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Teacher Notes

- Click the number on the tree

corresponding to the date in
- Click
to move to the next
- Click
to return to the tree
- For help making a link
between the story and the
scripture or prayer, please look in
the notes section.
- Make your own Jesse Tree Print and cut out the symbol each
day, write a prayer on the back

About the Jesse

Have you ever seen a family tree?
In ancient times, when few people
could read, the ancestors of Christ
were sometimes shown as part of a
Jesse Tree, which is named after
the father of King David. The Jesse
Tree reminds us of characters and
events that prepared Gods people
for the birth of Jesus.
Join us as we use the Jesse Tree this
Advent to learn, pray and act for a
more just world.

Print symbols here

Click on the number

corresponding to the
date in December.

Sunday 1st December

Jesse Tree
just as new branches sprout from a
stump, so a new king will arise from
among David's descendants.
Isaiah 11: 1-10


Caritas Australias partner in Bolivia, INDEPO, is

working with communities to prevent soil erosion and
provide an income through an olive production and
processing project.
6,500 olive tree seedlings were planted into a droughtaffected area of Pasorapa. A water tank truck is used to
water the crops.

just as new branches sprout from a

stump, so a new king will arise from
among David's descendants.
Isaiah 11: 1-10


God of Hope,
Even when it seems all is
lost, you can bring about new
life. This Advent may I turn
away from all my fears and
place my trust in you.

Encourage your
parents/carers/teachers to
join you in using this Advent
Calendar each day.

Monday 2nd December

God saw everything that he had made,
and indeed, it was very good.
Genesis 1: 31


Caritas Australia's partner, Caritas Huacho, is working

with communities in remote areas of Peru to have
enough food to eat.
In one community, 5,400 seed potatoes were planted,
resulting in a harvest of 13,400 kilos of potatoes.
Families now have more to eat, and excess to sell for

God saw everything that he had made,

and indeed, it was very good.
Genesis 1: 31

Loving God,
Creation was your first gift of
almighty love. May I consider
how I treat the earth and all
creation that you have
entrusted to our care with
love and respect.
The word Advent means the coming. Create a focal area at
home or school to help you prepare for the coming of Jesus at
Christmas. You could include an Advent wreath, candles,
Bible, prayers and the words

Tuesday 3rd December

So God created humankind in his image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.
Genesis 1:26-28


The PUJLLAY program in Bolivia, run by Caritas

Australias partner, ASONGS, is helping children and
adolescents to understand and protect their rights.
They learn how to care for their environment, stay
healthy and
grow their own vegetables.

So God created humankind in his image,

in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.


Genesis 1:26-28

Holy Spirit,
Help me to respect the
dignity and rights of all
people in order to help
build a world of justice and

Learn more about the

PUJLLAY project.
this short animated children

Wednesday 4th December

The waters swelled and increased greatly
on the earth; and the ark floated on the
face of the waters.
Genesis 7:11-20


It is really important to work with communities before

natural disasters hit. This is called Disaster Risk
Reduction (DRR).
In Samoa, shipping containers stocked with essential
relief supplies were put in place just in case there was
an emergency.
When Cyclone Evan hit Samoa in Dec last year, these

The waters swelled and increased greatly

on the earth; and the ark floated on the
face of the waters.


Genesis 7:11-20

Protector God,
I pray that I too can be a
symbol of salvation, an ark
for people experiencing the
storms of life.

Find out how many

emergencies Caritas
Australia is currently
responding to and pray for
the people affected.
Visit our website

Thursday 5th December

Look toward heaven and count the
stars, if you are able to count them.
Genesis 15: 1-6


Ongoing conflict in Syria has left over 8.3 million people

in need of urgent humanitarian assistance.
Caritas Australia is helping over 100,000 people by
providing food, health care, educational and social
services, water and sanitation, shelter and blankets.

Look toward heaven and count the stars,

if you are able to count them.
Genesis 15: 1-6


God of Abraham,
You were faithful to your
promises. Help us to be
faithful to our promise to
end poverty, promote
justice and uphold dignity.

