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Team members:
Diana Palmira Garca Barrera.
Tania Escutia.
Virginia Prez.
David Eugenio Martnez Tovar.

Exelix Studios
(Diana). Hello everyone, thank you for coming, we are
Exelix Studios, a multi-platform video games developer
(Tania). Our mission is to offer creative and innovative
products that can fulfill the needs of our costumers,
promoting education growth through out video games.
(Vicky). Our vission is to continue building the future of
education, being a competitive company that provides
high quality video games and creatign long lasting
relationships with our costumers, suppliers and our people.

Lets talk about video


The video games industry has grown over

time, but, now more than ever it is in full

Video games are everywhere, on any platform

and have become part of our culture.

However video games have been synonymous

of prejudices because most of their products
offer violent, immoral and harmful experiences
from some points of view.

Kids nowadays dont want toys anymore.

Analazing the current situation, Exelix Studios

team wants to change the perspective of the
public and prove that video games can be
used for educational purposes

Can a video game really teach something?

Gaming and Learning.

(Diana). Human beings naturally learn by
playing. As children we were taught to eat,
walk and talk by playing.

(Diana). In education people withheld game,

believing that it is a waste of time and distraction
and they focuse on methods that
are not fun at all.

(Tania). When we were taught history, biology,

math and other subjects, the class was boring,
they were all based on dictation, summaries
and presentations.

(Tania). We want to change the way in which

subjects are taught, maybe not quite, but
complement them with our idea, change the
attitude of students to a subject that becomes
tedious, boring or even difficult.
(Vicky). And how?, Reaching the most basic
thing in our education, our first teaching
methodology, gaming.

(Vicky). Our project is a video game focused

on the education sector, in this case in history
subject and talks about the Independence of

(Vicky). But, why a video game?

What advantages does the

implementation of a video game offer?
The attitude of the user changes with a game
unlike a book or some educational software.

The game presents you with an alterable

reality at different levels, the player is the

It is competitive, creating scores that can be

posted on websites or social networks to see
who is better than others.
Imposes a number of challenges in a fun way
where you must use your intelligence and
ability to overcome them.

Videogames know no age, sex, religin, sexual

orientation, race, etc.
Most importantly, they teach you and you
learn from them without even being aware of

Proyect Roles.
Vicky: Analyst and designer.
(Vicky). My job was to analyze and gather all
the requirements to develop the project, I also
collaborated on the creation and design of the
characters and scenarios.
David: Designer and Programmer.
(David). I helped Vicky in the design of the
characters and, once designed, I animated
them and programed the game.

Diana: Programmer and Beta Tester.

(Diana). I was responsible for testing the game
again and again looking for errors and bugs in
the game that may ruin the experience. Once I
found them, I helped David to solve them and
test the game again.
Tania: Marketing.
(Tania). My job was to present the project and
make a meeting for Instituto Tecnolgico and
CONCYTEQ authorities to show the impact
that our project could have and convince them
to invest on it.

Tools used.
(Diana). For the design of the characters,
creating scenes and objects we used Adobe
Flash and Adobe Illustrator.
(Diana). And to animate the characters, props,
scenes programming, movements and events
we used ActionScript.

(Vicky). Our game is designed for kids in

elementary and junior high, we had to think of
a clever way to create a porper atmosphere so
the kids would like it and an easy gaming
experience for the smallest ones.
(Vicky). The project had a duration of one
month and we worked under a little bit of
pressure because we had to present the
project in Quertaro and it had to be

Official Presentation.
(Tania). The prototype was presented in the
Exposicin de Ciencia y Tecnologa del Estado
de Quertaro (EXPOCYTEQ).
(Tania). People who tried our prototype
(children, teenagers and adults) were very
satisfied and their opinions were very
pleasant, they mentioned that it was a very
practical and effective way to learn and it
wouldnt hurt applying it in schools.

(Diana). We manage to create a prototype that
was fun but challenging at the same time.
(Diana). The main objective of the prototype
was completed, users learned a bit of history
thanks to it.

Thanks for your time!

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