well as serve as staff officers
at battalion level command posts.

Bulldog Captain
The Bulldog Captain has been the torch bearer for all that is good about Bulldog Football. He is
the face of our program; he is responsible, compliant, has an impeccable work-ethic, has never
been in trouble, gives to others, serves the community, takes his academics very seriously, and he
internalizes the goals of the team and program. He may or may not be an inspirational and
dynamic personality. But this person is admired by all because of the greatness he displays
everyday everyway! If he makes a goal, IT IS IN STONE.

(Bulldog Captains have to be one of the top four respected guys on the team. They
have to have an unbelievable track record from the moment they came to Ferris
State up to today!)

Ferris State Football


What is our target?

Ferris State Football

Focus on the process which will allow you to achieve your goals as an
individual and us as a team. Keep your eye on the target and let that
drive your habits, motives, and actions.

Ferris State Football

J.J. Watt has set his goals in Stone and has been
committed to being the best football player he can be.

1. Why do you think that the Ten Commandments were

inscribed in stone tablets?
2. What permanent goals have you put into the forefront of
your life?
3. What do you have to give up in order to achieve significant

Ferris State Football

ns in one

Break Individual

Serve the
Win the
Be a good

ng Game

Rush for 200

yards in a

Make the
Represent the

Be Big
on Campus
Win the
First Game
or smoke
desires of

Ferris State Football

2014 Ferris Football Standards
These standards have been established by the team itself. Since you made the
standards it should be your expectation to make sure that your teammates liveup to these standards.
1. Treat people with respect
2. Be honest with your teammates, coaches, and college faculty and staff
3. Be trustworthy-be the person that everyone can count on to do right
4. Be on time
5. Attend all class and take care of all your commitments
6. Ask for help when you need it
7. Admit your mistakes and be coachable
8. Be a good teammate know your role
9. Work hard and together, never give up
10. Display self-control, know your environment

Ferris State Football

2014 Ferris Football Standards
11. Be humble and be unselfish
12. Be a good listener, pay attention and focused in team meetings
13. Be loyal to your family and football family
14. Have a positive attitude and present yourself in a positive way
15. Respect women
16. To avoid any type of drug use and alcohol abuse live within the law
17. Love the game Have a passion for football
18. Your behavior must reflect our core values
19. Serve the team and the university community
20. Be a leader, not a follower

Ferris State Football

III. You Need to Focus on the Things You

Can Control

-School Administrators are rarely leaders, but

rather have instead chosen to be more like
-Superintendents have learned that being a
leader and making tough decisions will potentially
hurt their job security
-Not everyone sees the value in athletics
-Teachers do not have any idea how hard coaches
work and how many hours it requires
-People do not choose their place of worship
based upon the size or magnitude of the church -

Ferris State Football

IV. Win the Day
-Your school and community expect you
to win every game. You must have your
team focused on winning the day!
-Make sure the team works everyday to
get better
-Teach them how to win
-Have high standards for their work ethic
-Have an identity and stick with it
-Have repetition in your drill work
-Have a detailed plan for improvement
-Win in every aspect of high school

Ferris State Football

Ferris State Football

Ferris State Football


Ferris State Football

Ive Spent My
Entire Adult Life
Trying to Live
Up to That Word!

Ferris State Football

Ferris State Football

Why Do We Coach?
Coaches have an almost
unparalleled position to impact the
healthy development of the players
they coach. Leave a legacy.

Ferris State Football

Why Do We Coach?
As coaches we use the game of
football not only for physical
development, but for the social,
emotional, moral, and ethical well
being of young people

Ferris State Football

How Does Jack Coach?

He wraps his arms around a kid

and says I believe in you and you
are a great young man

Ferris State Football

Why Do YOU Coach?

You coach to affirm every players

intrinsic value and worth

Ferris State Football

Why Do We Coach?
The payoff for us coaches is to
send our players out into the
world equipped to positively
impact society.

Ferris State Football

Why Do We Coach?
As a football coach we measure
the success of our life on the
relationships we have developed

Ferris State Football

Be an agent of hope. Many of our
young people need to know that
they can make tomorrow different
than it is today. Often times, it is
you COACH that will give them the
hope they need in life!

Ferris State Football

After 31 years in this
business, everyday it is a
blessing and powerful
honor for people to refer to
me as


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