Use Caritas Australias

Syria Prayer PowerPoint
to pray for all the people
affected by this crisis.

Friday 6th December

"...So have no fear; I myself will provide
for you and your little ones.
Genesis 50: 15-21


Rolly and his family were devastated when Typhoon

Bopha ripped through the Philippines destroying his
coconut farm. He was able to join a Caritas partner
program to help restore his farm.
When Rolly heard that the program only helps farmers,
he gave permission to his neighbour, who doesn't have
any land, to use 3,000m of his own farmland.

"...So have no fear; I myself will provide

for you and your little ones.
Genesis 50: 15-21


Loving God,
Help me to help others in
solidarity, just as Rolly
helped his neighbour at a
time when he himself had

Reach out to another

student who you wouldnt
normally play with today.

Saturday 7th December

The Egyptians became ruthless in
imposing tasks on the Israelites, and
made their lives bitter with hard service
Exodus 1:8-14


Marshal lives with a disability and requires a

wheelchair. In August last year, Marshals community
selected him to receive a toilet facility built especially
for his needs with the support from Caritas Australias
partner in Zimbabwe, Caritas Harare .
Marshals life has improved. He is now able to access
the toilet on his own and his risk of water and
sanitation related diseases has decreased.

The Egyptians became ruthless in

imposing tasks on the Israelites, and
made their lives bitter with hard service


Exodus 1:8-14

God of Justice,
Advent is a time to repent of ways
I've hurt people. But who repents
for the hurts experienced by those
living in extreme poverty? Give me
the wisdom and strength to work
towards a world where everyone
has their fair share.

Find out if your school or parish is

collecting items for Christmas
hampers and ask your parents if

Sunday 8th December

I am the God of your father, the God of
Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God
of Jacob.
Exodus 3:1-6


Thanks to the Development of Cultural Enterprise

program which is supported by Caritas Australia,
Augustina from Beswick in the Northern Territory is able
to work within her community and learn more about
her rich heritage and culture.
She likes meeting different people who come through
the Ghunmarn Cultural Centre and taking the Elders to
their art exhibitions. Augustina always knew she

I am the God of your father, the God of

Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God
of Jacob.


Exodus 3:1-6

Loving God,
Just as Augustina has been able to
learn about and value her culture and
community, may I too value those
that have come before me and strive
to participate in my own family and in
my local and global community.

Learn more about Djilpin

Arts in this 2min video clip
on the annual
Walking with Spirits festival

Monday 9th December

The Israelites went into the sea on dry
ground, the waters forming a wall for
them on their right and on their left.
Exodus 14: 21-22


Caritas Australias partners in Africa are working with

communities to determine what strengths the
community already has. These could be physical,
economic, environmental or skills related.
Programs are then designed with the communities to
build on their existing strengths. This approach is
empowering and sustainable.

The Israelites went into the sea on dry

ground, the waters forming a wall for
them on their right and on their left.


Exodus 14: 21-22

Almighty God,
May I use the strengths
you have given me to work
for a just and fair world, a
world in balance, at peace
and free of poverty.

In 2000, world leaders came together and

agreed to overcome poverty through 8 goals by
2015. These goals are known as the Millennium
Development Goals, and the 2015 deadline is
fast approaching.

Tuesday 10th December

Take, eat, share
... those who gathered much had nothing
over, and those who gathered little had
no shortage; they gathered as much as
each of them needed.
Exodus 16: 13-21


The Australia Africa Community Engagement Scheme

(AACES*) in Malawi has been very successful. Families
have gone from producing 100kg to 750kg of maize per
acre. Their groundnut production has increased from
25kg to 200kg per half acre. This has greatly improved
food security in the area.
They have achieved this through seed distribution and
by learning new farming techniques.

... those who gathered much had nothing

over, and those who gathered little had
no shortage


Exodus 16: 13-21

God of Plenty,
You provided for your people
in the desert. May we
continue to be your working
hands by supporting Caritas
Australia and the
communities with whom they
The AACES program not only focuses on food security, but
water and sanitation too. Regina shares her story of surviving
a crocodile attack and the transformation for the whole
community now that they have built a bore water pump close
to the village.

Wednesday 11th December

Honour your father and your mother, so
that your days may be long in the land
that the Lord your God is giving you.
Exodus 20


Caritas Australia's local partner, Caritas Harare, is

working with communities in Zimbabwe. Farmers have
learned how to farm livestock and how to sell their
produce at market.
They now have more food to feed their families and
their income has increased. Farmers used to earn $5
per month, but now earn $30 per month.

Honour your father and your mother, so

that your days may be long in the land
that the Lord your God is giving you.


Exodus 20

May I be faithful to your
commandments and be
conscious of how my
actions impact the land
and lives of others who
provide my source of food.

Take the food quiz today and think about your own food
consumption. Where did it come from, who produced it,
is it nourishing, and is it

Thursday 12th December

Answering God's
And Samuel said, Speak, for your
servant is listening.
1 Samuel 3: 8-10


Caritas Australias local partner in Laos, has been able

to establish a transitional home for street children.
Last year, 138 children were provided with continual
support, access to education and job skills to help keep
them off the streets.
The program helps the children to support each other,

And Samuel said, Speak, for your

servant is listening.
1 Samuel 3: 8-10


Jesus Teacher,
Help me to value what I
learn beyond exams and to
recognise how my
education has changed me
and provided opportunities
for a new future.

The work of Caritas Australia is guided by the principles

of Catholic Social Teaching. View this PowerPoint and
think about how you
can apply these principles at school and home today.

Friday 13th December

He shall build a house for my name, and I
will establish the throne of his kingdom
2 Samuel 7: 12-17


The Deaf Development Program in Cambodia is

supported by Caritas Australia* and specialises in sign
language and job skills. It helps young people living
with a hearing impairment to communicate and get a
One person who has benefited is David. He is now able
to read and write basic Khmer, and by using his new
job skills, has opened his own barber shop. His family

He shall build a house for my name, and I

will establish the throne of his kingdom


2 Samuel 7: 12-17

Loving God,
Help our leaders fulfil their
promise to achieve all eight
of the Millennium
Development Goals by 2015.
A promise they made in the
year 2000.

Did you know that our generation

has already halved extreme

Saturday 14th December

"Give your servant therefore an
understanding mind to govern your
people, able to discern between good
and evil
1 Kings 3: 9-15


Through Caritas Australia's partner, YMTM, the Integrated

Village Development Program in West Timor is training
community members to work together as a group to
increase their crop production. This is helping to prevent
the annual food shortages they have experienced in the
The farmers are also learning new techniques used in
farming dry land so they are able to take advantage of

"Give your servant therefore an

understanding mind to govern your people,
able to discern between good and evil


1 Kings 3: 9-15

Lord God,
Just like the communities in
West Timor who are
achieving great results by
working together, help us
work together too. For
when we work together we
can achieve great things.
Make a paper chain. Write the names of family, friends and
the many other people in our world today that also need
our love on strips of coloured paper. Link all the strips
together to make a decorative

Sunday 15th December

O Lord, God of Abraham, Isaac, and
Israel, let it be known this day that you
are God in Israel, that I am your servant,
and that I have done all these things at
your bidding..."
1 Kings 18: 36-39


Before joining the Integrated Village Development

Program in West Timor, Ruben was struggling to
support his family. However, Ruben now has money for
food through income generation activities.
He owns three pigs, a goat, six chickens and some
cattle. Ruben has excelled, becoming the president of
the savings and loan group:


O Lord, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, let

it be known this day that you are God in
Israel, that I am your servant, and that I have
done all these things at your bidding...
1 Kings 18: 36-39

God of Transformation,
May I be aware of the
decisions that I make and
the impact these have on

Think of the environment

this Christmas. Instead of
buying something new as a
present, is there something
you can make or recycle?

Monday 16th December

I called to the Lord out of my distress,
and he answered me; ..."
Jonah 2:1-10


Much of the area of Belu district, West Timor, is dry and

mountainous, and can be difficult to farm. To overcome
this, the Integrated Village Development Program is
helping farmers learn how to use upland terracing. In
addition, the planting of terrace-strengthening plants
provides added security from soil erosion and

I called to the Lord out of my distress,

and he answered me; ..."
Jonah 2:1-10

God of Hope,
Many communities around
the world have found new
ways to live and thrive. Help
me to recognise that with
faith in you, I too can thrive
and find new ways to reach
out to others.
Changes to our climate primarily affect the worlds poorest
people. Caritas Australia is helping vulnerable communities
adapt to the impacts of these changes, which are already
affecting millions of people.

Tuesday 17th December

From a distance Judith called out to the
sentries at the gates, Open, open the
gate! God, our God, is with us, still
showing his power in Israel and his
strength against our enemies...
Judith 13: 11-20

Kamala first joined the community cooperative in Nepal nine
years ago when she was struggling to make ends meet. She
is now the cooperative manager and is able to provide food
and education for her children, save enough money to buy
more land for farming and build a small hut.
Kamala explains that their cooperative is now able to reach
out to community members, supporting the poorest of the
poor. Kamala explains that being able to help other women


Open, open the gate! God, our God, is

with us, still showing his power in Israel
and his strength against our enemies, as
he has done today!
Judith 13: 1120

God of Justice,
Pray for us, that we may
build a world of inclusion
and equal rights.

Make a Christmas poster to

express the message you
would like everyone to
remember when preparing
for Christmas.

Wednesday 18th December

...learn to do good; seek justice, rescue

the oppressed, defend the orphan, plead

for the widow.
Isaiah 1: 10-20


Life for Bach and his family was difficult. He lost his
fingers in a mining accident and his eldest daughter is
unable to hear or walk. However, with support from
Caritas Australias partner in Vietnam, Bach was able to
join a support group for people with disabilities. He is
also successfully raising pigs and growing the familys
As he and others with disabilities come together to

...learn to do good; seek justice, rescue

the oppressed, defend the orphan, plead
for the widow.


Isaiah 1: 10-20

Loving God,
May all people who are given
the responsibility to protect
others be strong and honest in
all they do. May I also seek
opportunities to be a voice,
speaking against injustices in
my local and my global
Be Aware!
Visit our global issues website and learn at least 3 facts

Thursday 19th December

Then Mary said, Here am I, the servant
of the Lord; let it be with me according to
your word.
Luke 1: 26-38


As Vanuatu lies across the Pacific Rim of Fire there are

many active volcanoes and the area is prone to
earthquakes, tsunamis and cyclones. When the water
supply is interrupted by a natural disaster the impact is
immediate and can be life-threatening to isolated
Caritas Australia is working with communities to cope
better in an emergency by ensuring they have at least

Then Mary said, Here am I, the servant

of the Lord; let it be with me according to
your word.


Luke 1: 26-38

At a time when the meaning
of Christmas can become
lost amongst the busyness
of end of year events,
shopping, and cooking, help
us to remain focused on the
real meaning of Advent.

Make the most of the gift of clean drinking water that is

readily accessible to us here in Australia and say 'no' to

Friday 20th December

John answered them, I baptize with
water "
John 1: 19-28


In Zimbabwe, Caritas Australia has supported local

partner, Caritas Harare, to repair and build 32
This has reduced walking distances from 2km to 400m
for accessing safe water. Having access to clean water
helps the community to stay healthy.

John answered them, I baptize with

water "
John 1: 19-28


God of Life,
We give thanks for the 6.2
billion people who now
have access to clean water
and pray that efforts will
continue to ensure the
remaining 738 million
people who don't have
access to clean water will
not be forgotten.
Find out more using this 'Water: Global Facts' sheet.
Pray for all people to have access to clean water

Saturday 21st December

The people who walked in darkness have
seen a great light; those who lived in a
land of deep darkness on them light
has shined.
Isaiah 9: 2-7


Bae Lisa lives in Mindanao in the Philippines with her

husband and nine children. She is a traditional leader of
the Talaandig tribe.
She works for peace as part of Mindanao Peoples
Caucus (MPC).
Bae Lisa was trained by MPC in peace-building, how to
respond to disasters, advocacy (standing up for
peoples rights) and leadership. Now she is part of
MPCs Council.


The people who walked in darkness have

seen a great light; those who lived in a
land of deep darkness on them light has
Isaiah 9: 2-7

God of Light,
I give thanks for people Bae
Lisa who are confronting the
darkness by working for
peace. May I recognise the
darkness in the world around
me and find a way to let my
light shine.

Light a candle and take time

to think about, pray for and
give thanks for those who

Sunday 22nd December

an angel of the Lord appeared to him
in a dream and said, Joseph, son of
David, do not be afraid
Matthew 1: 18-25


Red Dust Healing, supported by Caritas Australia,

conducts workshops and trains community members to
work with some of the most vulnerable Aboriginal
communities in Australia.
Darryl first participated in the program in April 2012.
He then became a community trainer and has

an angel of the Lord appeared to him in

a dream and said, Joseph, son of David,
do not be afraid


Matthew 1: 18-25

God of Compassion,
You walk alongside us day by
day. Help us to walk in
solidarity with our First

How have your ancestors

prepared for or celebrated
Christmas in the past? Ask your
parents/grandparents what
special traditions have been
passed on. Record them on a

Monday 23rd December

they set out; and there, ahead of
them, went the star that they had seen at
its rising, until it stopped over the place
where the child was.
Matthew 2: 7-12


The first two trainees to come through Western Desert

Walytja Palyantjaku Tjutaku Aboriginal Corporation's
Wellbeing Project, Cassandra and Joshua, have
achieved jobs, building on the skills they learnt making
and selling traditional bush balms and catering events
around Alice Springs with the project.


they set out; and there, ahead of them,

went the star that they had seen at its
rising, until it stopped over the place
where the child was.
Matthew 2: 7-12

Holy Spirit,
Guide me to see the 'stars'
in my life - the people or
opportunities that guide
me on my journey of faith
and life.

Does your family have a

traditional Christmas
recipe? Perhaps make this
as a gift for someone this

Tuesday 24th December

Joseph also went to Bethlehem,
because he was descended from the
house and family of David. He went to be
registered with Mary...who was expecting
a child.
Luke 2:1-5


The 1983-2009 civil war between the Sri Lankan

government and the Tamil Tigers* killed over 60,000
people and displaced 500,000 more.
While the battle in the north of Sri Lanka has stopped,
there are still many people in need. Caritas Australia
has supported over 1,000 families to rebuild their lives
through activities such as fishing and agriculture.
*(Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam)

He went to be registered with Mary...who

was expecting a child.
Luke 2:1-5


Lord God,
This Christmas Eve, as we
recall the story of an innkeeper providing a safe
place for your son Jesus to
be born, we pray for the
many people also seeking
refuge from places affected
by conflict or natural
What do you think Jesus would like for his birthday?
Write a list and think how you can give these gifts to

Wednesday 25th December

Christmas Rejoice!
Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear
a son, and they shall name him
Emmanuel, which means, God is with
Matthew 1: 18-25


Caritas Australia has been working in partnership with

Caritas Bangladesh to deliver the Safe Motherhood
This program trains midwives to provide quality care for
mothers during pregnancy and childbirth. They also


Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear

a son, and they shall name him
Emmanuel, which means, God is with
Matthew 1: 18-25

Loving God,
As we celebrate the birth
of Christ, we pray that
Caritas partners and their
communities continue to
inspire us to challenge
poverty and injustice in the
coming year.

View our Safe Motherhood P

rogram photo gallery
or watch a short film

Root of


1st December

2nd December


Noahs Ark

3rd December

4th December

Stars of


5th December

6th December



7th December

8th December

Parting Seas

9th December

Sand Dunes

10th December

Stone Tablets

11th December

Oil Lamp

12th December

Star of David

13th December


14th December

Temple of

15th December


16th December

Sword and

17th December


18th December


19th December

Cockle Shell

20th December

Christ, our

21st December


22nd December


23rd December


24th December

Baby in a

25th December

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